Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven -- set for release 10/28/16

It’s assumed that if White and/or Co. take him he will show up again later. His only other fate at this stage is death by MC.

You can also roundhouse kick one of the soldiers’ heads into the side of their vehicle I believe.

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I have never tried the hand to hand combat, but it sounds like that it would make for an interesting run. I forgot that you could use close combat weapons too because I sliced through White’s skull with one of my character’s

:joy: Yes. You can roundhouse kick one of 'em to death, but only if hand-to-hand combat is your top skill. I’m also not sure if it varies based off of what fighting style you pick, really. Kickboxing definitely results in the roundhouse kick, though. I still can’t get over it. I was expecting a neck snap - definitely not that.

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My Sambist and Wrestler tackled the soldier into the humvee, while my Boxer roundhouse punched 'em to death :smile: While a neck-snap is impractical and more of a movie attack, I expected to see at least one of the fighting styles to result in a neck-centered attack as well, even if not necessarily a neck-snap. It would be cool to capture one of the soldiers instead of killing them, but I imagine that would be a giant change to the plot.

Yeah, although chances are they’d be left for dead, which would make it somewhat easier. Still the question of what to do with them would have to be answered. Most people wouldn’t be that ok with just killing them. Of course there are lots of ways that the choice could be removed from your hands by them somehow being killed off, but that could be pretty frustrating if it’s in a way that you should have been able to foresee/prevent. Having a prisoner long term that you could even potentially sway to your side (stockholme syndrome or something?) could be really interesting, but it’s another new feature on top of the already long list.

I was thinking more along the lines of interrogating and then killing/freeing them. But the ‘keeping prisoner until they switch to your side’ seems like an interesting, if risky, idea.

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[spoiler]As unlike as it is to be added, it is an interesting thought. I’m always game for survivors that can pose a risk to the MC. Dead State had one or two psychopaths you could recruit that would cause crisis events just for having them.

In theory, if we kept them away long enough (assuming my own theory of the corrupt branch of the army experimenting on their own soldiers is true), it’s possible they could be marked as a deserter/defector with orders to shoot/kill on sight. That’d be one incentive to get them to stay, but that wouldn’t guarantee their trust. If anything, I feel like they’d probably end up pulling a Tom if we took that route…

If we consider the Stockholm syndrome approach… I suppose it’d be more about the MC’s morality than anything. It’s not the cleanest way to recruit someone, but… it’s more likely to result in you not getting a knife in your back while you sleep. Maybe. Considering it looks like we’ll be able to choose whether we become raiders or not, it doesn’t seem like too far-fetched of an idea, but also considering that we already have so many survivors to potentially recruit (which I love), it’s unlikely.[/spoiler]

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Freeing them does seem like the most reasonable course for someone unwilling to execute them, but it could also be a really bad idea. After all, they’re probably kinda pissed off at you. Especially if it turns out they were actually part of some legit group and not just AWOL. Course if they were then you probably would have had soldiers knocking down your door before the week was out anyway.

Twenty minutes of civilized conversation while one of the parties is tied up can solve the misunderstanding. “Oh, so you’re part of a legit group and your story checks out? I’m sorry for capturing you, you can go now, and please take my apologies and some cookies with you.”

I mean. Maybe. Maybe not.

Well thanks to @Shoelip the ability to capture someone will be added in the next update.

what if their could be a Murderer occupation where your mental state is less effected by seeing the undead and all its gruesome glory?
i laugh at the thought of the MC being some heartless bastard or something resorting to being a raider
not only that but being crazy as well

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Technically, you can already do that, can’t you?

They’re mostly flavor choices (as far as I’m aware), but, for example, when you kill the zombie outside your house, you can choose how your MC reacted. You could totally play it off as being completely unaffected by having to kill it or the complete opposite where it took a great toll all the way to being completely amped up for surviving in the apocalypse. My guy literally had to sit down on the porch after that. Dunno if those choices affect the mental health stat though.

