Adoriel's Tears WIP GAME UPDATE 26/8/2022

Yep basically. U either like him or hate him. This is his character arc in the story.

Yes Mc is very biased about how they view Arthur at the moment. Either they like him or they hate him. Finding the in-between of these two primary reactions will take time. Certain events may also influence such a change.


Based on your relationship with Arthur you can learn a little more about him. Especially about his family.


I guess there was something wrong, because I chose option that MC hates Arthur, but Arthur talked quite a lot about himself and his family. Sometimes, they were even friendly with each other :neutral_face:


That probably a bug or glitch since he said that when I chose to be friends with him

So you learned that his sisters were called Capucine, Jasmine, Lily and Daphne and Iris? That his mother worked with his grandfather before she met his father and that he chose his first name, hence the fact that he did not have a flower name like his sisters?

This already became one of my favorite WIPs. Keep it up! :slight_smile:


This was great! Can’t wait to see how it will unfold! Good work :wink:


Can we stab Arthur in the face yet? :hocho: :hocho:


Haha my character was jealous of Arthur stealing away the uncle. Cutie! :heart_eyes:


No, but pushing him into a well like Leonidas on the other hand…:smirk:


@Scorporal Thank you both ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


….they are kids. Why is there a need to stab him in the face :sweat:


Some Mc’s are quick to violence where I struggle to write the choices where Mc is mean to Arthur :sob:


I think in hating Arthur, which is a valid reaction, there is still a bit extreme violence that makes the MC seem……unhinged. Is that a route that is planned? Going full evil villain? Maybe it has been asked and I don’t remember or didn’t see the answer.


Oh some of Mc’s reactions are indeed a bit extreme, it’s actually questionable whether it’s really Mc who makes these choices or not. I guess we’ll have to wait for the next update to see.
Going full vilain in book 2 is indeed possible. :eyes:


Maybe it has something to do with that voice we hear once in a while telling us to find them. Also the Mc is a half breed and tears fear them for a reason

Yeah, but as readers, being excited about violence against children is a bit :neutral_face: Violence as adult, yeah, okay. I think playing a murderdeathkill child against children runs into a iffy area. But maybe it just means the story isn’t for me. :v:t2: Which is perfectly fine. To each their own. I got the clarification needed. Thanks.


We’ll be playing an adult MC for most of the game :person_shrugging:
I think as a child MC can be mean at best - just like kids sometimes are mean to each other (yeah, I know from experience) :sweat_smile:
Unless there will be chapter where Arthur and MC are teenagers and MC can become more aggressive and dangerous then…

@daugtherofolympusif I didn’t know that. So no bugs :thinking: I still think sometimes MC was suspiciously friendly but I won’t complain anymore! I’m glad everything is ok.

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Do you think I should rework certain passages? Do you have any examples? :thinking:

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