Totem Force [Released!]

Awwww thank you! I try to do everything I can to make @anon57826008 feel as happy and as loved as she makes me feel :heart:


Probably, wasn’t your darkness over 100 or something

You can have mine; in fact, I’d be grateful if you took that pompous prick off my hands. Now, he’s a bit…damaged, so I’ll give you a discount. (There may have been some breakage during packaging.)

That tends to happen in every conversation I involve myself in. It’s an astonishing coincidence, really.

@Dark_Stalker’s darkness is OVER NINE THOUSAND.

It’s friday, FRIDAY, gonna make some fanart then! :smiley: And if it’s pretty close to what you and @ParrotWatcher discussed to be Phil and Sammy, I’m sure it’s alright to treat it as official art for now. ^^ Hope you don’t mind if I use it as a reference![quote=“Urban, post:2242, topic:15440, full:true”]
Isn’t Chi black and Anara Arabian?

Were they? I didn’t have time to use the game to fast forward to their introductions the night before, these were done for stress release and I just sorta… drew what felt right, using the official artwork and all. Sorry![quote=“anon49824592, post:2253, topic:15440”]
You can have mine; in fact, I’d be grateful if you took that pompous prick off my hands. Now, he’s a bit…damaged, so I’ll give you a discount. (There may have been some breakage during packaging.)

Hahahah, if I could only! Too bad it looks like you’ll have to put up with him until he can go the (possible) way of Sammy, and even then if we’re following current trends, you’d have to have plenty of Darkness to spare in order to do that. If the option is even open.


i dont mind at all, honestly… im quite happy to see you use my art as a references :heart_eyes:
EDIT : take a note @Redthegamr , i made some mistake with Sam’s chin there… you should made it rounder (if i remember correctly… Sammy is kind of chubby… but not too fat) :wink:

this is what i get from @ParrotWatcher : “Chi is black, Anara Middle Eastern or
central Asian”


Yoooooo alright~ Heheh, the lil’ babe has a bit of chub. That’s cute! Thanks for the detail!

Ahhh! See,t his is what I like about these forums. You get a direct line to the people in charge of something you’ve been fawning over for weeks. Thanks a ton! <3


Exactly my system works

But I got zero darkness too…

113[quote=“anon49824592, post:2253, topic:15440”]
@Dark_Stalker’s darkness is OVER NINE THOUSAND

OVER *8000

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@Redthegamr, I quite like your drawings :smiley: a fun ensemble indeed :smile:

We have all the sunshine and rainbows :rainbow: :sun_with_face:

Well, me and also @LightningGarfunkel :angel:

I wonder how @ParrotWatcher would play if he weren’t the author? :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Aw, you two are so sweet :hugging:


If we’re still talking Darkness, I did do three routes that ended in 0, 1, and 41 Darkness respectively, hahah.

@TSSL Thank you very much! They’re the funnest cast, aren’t they? ^^

I was referring to this. I’m not much of a DBZ fan, but apparently this little phrase has a following among Youtube Poopers.

Addendum: I stand corrected. See @Dark_Stalker’s post below.

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Part of the reason it became so famous is because they changed it for no reason. The original line is “it’s over 8000”

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Over 9000…

I feel like I’ve gone into a time machine for crying out loud. XD


Don’t worry, you just need to collect the seven Dragon Balls©, summon the wish granting dragon and wish to return to the future :wink:

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That’ll… take awhile. LOL

Something like 11 years I’d think

I’d say it depends. Some times it can take all season; other times, it can be done in under five minutes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can I join the zero darkness club too?

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Sure! If you can prove it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just realized that the wnding said i should report my darkness value… Meh, why not. Might as well upload my character while i’m at it.

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