Video Trailers for Our Games


Are you considering these trailers for just the official “Choice of…” games or “Hosted Games” as well?

Just in case: does anybody know anybody (who knows anybody) who makes kinetic typography videos?

@Nocturnal_Stillness Just CoG at the moment, and not even all of those. We might make a couple of trailers and find that they’re not worth the money.

@dfabulich Try a couple of YouTube channels that might make them for you, or you could buy a program able to do this and try it yourself.


Fair enough. I googled typography and it seems a program called After Effects is what most people use to make them, might be worth looking into?

There’s a few problems I see with topography.

  1. It still isn’t exactly giving a “demo” of the game.

  2. Just topography by itself does not engage the viewer, as they can’t “see” themselves playing it. Especially since (as stated above) the topography by itself is not a “demo”.

  3. I watched the first one of the videos CJW brought up, and was quite turned off to the idea, after watching the 2nd one I found myself thinking that it could be a pretty good idea. Now why is that? Simple, it’s because I recognized an iconic character, namely the joker, and was instantly drawn in. Unfortunately for cog they do not have the same advantage as having an iconic character that will capture everyone’s attention like the joker. Therefore they have to capture the viewers attention with something else. Typically you have about 3 and a half seconds to capture interest before the viewer exits the page.

And to bring up my final point: When was the last time you EVER saw a large corporation have a commercial with only topography? I’m betting most of you will say never, and that they only sell thru video. Why is that? Well, lets analyze the purpose of a trailer. The purpose of a trailer is simply to capture interest, sell the viewer on a product, and give them a call to action at the end whether it be to buy or to sign up to the corporation’s email list for “updates” this is accomplished thru actors, or video game footage. Since you only have moving text and no iconic, world recognized, characters, and no “in game footage” of the sort that is common to video games that is going to be alot harder to do with only topography. As they say, a picture is worth 1000 words… But a video (in the sense that most people think of it I.e. actors and such) is worth 1000 pictures.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking the idea of topography completely, but topography by itself is not gonna cut it, or at least it will have a very hard time doing so.

I actually liked the idea of an interactive trailer, asking you to advance to “2:10” or “4:30”. you could build up a different teaser each time! :smiley:

Combine it with typography and… Well, maybe it’s not that great, but it’s kinda original.

You make some good points, however, they are meant to be ‘trailers’ not visual demonstrations of actual gameplay. If they were meant to be the latter, we likely wouldn’t be having this discussion.

The problems with your commercial companies argument are:

a. Whilst CoG seems to be doing well they’re not what I’d call a ‘Large Corporation’
b. I can’t actually think of another corporation that specializes in text-only games, and it’d be unfair to benchmark them against game developers in general. So whilst the use of typography may be unique, CoG itself is unique, so it sort of fits (in my opinion).

Having said that those people suggesting ‘Interactive Trailers’ may or may not be onto something too, check this video out (and be sure to watch it ALL):

If you can get away with multiple (but linked) video submissions (or use go to “8:30” etc), something like that may just work wonders! It definitely captures the spirit of the games, and - arguably - simulates the gameplay remarkably well ^^

Chiming in with what I wanted to say earlier that goes along with @Headhunter180’s post:

The type-effect aka typography video, while isn’t problematic in itself, has drawback in that the presentation method is likely to steal much attention, and away from the message/content it’s trying to get through. A full-blown variety of this kind of presentation would be a film’s opening title screen. Super catchy, right? Which is why it may not work as a trailer. I’d recommend something more subtle.

I think that just because the actual thing is text-based doesn’t mean that you have to avoid using pictures at all cost in the trailer. The term “marketing tool” kind of nails it all. The real challenge is probably to present the game with sugarcoat on while not giving out the wrong impression of what it’s actually about.

Also, avid readers might not be the group you want to reach out to. This is a case of a game studio, with previously niche target audience, going out to introduce their titles to outside the circle. I mean, think about the people who think of Farmville as the pinnacle of what interactive entertainment has to offer, and we’re on to something. A trailer has 30 secs to pique their interest. Of course, as what’s been said, some will not even sit through that.

The interactive piece in @CJW’s post might just work. I think some people would still be too lazy for pressing the buttons, though.

You can always hire animators which will be lot less expensive than actors so you can show the game with the text and choices and then zone out onto the readers imagination what you see when you read the game like for zombie exodus you can show the part where the zombie is chasing you down the stairs.

This will allow to show a wide variety of games and just represent the whole choice of games. Or You can just do it with a singular game. That will also ensure the audience that it is text based only.

Here’s what we ultimately came up with for the IGF competition. Heroes Rise: The Hero Project Choice of Kung Fu SLAMMED!

Those are really cool trailers. It’d be awesome if you guys could make one for all of the gamebooks and post them on Youtube like these three, so you don’t have to pay to present them.

I think those are great.

hope we win

@Prototype from your mouth to heaven’s ears.

I was rather excited to view these. First off I would like to commend you for the effort that went to making these. With that said, I felt a little underwhelmed by the viewing of the second video. of course this is just my humble opinion, please take with a grain of salt.

I feel there are two problems. The first being repetitive. The first two felt identical, while the third was only slightly different. Perhaps, using another voice for each one, or using different background.

The second problem is the way sexual orientation is mention. I am all for sexual equality in games. This seem a buit harsh simply stating gay or straight. Maybe, “Your sexual orientation is a choice you determine.”

Overall great job, wishing you well in the competition.

I like them, but I have to agree with @lordirishdas there’s too little variation between them and I think the voiceover could afford to be a little bit more …enthusiastic? I’d also think that the voice could be in better sync with the words.

The actual typography and the logo etc is really nicely done though, good luck in the competition!


I thought he sounded more enthusiastic for Slammed than for Heroes Rise 2 and Choice of kung fu.

I’ll admit that I also found the voice over a little lack lustre. I did love the typography though. They did all seem rather similar but I didn’t have too much of a problem with that.

haha that’s Dan doing his best “I’m serious” voice.