Here is a list of upcoming Choice of Games, Hosted Games, and Heart’s Choice for 2021. There are official lists already pinned, but many people are like me and get these primarily on Steam and these are their respective pages.
Another couple of entries. One not included is a Steam page for Keeper of Sun and Moon. I think it will get one since the first game is there. On the bright side, the tumblr page mentioned April 1 as the release date.
However there 2 new Steam pages. One for a CoG, and the other for a Hosted Game:
I just want to pop in and say that I’m really excited for “Vampire the Masquerade: Parliament of Knives”! Now I’ve no doubt “Vampire Out for blood” will be good as the story is helmed by a good author. But I really want to go on another vampire adventure run. Hope to replay Night road, and then jump into Parliament of knives.