Atheina: A Story of the Gods (WIP) [REVAMPED CHAPTER ONE; 21 August 2019]

A mix of practice and devotion, prayer, belief from the mortals I guess.

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So what youre saying is. Get stronger and commit divine genocide?

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I hope the new world hasnt changed them to view the MC as a terrible person or i hope they havent forgotten the MC and wish for them to still be friends. Its probably likely that if the races they all chose fight each other then they might as well depending on how they feel about it all which may have changed from no war to all out war


I kinda want to get rid of the other gods…

Probably can’t since we just got back. The rest of them have been here and gaining power for who knows how long.

Well… They’ve been living as gods for hundreds of years and I would assume that changes you too become the ‘‘persona’’ they played in the start, as I would guess the MC will assume the ‘‘persona’’ God of Death and the longer you play that part the more you will become like it.


Yeah I forgot as soon as we got there when we spoke to the maids it said our voice changed and was cruel and tough.


Well. There goes my hope that they didnt change.

Hey wait. I never questioned it but how did they end up in the room with the maids. im pretty sure that the maids arent goblins

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Asked and answered already. Your palace is in the underworld, where you get the souls from all the races, at least those who don’t qualify for another afterlife.

As for the other gods, am I the only one who thought they were a bunch of jerks when they were high school students?

And I doubt apotheosis improved their personalities, but eh, it’s possible.

If that wasn’t author intent, perhaps add more scenes with the book/gaming club, if we were actually supposed to like any of them.


I don’t know about you but I kind of dig that though, I could envision myself being something similar to Hela in Thor Ragnarok.


“Even Egyptian mythology has the concept of The Word. I am not plagiarising (Typo) any specific holy book.” Rebecca retorts at him.

Actually, I don’t think they did. There are three different creation myths in Egyptian mythology, and none of them mention anything called “the Word.” The gods in Egyptian mythology weren’t eternal either, they were older than the earth, but the first god (Re) was born from an egg. And while things were created as he spoke, he was never called or believed to embody “the Word” like in Christianity.

I also found Rebecca’s argument for ‘no moral code’ kind of bizarre, considering that in the absence of a moral code, a tyrannical empire arose and enslaved everyone. I get why it’s an option, but maybe you should address why not having a moral code would work better the second time around.

Aside from those two things this story seems very interesting, though a bit linear (so far). I’m looking forward to your next update. Whenever that may be.

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You might want to brush up on your Egyptian mythology.

In the creation myth of ancient Memphis, Ptah thought the universe up and then spoke it into being.

“Ptah conceives the world by the thought of his heart and gives life through the magic of his Word.”

Not exactly the same thing, but the universe starting with a Word was the central point.


i kinda agree. i dont expect much kindness. if there is any, its to support possible ulterior motives

I’m familiar with the story but I’d personally say it’s hardly the same concept. Egyptians believing Ptah created the world through words doesn’t mean they had a concept of “The Word” as God, or “The Word” existing eternally. They seem to have believed that Ptah’s words were simply words that he spoke, not that they were a part of him, eternal in origin or alive.

To me, comparing the two feels like saying “Atheists believe the universe was created (by the big bang), which means they have the same concept of creation as theists.” While you could argue that’s technically true, there’s obviously huge differences, since Theists believe the universe was created by a sentient being, while atheists believe the universe was created by a non-sentient event caused by external forces.

In summary, yes, in one of the myths Ptah spoke the world into being, but I think it’s a large stretch to use that to say that the ancient Egyptian’s had a concept of the “the Word.”

But wouldn’t it be difficult to even contact the other gods and I was wondering how would you appear to the mortals is that one going to be customisable as well

Of course they didn’t have the freaking concept of the word as god, they were polytheists.

So is this game, in case you somehow failed to notice, so that’s completely irrelevant to anything.

Ptah spoke the other gods into being. And according to Egyptian lore “It was thought that only by pronouncing a name could a person come into being on Earth. Without a name, no person could be identified in the Judgement at death. Use of a person’s name could bring a curse to its owner, or a healing and blessing. The name of a person or living creature is as much a part of his or her being as the soul and other bodies…a person’s name was actually one of the nine bodies*, and was an essential part of that person’s existence. It was thought that a name was the label for a worldly or unworldly creature’s entire existence. That name, however, was vulnerable to manipulation by magic.”

So in Egyptian mythology a fundamental aspect of their worldview that the word is the thing. So the gods are words, everything is words. Hence how one can combine deities like Amon-Ra.

A phrase for a powerful magician in ancient Egypt is “Not even his mother knows his name.”

If the word isn’t the thing, Ptah wouldn’t be able to create things by speaking them into being.


I would like to see the ability to fight of the patron race of the other gods. plus since i fine with goblins, i would be awesome to craft their government system (monarchy, dictatorship, parliamentary etc…) would these be avaliable


So let me get this straight i have to play as a goblin one of the worst races in fantasy games well at least for me anyway.

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You don’t play as a goblin. Their just the race that you rule over and they worship you.


But goblins have never been useful they don’t ever really have anything going for them there not strong or smart there only useful trait is there numbers.