"Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road" Demo Available Now!


Looks good so far. It reminds me of Fallout: New Vegas…with vampires!

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Wow. I didn’t expect it to be this soon but I’m not complaining at all! It looks promising!

It’s a pity that Prince Lettow doesn’t react much to your clan, even if you too are a Gangrel.
Plus, if you examine his eagle he’ll talk of the Ventrue but not ackowledge you even if you are a Ventrue as well.

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As someone who hasn’t played V:TM - would it still be an enjoyable read for me? Or does it require prior knowledge of the world and lore at large?

Also, is this a stand-alone game and each V:TM CoG is it’s own thing in the same world, or are they interconnected?

Lastly, do we get the chance for romance here, or is it strictly focused on living as a Vampire?

Thanks in advance. :heart:

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I think the game does a fairly good job explaining the basics of the world.

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I should add that I think this might just have the best art of any COG release yet.


In older editions of VtM, there was no such thing as romance. Vampires are creatures acting only in their own self interest. I know the 5th ed. has changed this quite a bit, however, romance would not be a sexual thing even in the new edition as vampires can’t have sex(with one caveat being thin-bloods, but they aren’t really vampires in my eyes). So romance would simply be blood bonding and while it is still considered rare, it does happen. As to whether the stories will touch on this, I have no idea.

Also as far as I am aware, all three VtM CoGs are being written by different authors and coming out in rapid succession, so I highly doubt there will be a connected storyline. Likely three different stories told in the same world setting.


iirc Lettow and Julian can be romanced to some capacity, but like @2xs mentions it’s might not be your typical COG romance because, well it involves monster vampires.

Also wow choice of games twitter really be dropping those spoilers we literally chowed down on Lettow’s lost love eh Shoutout to Julian for firebombing our romantic aspirations before they even get off the ground.


This link will help anyone who wants to know more about the basic characteristics of vampires in this setting.


Ahhh thank you everyone for your throughout answers, they helped a lot! I think I’ll check out the first book then, see if I like it and if I want to check out the console game, too. :heart:

Great Demo, my only gripe is in the encounter with the wight all the choices seem to be you “helping” the humans against the wight, would have wanted an option to just hightail out of there and leave them to their fate or attack the wight while distracted with the humans

Well you are kind of beneath his notice, he’s the top dog and you’re the mailman.

Lettow is actually remarkably indulgent for a Prince in how much attention he pays you.


Speaking of Fallout, does anyone else name the Gangrel’s wolf companion “Dogmeat,” or just me?


I name the wolf: “Good Eats”


After some tinkering, I think that I have an essentially optimal starting build for my Ventrue. As a result, I will have to increase Intelligence and Technology through XP points, but it is a necessary sacrifice. As a Ventrue, the social attributes and skills are an absolute necessity, some might even say prerequisite.

Of course, my Ventrue’s physical attributes and skills are absolutely pathetic as a result, but as I see it, if a Ventrue needs to resort to… uncontrolled methods, then they are doing something wrong.


Is there any particular reason we can’t drink the wight after beating it?

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I just played rn, and you actually can, I think it technically depends on which clan you choose in the start in order to beat or drink from it.
Anyways does anyone know the full list of The RO’s,? Because that prince Intimidates me and his personality is way too strong for me.


Oh yeah?

I used a Gangrel with Protean 1 and didn’t get the option. Guess I’ll experiment a bit.


Yh experiment lol, it’s amazing how the Clan u chose influence the follow up choices.

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