Willing to Code

I know coding can be difficult for others so I thought I would offer my services.



You are not allowed to ask for coders.

You can, however, offer to be a coder. If you reread the first post you’ll see they’re offering, not asking.

Admittedly, it’s unusual for a completely new user to the forum, who has no other posts, to volunteer to code others games. I’d ask for a sample of their work first.


Oh I misread.
I feel completely embarrassed.

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I think it’s a nice idea. The right combination of people, with one person story-writing and the other coding, would kick up the production time on a game considerably. On the other hand, people already working on a game probably have their own style or way of doing things they’d want to keep, so I think it’s best for someone who doesn’t have much experience coding, but wants to get into it, who does have a desire and talent with writing.

Like, some of the WIPs that have gone up recently, I -SO- would like to ask to have access to the code for, to edit and proofread. But A) I think asking would be too rude. and B) I’m too busy with my own projects to really do that, anyway.

@BeastyXEC Perhaps, if no one turns up that wants you to write for them, you could do beta testing. Checking for funky mis-scripting, spelling errors, grammar errors, punctuation errors, continuity mistakes, and so on. That’s always a valuable and highly appreciated service.

Im looking for a coder if your still available

Yes, i’m still available. Send me a pm :slight_smile: