A Tale of Phil

I wonder how many artists are on this site?

Remember astro boy, at the end where it’s like a flip book with him running and then he jumps and starts to fly, that’s when I started drawing.

Any scenes you would really like to see in a stone age comic?

Ok the first page is done, what do you think of this.


so would you read this?

Thats so kool i would read it. :smiley:

Nice arts!

Whoa! Love it! How long does it take you to draw?

Wow, that’s some speedy artistry. Looks good! Your comic version is so much clearer than the text version.

That’s much better I had no idea what was going on in the text version

Love it! Excited to see where this goes.

Right on, nice to see you like it I drew that yesterday, If I try I can do a page like that a day, maybe more if it’s not so complicated, those knots really beat me up.

I put all the dialogue on a separate layer if I need to change anything let me know.

Ok here is page 2


In the last box, you probably want:

Food and a warm drink were on the old Teller’s mind. The road had been hard.


The road had been hard; food and a warm drink were on the old Teller’s mind.

The second suggestion is just a bit of stylistic editing, so feel free to ignore it if you prefer the original flow of what you wrote. :wink:

Thank you CS_Closet I’ll take the second one.
I think since I wrote the story with a guy in mind, I will do the comic with a female lead any suggestions on that.
Also for every choice I’m going to have to draw a new page so I’m going to be holding of on branches for a while.

I’ve never actually found an interactive comic that gave an option on the lead character’s gender, but in my experience with making visual novels, it’s easiest if you never really show the protagonist clearly, or only do so occasionally during important or gender specific scenes. This cuts down a lot on the amount of drawing needed to be done, and you can just change the text layer to reflect the gender.

Of course, I think your game would be just fine even if you didn’t have the female lead option, but that’s really up to what you want to do and what you’re comfortable with.

Oh I want both genders it’s more work but,
Well I’m just going to erase the lady and draw in the guy when the time comes its no big thing.
I have ideas already for what they will act and look like, the male is me, and the fem is my first crush mixed with two secret historical people and some bear grills thrown in for survival tips.

Hey heres something i think if you only have a picture on a page it wont let you *page_brake so is there a work around ?

@Pale_Strider Coming together nicely. :slight_smile:

I had that problem adding chapter title images for Vendetta. I ended up putting a simple

symbol before the *page_break command.

Thanks Vandetta,
But I couldn’t get that to work so I put page 1, page 2 it must need some text to proceed .

That’s strange–I’ve literally just got:

*image vend_chapter1.png
*page_break Begin Chapter One

and it works just fine, both online and offline.

Then again, there’s nothing wrong with using “Page 1”, etc. either. :slight_smile:

I fool around with it when I wake up,
Page 3 is up

@Vandetta yup it does work but there is a

Between the image and the next button.

Ok I’m going to get started on page 4.