Got some more feedback!
Spelling errors:
“habiit” - happened when Parker was talking about kicking his smoking habit.
“If you don’t mind the question, did you happen to see how our man died? I’m not too knowledgeable about medical matters, but I don’t have to be a brain surgeon to figure out someone Know anything about that?” *There’s a strange gap in the flow of the sentence and the question randomly ends.
“I hope the outbreak ends soon, so I don’t miss reqistration.” *registration
“I say, thought it’s just to see what she can do for me.” *though
"You see no reason to leave the safety of your home but know these zombies must die. Once they finish off the fallen man, there’s no telling what they’ll do next. Being passive, you may risk more in the long run than killing the undead now while they’re distracted.
and draw open your window." *there’s an odd line break and a full stop.
"You step away from the window of your home and wipe away sweat from your forehead.
Next you…
Next, you… " *“Next, you…” appears twice
Continuity errors:
After trying to stop the bleeding on Lopez’s neck, he tries to stand but the text says “your eyes fall over the corpse of Private First Class Lopez. If the soldiers see him dead, you can’t tell how they’ll react”. It seems a little abrupt to assume Lopez is dead seconds after he tried to stand.
My character told White that she killed Lopez, then said that the neck wound was a cut and not an infection. White behaved like my character never killed the guy at all.
When trying to review my character’s relationships with others, I get a pop-up message that says “choicescript_stats line 683: Non-existent variable ‘dante_join’”
“Bonnie” also appears on the relationship list by the end of the beta even though my character has never met her.
“You raise your .38 Special. You’ve fired at a zombie before, but this shot feels more important. You’ve fired it many times.” *The order of this description feels a little off?