Which WIP would you bring back from the dead?

I don’t usually comb through Dashing don so I don’t know which projects never saw the light of day but I can think of a few follow-ups.

It’s not unfinished per se but my trilogy-minded self has a bit of s reaction to there being only two Deathless games from Max Gladstone. They were standalone but both really good and I was always hoping for one more game to round it out. @dfabulich if you ever chat with him, let him know! :slight_smile:

I’m also not entirely sure what was unfinished or abandoned. Other ones that come to mind:

  • Lords of Aswick was excellent and I thought that I read somewhere was supposed to have a sequel.

  • I always wanted a sequel to Saga of the North Wind. No idea if one was ever planned.

  • There was a Starship Troopers-ish tale called Battle for Cerberus that I think was supposed to be a series. I’d love a multipart space opera.

  • Choice of Uprising is another, but I believe that one is getting a sequel at some point.

  • I don’t know if Psy High is getting another but I hope it does. I was really enjoying the world that Becca was building and both games were great.