Well if you choose to look like your dad the female MC will be slightly taller, more curves, and slight stronger build
Choosing to look like your mom will make your female MC average girl size, more slender, and a thinner build.
Well, then the male mc really can’t look like a model (or a really cute actor), can he?
The cutest models male are usually something in between your two options when it comes to their bodies.
With the “slender” option my mc really would (still) have body dysmorphia, so there’d be no point in dressing up and most pro bodybuilders I’ve met in real-life usually dress in very loose clothing when actually out and about, so we can forget about really looking fashionable or stylish then as well.
What I’d want for my male mc ideally is “swimmer” or “surfer” build, not “bodybuilder” or “rail-thin and short”.
But what when I want to be tall but flat like a pancake? Or when I want to be smol with muscles like Overwatch’s Zarya?
If that would be too much work wouldn’t it be easier in that case to just avoid specific describtions of MC’s appereance and just refereing to MC’s general attractiveness instead? That way it pretty much is left open for the player what kind of attractive their MC is.
This is ultimately your game and I (tentatively) swear this is (probably) the last thing I have to say on the topic. I’d go with the dad MC, I guess, but all this “slightly” makes it feel like a less than compelling choice, you know?
Yeeah, like the female MC options still look so similar. It doesn’t seem like it’d make much of a difference and it’d free up your time. A lot (most?) games on this site just avoid MC appearance.
Ok sooo I shall explain the locket using pictures ! Because no matter how much I explain people don’t understand lol(sorry if this sounds rude it’s not lol)
Ok so you ARE NOT WEAK! You are the same level of power as all the other RO mostly greatly stronger. The LOCKET keeps you from awakening your FULL powers but your powers still grow it just keeps you from awakening them all at once.
So basically you are this(sorry but this was the closest example)
But you can be this now if the locket didn’t stop you and make your powers grow naturally:
I agree with this, unless the author really planned on the mc’s exact built, body type and appearance figuring heavily in the story itself, there’s not much point in having the appearance choices so heavily restricted (and deeply unsatisfying).
More pictures! Ok so you are not body builder build! You won’t have bulging muscles (because your 16) you will have healthy natural muscles
Like this:
Not this:
Ugh now you guys are scaring me I chose these builds based on what I thought was cool. Now I feel like I’m doing a bad job . Maybe it was a bad idea to add the option to customize your characters I obviously don’t have the talent to do it I’ll start thinking of a default character
Why does this post make me titter so? It must feel horrible, and inspires much pity, and yet…I cannot look away…
Poor us.
@idonotlikeusernames, hon, COG flashbacks, yes?
Mmhm. I’m always in the camp of go all out or silence is golden.
Oh, okay, well if we can couple the “muscular” body with a really pretty face, like that certain actor then all is well.
Though the anatomy seems a bit off in the first one, and I wouldn’t actually mind my mc maturing into the second one, but at sixteen it’d be a bit much.
Don’t care much for the tattoo on that one either, but the body type seems to more or less match my anime picture of Squall, so I guess I’d be cool with that.
Nah, you’re not doing a bad job per se, you’re just running into the fact that your audience’s tastes and how we’d like to visualize our mc’s vary tremendously.
Unless the mc’s appearance and build or body “type” and shape really affect the story in a meaningful way (beyond just being very handsome or beautiful all of a sudden) you can either just not bother with mc customization and leave it entirely up to our imaginations. For example: if you just say in your opening scene with the bullies that after their transformation the mc now looks like a “(super) model” most of us will fill it in for ourselves what that means to us, besides suddenly being beautiful or handsome, or both.
On the other hand if you like writing up descriptions you can also provide a longer and more varied list with detailed descriptions that only affect (a page on) our stats screens.
Only if you envision it somehow playing an important role in the narrative itself does it need to become more important or difficult than that.
If you’re still worried about the player-character customization or lack thereof, take a look at how some of the other authors around here handle it. If you want to go to the trouble of providing explicit customization options I’d recommend looking at how the Myrmidon and “Freak: Amidst the Neon Lights” handle these things and on the other side of this we have Guns of Infinity, where we do not explicitly customize our mc’s appearance and we know only that they probably look like dashing cavalry officers and the rest is left entirely up to our own imaginations.
This is really really what I was hoping wouldn’t happen. Please don’t be upset. If people thought you didn’t have the ability, I think we ( though obs I can only speak for myself) would save the energy it takes to explain ourselves. Also…I don’t know that I like the sound of DEFAULT MC. What do you mean by that?
I’d like to add Children of the Gods and The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia as two I’m partial to, off the top of my head.
Yes your body type would have(cuz I’m not sure if adding customization any more) made you more attractive to the RO. If you chose to look like your mom the male RO will be easier to romance and if you look like you father the female RO will find you more attractive. You would still romance either but the RO affection will boost depending on the body type. And yes you would basically looked like a model if you looked like your dad.
Since no one seemed to bring it up, @OracleD3, please refrain from using the term “trap(s)”, please. It’s a horribly transphobic slur and shouldn’t be used in jest at all.
It would mean that you MC would look well like however I make them look? Like this would be what your MC look like through out the series and you just pick their name, powers, clothes, aura, personality
Default male:
Default Female:
@Sammysam brought it up.
Well then I’m glad you’re re-thinking it, or else you’d have been saying that basically every male RO is more into “androgynous guys” who look (a bit) like girls, which wouldn’t have been all that satisfying to me, and I’m sure some of the other gay guys around here as well and would have carried some quite nasty implications.
A male one I hope. You can still leave that in, if you want, really no further detailing necessary if you don’t want to bother with it. Just having the RO’s treat us as generically beautiful or handsome, with everything else dependent on how we actually act towards them and maybe how we choose to dress is enough.
Only do more if you really want to.
Oh I’m sorry I’m used to calling my friend that as a joke but I understand that it’s insensitive. I’ll stop.
This thread moves so fast sometimes… and I’m also running on 2 hours of sleep. Thanks, @Sammysam. Just consider me seconding you.
Like I said, it shouldn’t be used in jest at all. The trans community is already fetishized enough online as it is, and that’s just one of the many terms/slurs used, but thanks for agreeing to stop. Cheers.
Ugh now I feel like a insensitive jerk I’m so sorry.
OracleD3 do you still need to know how to blurr?