Voyage of destiny (Action, Adventure, Pirate, Medieval, One piece and Arcane inspired)

Born as a child of a soon to be—pirate king. But tragedy strikes, your ship got ambushed by a rival pirate. Balthazar, who speak of “The greater good”.
Does his goal justifies his action?

Alone, stranded. You got saved by a local pirate captain.
Will he lead you to goodness or destruction?


*Be male or female, Straight, gay, bisexual.
*Make your own pirate crew and recruit crew mates
*Choose your own power from Spatial manipulation, Superspeed, and (cheat mode ;))
*A unique combat system.
*Rely on your power, and let the Weave be stronger. Or never uses it.
*Make major choices that affect the world.
*Will you let one of the major city be controlled by gangs, liberated, or do something else ;>

Character bio

Power: Time power
Role: Captain
Backstory: ???
Appearance: tall and clad in a long coat, Eyes sharp as hawk.
Weapon: Sword

Role: Captain of the Black flag
Backstory: ???
Appearance: Broad and strong, like a beast. Yet, brings an unexpected warmth.
Weapon: Longsword

Role: Lieutenant
Backstory: ???
Appearance: Menacing, He wears a sleeveless black jacket that exposes his toned, battle-scarred arms.
Weapon: A massive axe


Role: Lieutenant
Backstory: ???
Appearance: Fit and well-built, with a neatly trimmed small beard. He wears a long black coat.
Weapon: Short sword and crossbow


Role: Lieutenant
Backstory: ???
Appearance: Strikingly beautiful with an hourglass figure and long, flowing black hair. She wears skintight pants and a fitted shirt that compliments her figure.
Weapon: Twin daggers

Combat system

The combat system in this story use a rock-paper-scissor system.

You hit the enemy
Block < Heavy attack
Dodge < Light attack
Attack < Dodge

Block = Dodge
Dodge = Heavy attack
Attack = Light attack

The enemy hits you
Block > Light attack
Dodge > Dodge
Attack > Heavy attack

The enemy will randomize their action every round.
If your INT is higher than the enemy, You can see what they’re gonna do.

If your health drops to 0, The weave will help you. Allowing you to use your powers. Instantly defeating your enemy.

Hey, everyone! I grow up watching One piece but there isn’t alot of pirate-based IF books in COG so I think I should make it. And alsooo I’m watching Arcane right now, LOVING IT! (Jinx best girl!!). So this story drew inspiration from it. (no spoiler for Arcane and One piece)

This is my first big project, my first COG, and also I’m indonesian. Soooo pleasee let me know if there’s any bug/error/grammatical error that’s in the story. Anyy feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

DEMO is here : CoGDemos

Update log

21/01/25 : Prologue and Chapter 1 (5k words)
26/01/25 : Part 2 Finished (10k words)
30/01/25 : Part 3 Incomplete (15k words + I’ve added a new combat system)
15/02/25 : Part 3, 4 Finished. Part 5 Incomplete. (32K words)


Like this concept keep going


Got a couple issues to report though not game breaking need to be addressed at some point.

1st thing i came across in the early portion at least is some gender issues imto our first conversation with the captain rayne.

2nd was a coding issue where at least the market option after running through it once it doesnt disappear but has to be gone through again for it to be greyed out and ship option to appear.

3rd option we are suppost to be a child? Every indication is we are but speaking with zara in the market shebis stated as being 20 an that we are around her age. That makes the MC a young adult so might want to look at clearing that up.

As of the moment havent clicked on the other two paths to mingle yet so not sure what they say.
Im enjoying it though and the concept so looking forward to continuing and seeing what you give us in the future.


A little mistake here, we are his daughter (when female) not his son. or if you don’t want to say the word twice in the sentence then maybe write child instead of son/daughter (example: she was a pirate’s child. )

…she knew what her uncle was saying is true. But it felt like everything in her was pulling to do the opposite. she was a pirate’s son, not just any pirate, Arlan Howlett daughter…

I really like your story, it has a good start and cool characters :grinning: will we have Romances in the future? I’m looking forward to more :heart:

  1. Is it in the prologue perhaps? (before Rayne save MC) because I don’t think I uses pronouns in Chapter 1
  2. After testing it, I’ve see the problem. Will fix it in the next update!
  3. Oh yeah the MC should be young adult, 18 year’s old. Will fix it in the next update!

Thankk you for reading the demo! appreciate the feedback!


Thank you for the feedback! Will fix it in the next update!

Of course! The three lieutenant will be available for romance in the future. And there would be a couple more planned.


For my playthrough, it was possible to fight Ignis, do some of the other options, and then fight Ignis again. If I’ve time for another playthrough, I’ll see if I can reproduce this, but you may want to review the code.

Edit:Some pronouns are not capitalized at the beginning of a sentence. You can use
$!{variable} to do so.


Thank you for reading the demo! Thanks for the feedback!

I’ve acknowledged this problem and will fix it in the next update.

Thanks for the tips!


The Greater Good


There’s not a lot of anime inspired CYOA in general. I’d recommend focusing on One Piece since Arcane can be hard to reconcile with the One Piece way of doing stuff.

Still sad that one Dragon Ball inspired WIP is dead.


:fire: concept pretty nice start all things considered hope it goes well for u


@moderator why cant I edit my post? I’m confused. there is no edit button showing up, only delete.

Edit: after researching for a bit. I found that the only way to edit is to make the first post a wiki? is there any requirement to make that? Sorryy I’m new

@moderators will do it when they get the chance

OK, made the first post a wiki for you. You can edit it now.


thankk youu


Update Log (26/01/25)

Hey guys, I’ve fixed the typo for the gender problem in Prologue, the capitalization typo, and the bug when training in part 1 forcing you to train 2 times.

Also I added a part 2, where you got powers YAY!


Stormy Sea , booz , violence, gals , Plus cheat mode Aye consider me already hooked :hook:


this is interesting and it has very big potential I will wait for more updates before playing it again good luck my friend

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Can you give more explanation about probably Probability manipulation

Its good so far even if its just two chapters.