Well, logically, most veteran people here can’t really hate me anymore than they already do, so I can address what people want to tiptoe around without fear of anyone losing respect they never actually had for me to begin with.
I feel there’s kind of an issue with the idea of looking at it’s people getting worse so much as that as popularity and site population increases, the amount of users as a base grows. With more added users the percent of them that it’s actually possible they really are just pretentious/rude/or all around assholes increases. I’m all for supporting new authors. I wish when I first started writing I had people to support me and we should be careful not to let people just starting out get discouraged…at the same time…not necessarily everyone who shares your love of something is going to be a nice person. Some writers actually are just extremely thin skinned and refuse to take any amount of criticism because they feel they have nothing more to learn, which is a bad attitude.
But if you take a look at most things, most writers welcome not entirely positive feedback. Fanbases have a tendency to get so zealously militant they take any traces of dislike as “Just hating” which is a problematic line of thinking. So why fight battles for the author when they don’t support you on this?
Remember when people sent death threats to review sites because they didn’t rate Breath Of The Wild as a 10/10, absolutely perfect and above all flaws(Except for all the flaws)? It’s not any different than what you see. People confuse liking something and needing to defend it. You can find a lot of attitude that is “I like this and if you even think about the slightest amount of criticism to it, you’re a bad person. Every single possible thing is pure genius and you’re just a hater because I like it, therefore it’s above all criticism.”
Which sounds like an extreme case where clearly I must be exaggerating this logic…except not really. It sounds extreme, because it’s an extreme view to have. It’s okay to enjoy things or see things you liked that other people didn’t, but if your reaction is “You’re just a troll because you don’t fully approve of every possible decision!” Well…you’re wrong.
Yet, it must be emphasized while this is actually an extremely common train of logic in movies and games, the amount of people actually like this, while they most certainly do exist, is actually a lot narrower than the common population.There are jerks in every group, and as population rises, we are far more likely to see a more visible amount of that group. As the player base expands, so does stubbornness and intolerance by a natural effect. Not everyone with an internet connection and a keyboard qualifies as a good or even mentally stable person. Not even every content creator is a morally upstanding person. Some actually are just smug jerks with overinflated egos and an unjustified sense of superiority who’d rather just shrug things off as people being too dumb to get it than actually consider if they might have a genuine point.
And again, as time goes on, the amount of people who share that line of thinking grow. It turns into the feeling that nobody cares what someone’s point is anymore. They just take a look at something not entirely positive and dismiss it as inherently wrong without actually considering any of the reasoning behind it which ultimately, just hurts the natural development of letting the games grow into the quality they deserve and authors better than me could provide if they were given the room to actually develop and grow instead of cutting down anything for not immediately falling to the general sentiment.
If you love a franchise, then accepting criticism is an important part in helping it become better and grow past that. To see actual improvements made, that means allowing people to voice what they feel needs to change, even if you aren’t going to completely agree.