Right now it’s a bit of a laid back mermaid/man romance, with 4 romanceable characters, 2 males and 2 females that can be romanced by either gender, plus a hidden (human male) character that you can find. Though… I am thinking of adding one or two others beyond the 4 plus 1 hidden…
The hidden character is especially easy to find depending on if you choose the correct options, however doing so may have bad outcomes. I wanted to get him introduced the earlier the better so that way there is actually a chance to get to know him and do things with him before the year is up.
The story is pretty much about trying to find a mate within a month, as well as figuring out the reason you’re so different from the rest of the merfolk. So far I’ve got to the point where you’ve met everyone, so plot MIGHT change just a bit.
I know that isn’t a lot to go on but I’m still fleshing it all out… this is more of a test project, trying to get myself into making stories with actually impactful stories, and getting over the idea that it’s going to be too much work for me.
One last thing, that I thought I’d ask your opinion about, are you comfortable with references to mpreg? Or is that a bit too squicky? I have no intention of actually allowing your male character get that far, but it resolves some issues with biological imperitives v. mating with whomever. Generally I wouldn’t ask about how to write my story, but certain things tend to freak others out pretty badly, and technically I don’t NEED to put this in… so yeah.
Coding’s been a bit difficult for this, at least keeping track because many options may allow you to meet other characters early or even miss all of them and it’s a bit of a mess to keep everything where it’s supposed to be, so if you choose one option and you end up with something obviously and completely wrong let me know, yeah?
It’s only about 5000 words all together so far.