"Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names"—Unleash Rage and wield spirit to heal the land and rebuild your fallen pack

According to Kyle Marquis’s website, you’re in luck!


I just noticed something: Christopher Gorsky, the owner of Gorsky Manor, looks remarkably similar to that Toreador Kindred that kept bothering Eden Corliss in Parliament of Knives. Makes you wonder…

Renegade Studios is offering a free WtA scenario for download.


Do you recommend getting the WtA handbook? I’ve just become a World of Darkness fan thanks to Book of Hungry Names and I’m considering it, even though I currently have no RPG group :laughing:

I don’t have anyone to play with either, but I got a bunch of WoD stuff cheap through Humble Bundle. I don’t have the WtA core rulebook, but I do have the Vampire and Hunter rulebooks in PDF form and I do enjoy reading them for the worldbuilding details.


Yeah! It’s fun! Mind you, with werewolf specifically you are about to enter a world of (some deserved, some not) controversy because the latest edition is a reboot, which isn’t bad by itself imho. But I still think it’s fun and you’ll see World of Darkness is always in different levels of controversy.

Don’t buy from Renegade if you can avoid it, honestly. It’s not worth it in terms of shipping and what you get out of it (most TTRPG publishers lets you buy a physical book and you get a pdf, renegade only does it during preorders which sucks). If you BUY the pdf instead, I think drive-thru has it on sale rn.


Uh, not sure if this is a bug or not but turns out I can encounter the “Daphne clear saved me from the police officers who arrested me + offering a way out by paying her money to reduce cop attentions” at the point where I am about to assault GRC Media.

Thanks for the tips! I read on some of the controversy when I was looking into the different tribes, but this was my first exposure to Werewolf and I liked it a lot, so it’s fine by me.

The city where I live has a couple of stores for (even obscure) tabletop RPG books, I’ll see if I can find a physical copy in one of those.


(post deleted by author)

Then the solution here is simple: do not buy it if you play the free portion and the writing doesn’t hook you enough to be worth the cost to you. That is a fair, valid, and utterly subjective personal calculus.


Anyone knows when the next DLC is coming out? I am metaphorically climbing walls and chewing wood in excitement.

I am finishing Tower Behind the Moon as I wait but I started GM’ing my first campaign of Werewolf this Saturday and am reminded how much I want more Book of Hungry Names.


Glad I’m not alone on that sentiment. I’m also lookin to GM a campaign, but I have no experience being a GM or playing tabletop

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I actually started with Vampire the Masquerade Revised (both playing and GM’ing) so I don’t think it’s overly difficult and if you play Werewolf the Apocalypse 5e you’ll have a generally sleeker system.

But if you feel too lost or insecure with improvising you can also try games like Fiasco for instance, which helps both you and your future players in improvising and dealing with successes and failures with almost no rules. There’s even a fan-made Fiasco playset for the world of Vampire the Masquerade.

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It’s out today!


I can’t wait!!

Will someone please update us on what traits work best with the new paths? I wanna play as a ghost council theurge so badly ever since I got that result in the quiz, but I’m too exhausted to code dive and figure out which gifts i should be prioritising. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Edit: Thanks @AletheiaKnights x


High Wisdom and Spirituality, low Litany

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I can’t seem to figure out how to save nomi, any tips?

Save her when exactly? Late game?

They died from the weird wasp infection.

Did you offer them the cure? As in, before you fought the Teufelshand?