kindly share the best game 2024
ĂŤ the forgotten one
Alot didnt peak my interest last year.
Unsupervised and werewolf 3: evolutions end did.
CoG: They had an amazingly strong year, with several highly anticipated releases that didn’t disappoint. Personally, I’d say the top honor is a three-way tie among a handful of very different games that made me laugh and cry and think, and elevated the art of interactive fiction: The Book of Hungry Names, The Ghost and the Golem, and Restore, Reflect, Retry.
CoG highest rated: The Book of Hungry Names and Werewolves 3
HC: Ink and Intrigue
HC highest rated: Ink and Intrigue
HG: Whiskey-Four
HG highest rated: An Unexpectedly Green Journey
(I read all CoG and HC games released in 2024, most of them several times, and 10 out 14 HG games.)
Unsupervised for COG and An Unexpectedly Green Journey for HG. Don’t care much for HC, at least not yet.
I sadly haven’t been able to finish many of the 2024 releases (am still catching up from earlier ones and was about to reference Don’t Wake Me Up which came out in 2023 so you can see where I’m at…) but I very much enjoyed Love Undying: A Kiss Before Dawn and Haunted Hearts Hotel, and what I’ve played of The Book of Hungry Names, Restore, Reflect, Retry, and Heavens’ Revolution.
Don’t Wake Me Up was released in 2024, I believe, unless you’re talking about the beta release date.
Argh! Then I’m adding that to the list of ones that I did finish and enjoyed a lot. That’s a further indication of my current sense of time…
In order, Unexpectedly Green Journey, Whiskey Four, Ghost and the Golem
Honorable mention: First Bull Run - but only if you love Civil War history or wargames
Whiskey-Four <3 <3 <3
This is gonna be my pick for GotY. I don’t know if it was the one that was the best this year, but I enjoyed it the most, and it surprised me in how much I enjoyed it the most. Excellent and excellently researched piece of historical fiction, and highly underrated imo. Folks should give it a look if they haven’t.
Thanks Every One
I didn’t read every game that was released in 2024 like I used to do in previous years.
But I really enjoyed reading " I the forgotten one" and “unexpected green journey”
And from what you all just said I feel like I am missing a lot by not reading “whiskey four” and “stone and golem”