Way Walkers: University2

@Banshee-- i dont believe u can get it on googleplay on sale-- it’s only on the IOS and droid, b/c google chrome has this thing where the cheapest u can list something is for 1.99, which is what the game is already at. u are free to go look the day of though, which is also the 10th.

Dammit why was I never invited ta the beta party?
I’m completely broke atm, but I do bet everythin’ will be great!

@Bagelthief The beta was announced on the forums, you must have missed the post.

Beta-testing isn’t intended to be a way to play the game for free though. I know that when I posted my game for beta-testing, I had ten people who replied to me, and of those ten only two of them sent feedback. That sort of thing is disheartening for an author since you’re left wondering if those others just wanted to play a game for free or why didn’t they actually send any feedback.

Beta-testing is work, you’re meant to write a lot of feedback in order to ensure that the finished game will be as amazing as possible.

Speaking of which, the finished game is always better than the beta. I’ve found testing some games (not necessarily choice games) extremely frustrating since the hunt for bugs and constant errors can detract from the story. And well repeating the game and playing it to see if you can break it you can miss out on the fun of just playing a nicely polished, well written game.

Not to say that Way Walkers University 2 had any of those problems. But you shouldn’t look at beta-testing as a way to play a game for free.

I feel guilty if I can’t send feedback to an author. Makes me feel oh no I let them down! And my poor brain gonna have to be away from this thread to not give out spoilers… :frowning: I agree the tagline should’ve been the part where we get to date Sem :smiley: @trollhunterthethird I know exactly how you feel

@FairyGodfeather I literally sat through the game and scribbled notes at every screen, carefully noting branches and looking for loopholes and bugs. But eventually my notes ended up as 10 lines ><
I felt rather guilty, but apparently Leigh got plenty of feedback from other peeps, so it ended up alright.
But I agree, it felt rather stressful! After enough runs I could relax and focus looking for things I missed before, but the first couple of times I barely registered anything, I was so focused on looking for mistakes.

Maybe some people feel they don’t have any useful feedback? I know I struggled coming up with something worth changing! Knee-jerk reactions do not necessarily means something is inherently flawed, after all.
So I’m sure most people who ask for beta have good intention in heart, rather than ‘FREE DEMO’. Maybe ‘EARLY ACCESS’, but how many people who play the beta ends up not buying the game? Surely, if you were interested enough to beta, you are interested enough to invest a few dollars.

Oops sorry, I’m derailing. I’ll spin off a discussion so we can speak about beta feedback there. @Jackrabbit and @Scrivener

It’s is just me or did time slow down ever since the announcement was made. Oh well 3 more days. I’m looking forward to advancing my sly Cool Rhean-like character would is unreadable but loves reading everyone else’s mind. Oh and of course dating Kess. Who else is looking for a double date with Jun and aycura. Also for the beta testers I just wanna make sure can you still date Kess if you aren’t in drama club.

@ChoiceofManning – yes you can, though you have to work at it a bit to keep her. :wink:

@WayWalkerLeigh Do you know if it’s going to be packaged as a separate app or are we going to buy it from inside the original one (IAP)?
Either way, I’m really looking forward to it! :slight_smile:

How much is it going to be just wondering so i dont spend to much and not have enough to buy it the second it comes out

2 more days

@CJW and @Ausar-- it will be a seperate app and it will be the same price as the first: 1.99

Time to delete stuff on my iPod to make room. So worth it. Hmm what do I not need anymore…

@Waywalker Leigh well I never back down from a challenge (and there is always Taking Aycura from Jun Mwahaha) jk but thanks for the heads up.


Well I guess that means I shouldn’t be ashamed of my $3.96! Hahahaha!
@WayWalkerLeigh your writing is amazing!! And these last two days cannot pass by fast enough!!! Btw idk if this has been asked yet but would I be able to also date Jun in WW2?

Currently replaying WWU in anticipation.
Wow I feel late for asking this but what are the requirements to be strong enough to free Illyan/ really I want to know if I can free her AND follow the way of Rhean. Or do you have to follow rosins path.

@PenguinSoup – you can try, but Jun isn’t a ‘keeper’ in the game.

@ChoiceofManning – you need a high Rosin to do it, but there are ways to free her and now have followed rosin directly. it is the easiest way to do it though. :wink:


Maybe if we keep asking if we can romance Jun… Nah I don’t think that will work. I did already try. My main character shall be remaining single and pining away, heartbroken and rejected. “Oh Jun! How could you? I saved your life, twice. I almost died rescuing you, and ended up crippled for life, and how do you thank me? I was your best friend and you just have eyes for Ay’Curae! Woe! Alas! Please excuse me I’m going to write some really sad poetry and dress all in black.”

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No, dress in all RED Muhahahhahahahaha. Vengence…