Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 3 - releasing 3/3/2022

I have the honor to have given you your first like. Welcome to the club,friend.

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Welcome to our little club.

Why would ypu be able to make that call if the MC is not the leader?


Thank you.

What I mean is that maybe it should be made possible for the MC to be appointed second-in-command in order to be able to assign tasks such as clearing the debris from the junkyard or setting up the chicken coop. Given by the fact that when the MC is the leader they are able to use their second-in-command’s chores list rather assigning the chores themselves therefore it seems rather unfair that there is certain content that is only accessible when your MC is leader. Or for those who are not interested in the leader role there should be a choice where your MC suggests the improvements/additions.

What makes it worse is that the additions/improvements are essential.

  1. Chicken coop (food source)
  2. Work shop (crafting valuable tools and weapons)
  3. Computer lab (communication with the outside world)
  4. Zombie powered generator (power source) especially this one would be awesome to see this.
  5. Vegetable garden (food source)

On the topic of the forced death, what if instead of them die by the time we arrive, they are dying instead, therefore we can have 1 more option: Use their zombified form as guard or test subject if you are researching the virus, this would’ve push the research process a lot further, with the cost of reducing a large amount of humanity, morality and relationship point with mostly everyone (little point loss with Rachel, Reily and Madison due to their practical personality and lack of bond with the dead survivors in question



As it turns out. I actually like Jillian the way she is. She doesn’t need to turn into an ass kicker like the rest of the women in our group to be interesting to me. She’s already pretty unique with her “The Tease” vibes she gives off. Kelly however most definitely needs to get some badass points in. Girl looks the part already, and even has the spirit for it. Can’t wait to see her do something awesome like prove she’s an exceptional leader as 2nd in command. :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is one of the things I have not implemented yet. Both Rachel and Jamie will plan and implement improvements. Even if you are not leader, you can influence their decisions. For those players who don’t care at all and don’t want to be involved, Rachel and Jamie will still work on improving the Junkyard. It’s just not in the game yet.

It’s the same with the scripted deaths. I’m going to revise that scene but have not gone back yet so that I can finish the main story.


How to romance Julianne?

Choose Julianne as RO during character creation.


One could not have given a more precise answer.


Agreed, plus when we put people on watch the obvious places to watch would be any gates, and after that a patrol. A horde would make a lot of noise too.

@JimD Please make it so that whoever is on watch was patrolling somewhere else, taking a bathroom break, or being covered by someone irresponsible who fell asleep or something. Then make it so there’s some sort of explanation for Eli opening the gate.

I like it but it’s also a lot to write and code. Jim would have to continue to write plot for all savable options. I think he is trying to reduce the characters he is tracking so he can add new ones and keep the story feeling real.


I’m asking about Julianne not Jillian. How do you begin your romance with the hacker girl?

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In the published game you have to either be a hacker background, or have high electronics and start the LEGIT story line, get on her good side, and choose her as a romance option. Then you have to set up the LEGIT servers and talk to her whenever you get the chance via your charged laptop.

As far as the BETA goes, you have to choose her as your romance in the character building settings.

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I’m absolutely enjoying the game​:fire::fire::fire:but why did you have to kill Gina, like think about the kid :sob:

Couple of questions

1. Is the Lab that we find that scientist actually the reason there’s an outbreak in the first place?? And if so, is the virus man-made??
2. Is there the option to recruit the scientist that kidnapped us or at least abduct into our group?? coz I feel he can help with finding the cure or vaccine for it.
3. Will we get to train our nephew?? Are we going to see them grow??
4. I tried to playtest the PTSD route but nothing was added about it. (Not a question)


Jim seems to have decided (thank god) to allow us to save Gina. He will likely make it difficult and demanding to do so.

  1. According to the LEGIT files, hints from Woody, and some other areas, it seems the US knew about the virus for years, was researching ways to fight the virus but did not develop or release it. I won’t spoil the details.

  2. I agree this would be interesting.

  3. We get at least 3 options to train our nephew up to chapter 8 or 9 I think. I have not finished testing chapter 9 and not gotten into 10 yet.


Thanks for the answer💯but for Question 4??


No idea.


@Bracks alright thanks for the answers

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There are a couple of changes. Most of them just add stress if your willpower is not high enough and also add some new text, for example:
Chapter 9:
when you fight the dude in the greenhouse
if ptsd
Your heart races and you’re struck with a wave of dizziness, causing you to cower and curl up. The sounds of more gunfire warbles in your ears like you’re underwater.
*if wil >= 65
As the panic sets in, you swallow hard and look up. Through deep breaths, you look up and catch the shooter running out of the back of the greenhouse.
*goto ShooterRan
*set stress %+(round((100-wil)/4))
*set shooter_fled true
Panic sets in, and you lie on the floor balled up until Madison and Reilly are by your side.

"He's gone," Reilly says, tapping your back.

once you’re captured
*elseif (ptsd and not(ptsd_chamber)) and (count >= 3)
*set ptsd_chamber true
*set timecount +25
The lights in the room flicker, and a loud rattling echoes through the room. You spin in a circle and search for the source of the noise, sensing something is often in the room. The rattling intensifies for a few moments and then reaches a peak level, like you’re next to the sound of automatic gunfire. It shakes the walls, and the lights shut off, leaving a constant buzz.

Your heart pounds, and your breathing turns rapid. The air in the room turns thick, and your skin grows hot, so hot it’s bathed in sweat almost instantly. Something tells you to run, but you’re locked inside of this room—a room that’s rattling and shaking.

Chapter 10:
when you’re about to get onto the train
Rain peters down upon the rooftop, and thunder booms in distant sky.
*if ptsd
*set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5))
You recoil at the sound and feel your heart pound.

when you’re on the train to the mall
*if ptsd
*set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5))

You duck down on the floor and cover your head with your hands, rocking back and forth. Ever since the battle on the hill, loud noises have this effect on you. It causes us throbbing in your back of your skull, and your only thoughts are on escaping the terrible noise.

after the fight
*if ptsd
*set stress %+(round((120-wil)/5))

At some point you shut your eyes, and when you feel a hand on your back, you open them. Rachel crouches next to you and says, "It's okay now. All over."

Just played part 1 and 2( I played the part 3 WIP first, don’t know why though) and I must say you have done a job well done.

I’d like to make a suggestion. You mentioned that the scripted deaths are placed in order to give the game a more realistic feeling and I’m thinking maybe there is another way you can do that, in addition to the scripted deaths. In part 2 when going on that trip with Jillian and Jaime, if you choose Jillian as your RO she mentions that the reason she is going is to look for birth control pills(given that you have a ‘tent scene’ with her), maybe in part 3 you could expand on that if the player has a M/F relationship, in which the MC or their RO are in danger of pregnancy because all the Sexual/Romantic in part 3 do not take the precaution of preventing that and just jump right into it.

Again sorry if this has been suggested before.



I’ve noticed that you added chapter 12 in part 3’s beta. But I can’t go into it. I tried to hop straight into chapter 12, ignoring the other chapters before it but it wasn’t letting me in. Then I restarted and tried to just start from chapter 8 and work my way up to chapter 12, still doesn’t work. Please help?

Also, although you’ve added chapter 12 and have done some improvements recently on the beta. Could you please add Kelly’s romance scene in part 3? Thank you for your time

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