[WIP] Down and Out in Damnation (Chapter 2 up! 1/28/15)

I really like this so far and I am looking forward to more! It seems like a very interesting concept and I like the way you described hell when the character first goes there. I have a feeling that my character won’t have any problems with sickness :smile:

I’ve never played that game, so I don’t know how it handles it, but yeah it probably is similar. Although there’s a lot less of hack and slash in my Hell, thank you.


Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and good for your character for fitting right in lol.

Whenever I release chapter 2 (I’m working diligently on it now), I’ll probably start asking more questions about player’s character stats so I can get an idea of what kind of characters people are playing. There aren’t really enough options in chapter 1 to do so now.

Walls trying to crush you, giant gaps suddenly appearing, giant letters and a demonic voice commanding demona to kill you and taunting you.

So how is progress going?

Awesome game so far :slight_smile:

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Oooh I hope I can become a demon CEO raining fireballs and damnation from my penthouse


Love the concept. Shut up and take my money! Etc.

Looking forward to the rest of it.


This is going to be amazing

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I hope you’re working on this

Our job is to send people to hell, can I just take souls for myself? If so how would my sickness stat be affected?

So…we’re working for Apple? Awesome. Bring on the damnation!

iPhone 7 will be a best seller! (Be sure to get the Vanity decal! )


New update!

Chapter 2 out!

There’s also this same link and information in the first post. CHECK IT OUT~

Current Link:
Posted: 1/28/15

I do need feedback. I feel as if I’ve tested it as thoroughly as I can manually, but errors are still bound to show up. Please post any errors, opinions, thoughts, feelings, whatever on anything below in the thread.

Conversations in this game tend to sprawl and are dependent upon a lot of different variables. The goal is to make the conversations feel alive and the characters seem interactive, but sometimes not all of the transitions may be smooth, or there may be a bug that causes a character to skip what they’re supposed to say or say the wrong thing. If you suspect this has happened then please report the issue below!

I can’t get randomtest or autotest to work for me. I’ve had to test it mostly by myself, which is rather difficult. I try to test as thoroughly as possible, but I do need help.

I look forward to any and all feedback! Don’t be afraid to report an issue! I need the help!


At present I have no plans for the MC to take souls for themself. Chapter 2 might make it clearer why souls are so useful to Hell, and why they aren’t really useful to someone like the MC.

However, it’s still pretty early in the story. Things often change as I write. Who knows what will happen?

I hadn’t even thought of that, but that’s a possibility with the job system I’m implementing. Not sure if CEO will be one of the possible jobs (the concept is still sketchy), but you can for sure be a disgruntled grocery clerk by day and damning sinners by night.

Not gunna lie, I squeed when I saw there was an update. I really liked the update. I played through a hand full of times and got a few errors. I’ll share them when I can get on my computer to copy paste since my phone doesn’t want to cooperate. Keep up the fantastic work :slight_smile:


Thanks! I’ll go fix it.


Thank you! Whenever you can will be very helpful. I’ll try playing through it a few more times myself until I manage to squish all the bugs. Hopefully between all of us we can get this thing working perfectly.

If only we turned criminals into oil quickly in the real world, that would either stop many crimes or we wouldn’t have to worry about using it all up.
I liked the Justinia’s sister best out of the new characters.

I want to romance one of the hell queens pls

Yes! Chapter 2 is out! WOOT!

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I put i didn’t believe in hell and i got an error. I was a criminal if that makes a difference

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Romancing the Hell Queens would be less romance and more pain. The MC would just be a little bug to them.


Hell has created a very efficient system for dealing with sinners. An evilly efficient system.

I’m glad you liked Dahlia. I started to like her too when I was writing it. She is crazy, though.