What is your favorite CoG/HG and why?

@Drini7 The Goodfeathers from Animaniacs, which are pigeons. (They’re not even my favourite mind you, not even my favourite bird on Animaniacs but I couldn’t really be Chicken Boo.) And I’d been reading a book at the time where the mob boss was nicknamed the Fairy Godfather. So Fairy Godfeather, because, pigeons and fairy tales and what was once my favourite series of books. @Sandstorm drew my avatar. I love it. It’s a pink-necked green pigeon holding a magic wand.

Hmm here I am rambling off topic though.

And I’m sitting here wishing that I could go into depth about all of the games I loved and the bits I loved about them.

I’d love to see another game like Choice of the Dragon, light-hearted, and being able to play a dragon. Rarr! Being a dragon was awesome. There was one on the forum where I could be a Slime and I loved that idea. (Aha Slime Quest found it Slime Quest)

I loved Broadsides, for the gender-flip and how you could just spin the world upside down, and that it also let you romance your rival. (Which is a theme I love, loved it in Slammed! too.)

Vampire was very reminiscent of Vampire the Masquerade and I liked how it captured that. I liked that it was so immense in scope and how there felt like there was a lot more choice about it.

I liked how Romance tackled gender as well, that it did things differently than Broadsides did but it was every bit as interesting. I loved that the characters were more indepth than those we got in Broadsides and Dragon.

Those first four games are all special, and I think they set the bar for everything that came after.

Zombie Exodus is the only one of these games I’ve ever managed to persuade any of my friends to play. So, you know that’s special too. Actually, I marvel at what JimD’s done with it, how much choice there is, it’s absolutely insane really, and how he’s managed to write a game with so many different possibilities and iterations of relationships and who’s alive, who’s dead and have all of those things have an impact.

Waywalker’s University let me go to a magic school. I loved that. :slight_smile: I always wanted to go to magic school.

Paradox Factor’s so extremely clever. When I first played it I couldn’t work out how Lucid had even managed to code it, and it was just so clever reading the code. I have a thing for time travel too and it’s just such a satisfying puzzle of a game. I don’t think there’s any other choice of games that implement a puzzle mechanic so well.

The list goes on and on and I just start repeating things other people have said.