Umm...and you are?

I gave into the temptation and just made one @CS_Closet. I only did the top 100 male baby names in 2012 in the US though. It worked when I tried it in the online script tester. It may need tweaking though.

If I play as a guy it’s, “Reaver Grim”

If I play as a girl than I’m, “Lilith Heart”

I always end up playing as either myself or a character from the last thing I read/watched/played/etc. However if I’m playing around with the choices, I’ll use a generic name if the game has options for that or I’ll name the character randomly. Sometimes humourously, like “The Unicorn From The Yonderish Yonder”

I generally make up a name unless I find one in the preset choices I find interesting enough.
I have some favorites:
Dio (or Dionysus) Saverem
Dio Lynch
Wolfgang Avarice
Lucas Niter

or I mix them up. but yeah I try to make up new ones too lol

Asnari Renkian

Addmitedly doesnt work too well in broadsides

I dont usually pick preset names escept in Tin star and WW and only because give you a small bonus.
Mara is the name and Jade the family one but i addapt it to dont sound silly in some games.
in Sabres is Mara d´al Jade
in Broadsides when my character character is from a noble family Horatia Mara McJade.

Most of the time i just use Porter because it almost fits in every game but sometimes when that doesnt work i use my real name

Revan was a video game character you could play as back in the day, and I was obsessed with Russia at that point, so the name stuck. I mostly use Revan for my character names.

I usualy use a couple of stock first and surnames and just mix and match them. This is unless I feel the need to choose a different name if usual names seem… weird to use.

Most common names I use are Justin Law and Noah Winchester.
Justin Law, after the character in the Soul Eater series. Justin Law the badass living weapon guillotine.

Noah Winchester, a character I made a while back with the Supernatural series. My most used name for most of the CoG.

Either than those it becomes a mixed basket. In Choice of Dragons I usualy did Gawain or Sagramore, I’m sure most people will know why.

When given the option, I always type out my character’s name. My memory’s poor, I suppose, since I can’t actually remember any of the names I’ve used.

I’m pretty sure I named my Zombie Exodus character Ashley St. Nicholas, though.

By the way, for my own game I was not planning to offer any default name options at all, but Fairy Godfeather has opened my eyes. I’ll make sure to include four or five strong default names for both male and female characters. So, thanks for the tip.

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@SPitfireEX that’s an interesting way to go. @Saint_Nicholas never thought of it that way.

Well i found myself a last name :slight_smile:

Porter King
Porter Void

It depends on the game genre

Interesante. How I love them so. But I haven’t told mines yet 0.0 hehe I’ll say mines after the 5th comment on the second page…this page.

I can’t help but notice the many new comers on cog, hopefully we’ll see you on thus thread and learn what your name is when you start a game.

I pretty much always use the same name for every game. It sounds badass to me, so I see no reason to find another.

@Arcania Are you still waiting for three more comments before finally posting your own list :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, here are some of my favorite names.

Nyx (Greek mythology), goddess of the night, daughter of chaos and mother of a whole list of children including Thanatos (death), Nemesis (revenge) and Apate (deceit).
I like this name because it sounds nice and evil. Mwahahaha >:)

Saphire, pretty much only because I like the color.

Eris (also Greek mythology), goddess of conflict, either a daughter of Nyx or a daughter of Zeus and Hera. Also the name of a dwarf planet :slight_smile:

Ember, named after one of my favorite characters from ‘Elfquest’.

I never ever use my real name for a game. It just sounds weird.

@Cecilia_Rosewood for some reason your names have touched my very soul 0.0, I simply must add those names to my game, with your permission of course lady rose =p

And yes I am ^•^

@Arcania Go ahead. But I did use Nyx as a naming option for my own WiP already.
Greek mythology is always a good source to use for names.
And now please go ahead with your list of names. :wink:

O.o I fell for that >_< ah well, due it still being morning can’t think so hard, I’ll send the full list later =p, but my usual name is…

His divine imperial majesty of all things in known and unknown creation that stands above all creation in pure judgment of all in immortal creation within the abyss of eternal ending and rising of royal shadow walking fang clinging poison straggling semi beast warrior of the arcane archmage chocolate king.