Nearly five years “dormant”. Game was barely saved from DashingDon’s demise…
Guinevere(201* Link - Guenevere
the author of SoS:the mortal coil recently posted on tumblr that he plans to rewrite this work,Everyone can cheer now
A story I miss is The Phoenix, where the MC is competing in Taekwondo in the Olympics and has to prove themselves after a scandal broke out about their parents. Such a cool concept, really enjoyed the writing. Was one of the IF’s that had me create a Tumblr account so I could follow it’s progress. Does anyone know what happened? The demo and tumblr just disappeared one day.
Ripper’s Plague. Pretty sure it’s dead forever as the author got busy with life and working towards becoming a doctor. I’ll be playing it one last time before it’s lost forever now that DashingDon’s going down. Feels like a real tradgedy to lose it but I will always remember it fondly.
They are doing the best they can. It is not easy writing a game when screentime is restricted because of your heath.
Dead project I’m afraid, the dev even deleted the game from itch.
Yeah, I saw. Hope they’re okay. I don’t know if something happened, it just seemed out of nowhere.
Oh!! That writing is so fun! I’m so glad you shared this.
Broken for ever and the Queen of Braver. They are a lot more.
I’ve probably said this before but I’m still destroyed about power grab and the fifth horseman they both had such cool ideas to them
Oh no. This is so good!!!
Fifth horseman was a tragedy
I’d encourage you to help fill that need! I’d also encourage you to work with a sensitivity reader on topics and issues you want to convey with care. That you paused to reflect seems like a good sign!
Maybe you can write something today!
Demon Fireforged
While we are here,here is a cathartic dirge for all those demos long gone:
guitar strums
(Ooh-woo) Get the fuck outta my head, so long, sucker
I don’t wanna see you, I hate this life, woah-oh
(Ooh-woo) Get your fingers out of my hair, you’re gone, sucker
Good luck killing me 'cause I’m already, already dead inside
United We Stand
Dragon Racer sequel (Dragon Warrior)
Seven Heirs of Ophaesia
Vendetta Rise of a Gangster
@Moe_Y_Latif isnt this vendetta Vendetta (WIP) (Ash + Rin Hangout Updated on 20th August 2024) [384K Words Total]) - #1445 by RedFromis_9
There’s a different and older game with the word Vendetta in the title but the plot has a couple of similarities but that’s about it.
Windmere academy, it had a really nice concept