Looking to do some coding

I am currently working on writing my own personal game/story but as I have found actually making the story part is the hardest part and I really enjoy the coding/scripting part. I am still new to this whole choice script thing but I believe I know enough now to present myself as a potential coder/scripter. I know enough to use choice script but anything beyond that is beyond my ability. please pm me if you are interested!

[EDIT]- payment not required.

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I haven’t actually started writing anything yet but when I do (which shouldn’t be very much longer if you agree to help me) can I have your help?

Hey, I have loved and admired choice script games for years and have had several ideas for games. Unfortunately my coding skills aren’t the greatest. So that’s why I’m quite interested in working with you to create a game in the medium we both admire. Please consider me as a partner, thank you for reading.

Offer is still up and will remain up unless I go inactive or say otherwise. If you would like my help pm and I will see if I can fit you in.

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He’s also a great help to those of us that are shaky In our own programing ability. … :blush:

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As I said above,

I am now saying otherwise as school has now started and I do not have enough time to take up any more offers. If you are reading this and I have already committed to you I will continue to do so.