You can already do that too. :smile: There’s a pretty long list of all the times you can play as a completely ruthless/heartless character whether it be by killing someone to get their gear or simply being unsympathetic.

That’d be the delusions disadvantage. It’s not the ‘fun’ kind of ‘crazy’, but… that’s what it is.

Hey, @JimD, a question. Will our MC ever get the opportunity to talk about, discuss, or reflect upon what happened in the prologue for their profession? I’m an angst lord, Jim. If I had the chance to make my police officer feel awful for being unable to save his rookie partner, I would take it. :cry:

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Another thing that has been bother me is how are we going to get insulin for Parker? Eventually all of it is going to expire. Are we going to pull an Eva Saxl if our science or medicine is high enough?

Though, I guess we all have to die some way.


Response to OMG-don’t-click spoilers:

Rachel, an ex-assassin? Well, that makes things interesting. Now I’m curious to see how she fights zombies. It also makes me wonder if she really wants to ally with the MC or just stab him/her in the back in time, or something.

In response to a spoiler about the pet:

After the betrayal, could we kill the pet, and eat it or something?

Also, if it ain’t too much of a spoiler, could it be possible for a scientist MC to create a cure for the virus? If so, if we scavenge a science laboratory, could we get microscopes, petri dishes, etc.? My IRL knowledge in viruses is very low, though, so I apologize if this question is stupid.

just started to think about, if JimD does try to change anything from the start of the story it would add more work to his workload by having to add scenes where something of that suggestion is involved in the story like if you wanted another occupation they would have to add another route and mix a few codes up
not just that but trying to change something may end up getting stressful if you have a hard time looking at a computer screen for long extended periods of time like me but i don’t know anything about JimD so i wouldn’t know if he has any issues like that but just what my opinion is when thinking of something think of how much he might have to rewrite in order to add something if he has already gotten really far already and someone suggests adding something that occurs so many chapters before it may just add to his workload to go through and recode anything unless its something important like an easy to fix bug

Don’t hate or anything just giving an opinion

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Wait, are there are more ROs that we haven’t met yet? :open_mouth: Roughly how many more are we looking at? Can you tell us which way(s) the existing ROs swing?

I’m also a little curious about why Julianne’s available when Reilly isn’t even though they’re both background-exclusive. When can non-bank-robber characters expect to meet Reilly?

Oh and and I noticed that the text says “taking the portable generator would be quite a chore and limit the rest of what you can carry” and “You can take 2 more items” but the option for taking the portable generator isn’t selectable.

I don’t think that was ever stated.

If I’m remembering correctly though, some of them are gender-locked. Not only that, but some of them are age-locked as well. A teenage!MC won’t be able to romance older characters (not without some (moral) difficulties on the RO’s part at least) just like an adult!MC won’t be able to romance the youngin’s like Madison and Brody. Can’t tell ya about the current ROs’ sexualities though. :disappointed_relieved:

I can only make two safe assumptions about two of 'em right now. 1, Woody is straight. It’s kind of hilarious if you try flirting with him as a guy. And I quote: “Woody’s eyes go wide, and he leans so far to one side, he tumbles off the couch.” If he isn’t, I’ll be surprised something awful. :joy: 2, Jamie is most likely gonna be bi/pan. I’m calling it. IIRC, he was made into an RO by popular demand so it’d make sense if he was available for all players. Assuming you can convince him to risk the jeopardizing your (best)friendship, that is.:kissing_closed_eyes:

I totally agree with you. I’ve never had a character flirt with Woody but I took a peek at the code for his interactions just a few minutes ago. 10/10 :joy:

It was stated but without specifics for individual characters.

The quote just cuts off. Admittedly, being bisexual myself, I’m saddened that there’s comparatively little exposure for bi characters (not just in this game, mind you, in most media). I’m not sure why Jim decided on this. It might’ve been because of the complaints about the previous game?