Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven: Part Three Discussion Thread

i think in the rachel thing is bug cause in Part 2 she’s supposed to have low stats cause she’s hiding the fact she a CIA agent but later that should change after divlging the secret, but in your case maybe the code is there but a glitch occured where it still recognizes the previous stats

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A new version of the app has been published on 10/4/2024. Here is the change log:

  • Fixed a problem with the code that handles how many items you can scavenge.
  • Fixed the way that allegiance is awarded in Part 2.
  • Fixed the value for the sky nest in Part 2.
  • Fixed the list of special specimens you can view in your science notebook.
  • New character portraits have been added for Allison, Billie, Rosie, and Woody.

Chapter 2

  • When first meeting Lopez, you now have an opportunity to attack the other soldiers if you are suspicious of them.
  • Reduced the amount of time it takes if you go outside to help Dante when he is being attacked by zombies.
  • Added a checkpoint at 7 PM.

Chapter 3

  • When going to save Jaime, if you steal a vehicle, the game now accurately calculates durability and maneuverability.

Chapter 6

  • Added a checkpoint after the farm mission.

Chapter 7

  • Fixed an issue with how camp defense is calculated.

Chapter 9

  • At the railroad, if you are in a relationship with both Madison and Brody, they may have a confrontation with you.

Chapter 12

  • Fixed the portrait of Keith.
  • Fixed an issue with the pregnancy storyline, so it accurately counts birth control.

A bit of feedback: since the update, the crafting options at the junkyard in Part 3 do not seem to be working like before.

Before you could build around 10 items during the task planning turns if you had the appropriate workshop and skills, but now the option seems to delete itself after crafting just one item.


Thanks, I will work on fixing this soon.

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Dumb question but is there a profession where we worked with rachel I don’t remember


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Are we ever gonna get an option to kill off/ let Jamie die? Or ar least threaten him into keeping his thoughts to himself?

Loud mouthed bastard always has some stupid thought to input, him surviving past the first day is the hardest thing to believe in the whole story :joy:

“Lets give away food to the people who tried to break in, putting us all in danger!”

“Lets completely ignore the strangers lurking nearby”

“Lets sit around with our thumbs up our asses until the Silverthornes attack us”


Interesting but Faulkner’s side of the story (when you speak to him at Lancelot) is that Goodman staged a violent coup and ended up killing most of the higher-ups at the base while Faulkner narrowly escaped. He also mentions that he was extremely busy staying in contact with higher echelons of command and planning the next phase, and let Goodman run most of the base operations, which allowed him to stage the coup (and which he now says was a mistake).

The Stories from the Outbreak/Side Stories 2 addon includes reports by Goodman about the events at the base and seem to confirm this story. It’s implied SPOILERS that Goodman has a habit of sanitizing his reports and presenting himself in a good light - there’s even a report about an officer loyal to Faulkner dying from torture for refusing to give up more information about the Havens (if I remember correctly, I don’t remember the exact details other than he died from his interrogation). SPOILERS

This would also explain why he’s now Chief of Staff - he’s good at political maneuvering. I don’t have access to the reports now since I’m in the middle of a playthrough and you can only access it from the main menu but that’s more or less the gist of it.

The reports also mention Faulkner being captured at one point, then being freed again by a special forces unit loyal to him. So it definitely seems like a power struggle rather than him willingly going AWOL. I think Faulkner only gives up his title after being ousted from command and not really having a choice as he’s no longer officially part of the military (or a traitor/deserter, can’t remember exactly but asking Sam the robot gives some details).

Also, Faulkner can be persuaded to aid you and he sends a chopper over to attack and delay Goodman’s troops (he says it’s the only one under his command, a Chinook). So yea, not a lot of resources for Vanguard but he’s still willing to help.

On the other hand, if you side with Goodman, he treats you fairly decently and even mentions promotions and giving you command of a smaller base if you give him the location of Lancelot (in Part II already). I’m still in Part II with my current playthrough so I don’t know if this leads to more yet.

But it’s also clear (from interacting with him, from what Lopez says, from the reports) that he’s a strict disciplinarian who will not accept failure and maybe goes too far with punishment (execution for desertion, interrogation to the point of death, willingness to execute superior officers for not including him the loop, etc. basically just taking extreme measures).

All that said, he does send Jude and his spotter to get medical supplies and insulin for a civilian (who’s dying at his base)! So he’s not heartless. But he also turns away survivors who show up at his base (“one water bottle each” - hey that’s not so bad haha). At the very least he’s not actively menacing the civilian populace. Probably more along the lines of forcefully taking resources but not as extreme as the Silverthorne militia (“you’re either with us or against us”).

Technically, he’s still doing exactly what the military is supposed to be doing - combating the Infected, thereby actually protecting everyone in the game. I imagine in real life the military would act much the same way - following its main objective of combating the infected rather than providing humanitarian aid, which would be done by other agencies (FEMA/OMNUS for example).

So I found the exact quote for the promotion:

"Okay soldier, you have your orders. Rendezvous with my team ASAP. We are all counting on you. I see a promotion and an outpost under your command in short order. That’s all. Good luck, Sergeant.

If you give him the coordinates and avoid mentioning Faulkner, he really likes you. I currently have a better relationship with him (74) than with my main romantic interest Rachel (73) lol. In my other playthrough, he wanted to kill me because I called him out for lying about Faulkner’s death - he immediately responds by sending his team to kill you - I think that’s an admission of his guilt.

I can see a world where the interactions are all positive and you don’t even get to see his bad side. I guess the narrative fits whatever you go for - If you side with Faulkner, Goodman plays the role of a villain, if you side with Goodman instead, he seems like a decent guy.

Btw @JimD I found a small error at the beginning of Part III just after arriving at the Junkyard.

When discussing staying at the Junkyard with Rachel, Jaime walks up to you but suddenly it’s Rosie commenting something along the lines of “I’m staying here, no matter what! No one’s getting me out, not even you!”, then back to Jaime approaching. Shouldn’t she make the comment a bit later when the whole group is together and after Kevin tries to kick you out? It seems like it should be only you and Rachel, with Jaime approaching. It’s the same for all 3 dialogue choices. This is on page 3 or 4, right after after the beginning.

Also, it describes Rachel as on edge and “the definition of wound-too-tightly” - but just before she suggested moving in with you and seemed in a good mood and happy at finding the Junkyard. (Btw I’m really happy she brought it up first lol, my first playthrough I had no main romantic interest until this point and Bailey refused to move in with me :smiling_face_with_tear:).

[This is with Rachel as the main romantic interest, no secondary interest, and on the standalone app with an iPhone]

Actually a few more errors - if I ask Bailey to move in with me, she says she’s moving in with Brody (rejected again! :smiling_face_with_tear:). But later, Brody and Madison still fight with Nora and Reilley over staying in the RV, implying they both wish to move in together.

And I can’t assign anyone else to clear space after using Jaime’s suggestions (with Brody already assigned to clearing space).

Finally, Rachel seems surprised when you invite her to stay with you, even though she brought it up first.


@JimD I would legit love to have a kid w someone as a female MC. It would like make my day id straight up pay for it! :confounded:clasps hands together Please!?! Its only fair!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Noblesse Oblige Discussion Thread (Spoilers Within)

@Engulfed Thank you for writing up all that about the military storyline. And thank you for pointing out those errors.

It’s a possibility. It might be later in the game.


I got really carried away, I guess I was desperate for more after trying the Part IV demo :sweat_smile:

So is my assessment of Goodman somewhat accurate? A strict disciplinarian who takes extreme measures but not necessarily a bad guy? A “the end justifies the means” kind of guy?

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