Totem Force [Released!]

Somehow got Anara, instead of Chi commenting on Kurtesh, pretty sure I always got Chi before when being in a friendly rivalry with him.

And Wow, does our mc have some big bad frigging nightmares (or a really bad trip and they should lay off whatever it is they’re smoking, snorting or injecting) !!!

Maybe that’s it and this new “episode” will turn out to have been nothing more then a really bad trip from our “streetstyle” life after our father was killed, eh?


Yeah, originally it was always Chi (Anara would have helped in a different way, but that was removed), but I felt it made more sense if it was always the one you didn’t really know (as Chi wouldn’t exactly want to provide an exposition dump for his worst enemy).

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But that with that “friendly rivalry” you’re practically friends already, except you won’t admit it and you’re both using the other for self-improvement. Like many of those 80’s and 90’s Hollywood “buddy” cop movies, where those “partners” also won’t admit they’re actually friends (until the final scene of the movie) and bicker like an old married couple.

I mean having the friendly as opposed to the real rivalry with Chi can already sorely disappoint Lani with the handcuffing stunt, right?

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Yeah, but he wouldn’t speak to anyone who was in a bitter rivalry with him, which biased the game against them (but not those in a bitter rivalry with Anara). He (and, for that matter, she) would definitely help the friendly rival, though.

Except that he doesn’t anymore as I’m pretty sure I chose the “friendly” rivalry and now it’s always Anara who comments on our computer lab session with Sammy.

I meant characters in general (who might have a bitter rivalry), not specifically yours. And it’s not always Anara, it’s still Chi if you picked a crush on/rivalry with Anara. I just felt it would be neater to have Anara for those who had chosen Chi earlier and vice versa.


Okay the whole power rangers thing put me off but i gave this a chance. I… Was not disappointed. It got REAL trippy at the end and this is a one long ass Wip and i love that very much.

Kay is a great LI and it was pretty cute. I feel bad for Sammy. I love my Cat Totem. Like i sucked at naming cause i went with. “Totem Force” For the team and then Cat Burglar for my name.

STILL I cant wait for the continuation.


“Trippy” is an understatement. To me it was all so confusing and I couldn’t tell what was going on near the end of the demo and what my choices led me to do or their consequences, if any.

Also what did you all choose for your Totem creature, Hero name, and team name?

I had a cat Totem, was called “The Black Cat” and was part of team “BATTLE BUDDIES FOREVER”.


I chose the black dragon and named him Dumat. My hero name was Dumat the Silent (dragon age reference) and my team are the Breast Masters.

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That sounds about right. :grin: Honestly, though, outside the “fight”, the dream sequence is pretty linear, I’ll admit, but I suppose lacking even the illusion of control does help to highlight just how messed up it is.


I love the fact that i already know this is a dream, i’m telling my character to wake up. I’m totally Totem at that moment then boom! I actually did… Become Totem. Like whoa.

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I had a cat totem named “Astral” my hero name was “The Black Cat” and my team was “Eidolon Force”

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Wait,when exactly did WE get judged? The “You’re a monster” option was directed to Kurtesh

Am I missing something or am I just walking the wrong path? :confused:

“You’re a monster…”

‘I admit, that may also be true. But ask yourself, are you truly not?’

The question was more asking what he says next. Looking at it, it might be a bit awkwardly phrased; I’ll try to reword it.

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I’ve noticed an inconsistency. In episode 8,it said that Anara is my crush,while in episode 2 I chose the ‘Rivalry’ path. While,yes,I did romance her without falling to Lani’s advance and seduction.

Huh. I can’t seem to find that. Is it just after you find her dead?

Also, is there anybody else who’s noticed this?

EDIT: Another reader just PM’d me, suggesting that it might be due to using an old save. Was it an old save, or a new playthrough?

An old save unfortunately

And yes,after we found out that she’s dead

That looks like it’s the problem then. Hopefully it’ll be fine if you play through again.

[quote=“ParrotWatcher, post:418, topic:15440”]
I do have a question (spoilered):when you are judged (the text following “You’re a monster…”), what is the judgement, and do you feel that it is too harsh, or too lenient for your character’s actions? Note that a “bad” judgement does not imply that you have played the game “wrong”.


I completed a session including the new material …

Some thoughts.

1 - Concerning the above question, confusion is the answer I’m going to give you. The entire sequence after the giant robot battle had me confused and not really grasping what was going on.

2 - I think you were attempting to show us we were in a very delirious state moving from one delusional dream to the next and that our minds were intertwined with the Totem’s


The scene or the chapter, if you will is just too chaotic to make the journey enjoyable.

There is so much I enjoy about your story but this episode was off for me. Sorry for the harsh critique. I still am a great fan of this story but this last update needs reworking to make it flow with the rest of the story.

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Well, thanks for being honest, at least :sweat:.

Yes, it is supposed to be a chaotic dream, and while I could make it less chaotic, I probably won’t be changing it that much. I also can’t really “explain” what’s happening, because that would require the MC themselves to know (which they don’t).

The episode was designed to act as a kind of “Intermission”, between the first and second “Acts”, and thus the breaking of the flow of the story (along with the cliffhanger regarding the other characters) is intentional. (It also supplies foreshadowing, which I would have trouble fitting in elsewhere.)

Next episode will return to the “real” world, I promise :grin:.