Which WIP would you bring back from the dead?

I think I lost the story on a flash drive so very sorry to have to tell you. But I’m glad it makes you feel something, that is the crux of the story, a stuffed animal learning to feel the joys of life as well as the pains. Learning it’s better to feel sad or angry than nothing at all, I never forgot it myself and still revisit the demo from time to time. I might try to rework it into an actual book if that ever happens I’ll let you know.


Just randomly remembered the Graves of Heirs and still wish it would come back.


I felt nothing for an extremely long time, so yeah I understand that all too well. It was uploaded during the period where I was becoming a person again, finally starting to feel anything, so I think that resonated a lot, enough that I remember it years later (also just the surface level aspect of the stuffed animals is a big deal to me, as said). I’m happy you still think about it, though of course it’s sad that you lost it. If it matters at all and you were unaware, you could get the current demo’s code by adding /scenes to the end of the url.

And just to say, I’m reading through and I love your writing, the constant alliteration and just general playfulness of the words is very pleasant.


Well actually I did find it, I gotta get it structured again but I might take another run at it. Honestly the prologue stuff was easy it was once I got to the dialogue that I was like “What am I doing?” like I know what choice I would make but making choices for everyone else? Not so much…


I don’t recommend trying to find choices for everyone. Just think of a few different paths and then make choices that would allow you to branch from a single situation to those different paths.

I know people sometime criticize that kind of stuff but it’s better to have a finished story with limited choices and interactions rather than an abandoned WIP with limitless potential. You can always come back to the story and fluff it up a bit when you’re more confident or make a more ambitious project afterward while the abandoned WIP with limitless potential is always gonna stay out of reach if you stay stuck on it.


What happened to pulse academy also known as war games is it dead is it still going or is it something else?



It hasn’t been updated in years, so it’s probably dead.

Author was around two months ago so he hasn’t left the forums.

Could we move this to the Which WIP would you want to see get revived thread please?

Legend of the mortal god. The thing had so much potential especially being able to start as a vampire. Makes me sad it’s not being worked on anymore.


Wait it not?!?

here ya go, boss

the other one you’re thinking of is shadowrun: neon fire, i think.

i’m sorry to say that i don’t think i’ll ever revisit hit the road as you know it, but i am working on some cool new stuff (namely a TTRPG!) for the same setting.


The Odessa Dating Game.

I really really loved this one so much. I love the idea alot and was really excited for it. Its a shame :frowning: I hope the authors doing well and hope they might pick it up in the future.


I could probably judt screenshot ny entrie bookmark section to this thread since its a graveyard at this point.


Mage returns second book. I know it was quite controversial but I am really afraid that it is dead in the making like dragon Racers :sob:.
I really would be overjoyed to get it back in the making. I would prefer a mediocre continuation then another dead series


The sequel of the Sword of Rivhenia…


probably has been said before but SoS: The Mortal Coil. I think about her sometimes….Shed a couple tears… Miss her warm embrace :pensive:


That WIP was so good :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob: another one I will miss is Sentinel, since I doubt the author will continue it


It’s funny that you mention that because I think the author sort of confirmed that :cry: Thankfully I have terrible memory so I don’t remember anything about that game and I can’t mourn what I don’t remember x

It wasn’t that bad tbh, it was the toxic fandom’s fault that the author decided to step back from the internet and never said anything on this forum or on his Tumblr account.

It might return someday but I wouldn’t be shocked if he decided not to interact with the users that isn’t involved in the beta/Patreon testing ever again.