Come on, guys. It’s me. Your boy Zaper.
I’m not some EA money-grubbing executive trying to figure out the best way to implement microtransactions and turn Unsupervised into a game-as-a-service so I can maximize my profits. I don’t like day-one paid DLCs, charging for cheats, or DRM. I’m customer-friendly because I’m a customer myself. Whatever I do, I do it because I think it’s the best for the story and for the players.
The game doesn’t end where the demo ends, but it’s close to the ending. Remember, we were still in Vera City like over a year ago, when I said the game was around 70% done.
Why hasn’t the demo been updated, then?
There are a bunch of reasons, but the most important one is that we’ve sent the full game to CoG and are waiting for them to review it. Since it’s our first game with the label and there’s some wild stuff in it, they might ask for changes. We also have to wait for them to send the files back before we implement the fixes (thanks for the reports, by the way, I’ll respond to them in another post). I don’t know if there’ll be a full public demo, because the schedule might be tight, but it’s all speculation at this point. The only thing I can say for sure is that I really value your feedback.
What’s this about a DLC or a sequel? Do you hate us that much?
No! When I said that the game needs one or the other, here’s what I meant:
Unsupervised was originally going to have eleven chapters, and we followed the outline the best that we could, but we also stretched the content of each chapter by a lot and added a bunch of new things that weren’t planned. At some point last year it became clear that a single game wasn’t enough to do all plot points and characters justice. The recent Dune adaptation comes to mind: I think everybody agrees that it was best as a two-parter, rather than trying to fit everything in a single movie.
I don’t get it!
There’s like 80k words that didn’t make the first game, either because there was nowhere to fit those scenes or because they needed more work done. That itself already justifies an eventual DLC, but there’s a specific part that I’ve been wanting to write since before the game was even greenlit, and I want it to be as big as the scenes in Vera City (which are like, 3 chapters?)
So, again, it’s all speculation here, but I think:
1 - If there’s enough demand, there can be a full-fledged sequel, with a word count that justifies its existence.
2- Otherwise, there should be a DLC, and if the new content is just wrapping things up, I’ll be the first one pushing for it to be free.
I hope that clarifies things.