Stormtroopers aren’t made up of clones. Common misconception.
Well they were until what, they ran out of genetic material since Jango got Samuel Jackson’d? I believe the quality of the clones degraded to the extent that they needed to start drafting people. Nevertheless, I imagine there were plenty of clone troopers that became stormtroopers right after Order 66 and I will thus keep calling them “clones”
Actually, because the Clone Army was always under the influence of the Kaminoan cloners and thus were not something the Emperor could have absolute control over. They were unreliable in that way, especially after the (probably no longer canon) clone revolt on Kamino, which was a level in Battlefront 2, I believe.
In the old canon, the Emperor was also intent on mixing several batches of enhanced clones to make sure that they were constantly pitted against one another (in the same way that Soviet Union had at least three spy agencies which constantly fought each other to the point where none of them could pose a threat to the party rulership) and to increase the output of Stormtroopers.
Remember that the Clone Army was also meant to grow to maturity very rapidly, and thus also advanced to old age very quickly. In a war where casualties are extremely high it is of little matter, but during peacetime where the Emperor wishes to have an Imperial Army garrison on every planet of any importance, that might be a bit of an issue for the production lines. Several production lines would be better… but since the Kaminoans want to keep the information to themselves, recruits become necessary and end up filling up the ranks very quickly.
Yes, there were Clones in the army, but even the greenest of troops during Order 66 would have been grey-haired old men by the time Luke bullseyed his first womp rat.
Also, just to point out, Stormtroopers are not and never were the main force of the Imperal Army. While they were always treated as the common soldiery in pretty much every canon source, the majority of the Imperial Army wore drab greenish-brown uniforms. Stormtroopers were also an elite unit and made up a fairly small portion of the Imperial Army.
So they should have a soldiering stat of at least 60-65 then?
Thanks for the background info. I learned something new today now haha
Are you kidding me, you’ve seen them shoot. Their soldiering stat’s more like 10.
blame the armor but i think you mean skill or discipline. Good soldiers just shitty equipment.
One could argue that they were under orders to shoot like they had Soldiering 10, but it’s more likely that they had Soldiering 70.
They can’t be elite troops and suck at shooting that much. this all backs up the theory that they never planned on hitting Luke Skywalker in the Death Star
fuck those stupid helmets.
As long as there wasn’t a main character, everything was great.
Maybe Luke’s plot armor was just too strong in the original trilogy. Let’s see how strong it will be in Episode VIII
Once he trains the new Jedi, he ain’t needed anymore.
Aside from the Battle of Hoth, every time the main characters came up against Stormtroopers, they were walking into a trap of some kind. Whether they would be tracked when escaping the Death Star, or Luke being lured in to meet Vader in the Cloud City, or even attacking the shield generator on the forest moon of Endor.
I think the real soldiers we should be calling out are the TIE pilots. Most of the times there was a space battle, they had absolutely no excuse to not be shooting straight.
But even then, the only character to survive the first Death Star and Second was Wedge Antilles, everyone else perished. The pilots did a pretty good job, except for the main characters again.
Amazing how offtopic this got.
I guess that’s what happens when the author/topic starter not only allows it but pitches in the most insightful stuff?
There is misinformation of Star Wars on the internet?
Not on my watch!
So… which prequel do you like best, Goshman?
Even more inexcusable to be shooting lasers in a vacuum. I mean they literally can only go straight…
I expect fully-fledged Star Wars shoutouts now, @Goshman. No excuses.
I want there to be a scene where the MC is daydreaming and all they can think about is how cool it is to actually shoot a guy with some glowing sword who has some crazy-ass reflexes in order to be able to deflect all those laser blasts going at 5000 m/h.
And as icing on the cake, make the guy be Napoleon.