Throne of Blood (Dai's aftermath chapter is up!) [250k+ words]

Thank you so so much!! I’m glad you’re enjoying this so far! I definitely have plans to explore Zeros backstory! Dunno if I’ll have time next chapter but I’ll see if the scene permits.

Definitely will be editing the earlier chapters! I had so many new ideas that steered from the original plan!


And of course thanks for all the bug reports, I’ll aim to get em fixed within 24 hrs!


Is it possible to have different flirt styles? Like shy instead of flirtatious

When you flirt, I usually have 2 different dialogues for the MC depending on their assertiveness value!


Is it also based on stoicism or affection?

after finishing the Zero chapter I’m getting this bug

Me too

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All the errors should be fixed now!

I’m sorry it’s still giving me this error :sob:

From one error to the next! I hope it’s fixed now :3

Going to the research quarter and the taking a walk around the castle options are bugged.

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Just to make you aware, Dashingdon hosting will be closing soon so I would recommend moving this to cogdemos or uploading a compiled html file:



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the game still gives me a bug when I finish the chapter from scratch

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Hey, I loaded a save from the Zero ally chapter and at the end of it, it’s now forwarded to Cyrus’ aftermath chapter. I had already completed that one and its aftermath successfully before starting Zero’s trip.

This was my original error:

chp5_zero line 3486: chp5_zeroend doesn’t contain label chp5zeroend

Would I have to restart from the very beginning? And is Dai’s portion of the ally content done? Trying to get a sense of how much more content there still is left in the current version.

Both are fixed!

And we are now LIVE on COGDemos with a revamped illust!


Does MC have eyes with vertical pupils?

Good job! I wouldn’t survive if we lost this game.

A few minor errors.

Errors Shown in Bold with Brackets

Cyan, a witch who would do anything to ensure her survival, but showed her best friend mercy. She stands before you as your loyal knight, someone who has never misplaced even a strand of hair from your head. Confident, self-assured mage who now looks anything but. There are no more walls of trained indifference that [he] surrounds herself with. Now, she is simply an individual who seeks redemption.

“You’ve been there with me from day one. No matter what happens in the future, I’ll always want you by my side.”

She snaps her head towards you, and with her bright blue eyes, she stares at you. “T-thank you.”

Maybe a little bit of reassurance is what [he] needed to hear.

“Well, I suppose I did deal with the advisor, treasurer and head researcher,” Cyan shrugs with a nonchalant smile. Those cubi [shefought] were fighters as much as they were intellectuals. A rare combination that saw them fit to guard Rygel and the former Emperor Xor’goth.

Thinking about this logically using all the information provided to you, there’s a change that you might be able to get close without being brutalised by two dragons. While it’s obvious that Finn has lost all sense, it’s possible that Zero hasn’t. He might be overtaken with grief and rage, but he seemed to be more intent on stopping Finn than murdering everyone around him. Where you’re standing is too far for you to make any meaningful contribution, but [If] you can get closer, then you’ll be able to lend him a hand which might just tip the scale in your favour.

EDIT: Added screenshots for (hopefully) more clarity


I found that all my saves have errored out after the latest change. So I decided to just restart on the new site since I had to restart from the beginning anyway.
Redid all my choices upto Cyrus’ advisor trip chapter end, and ran into this error.

chp5_cy line 2719: chp5_cyend doesn’t contain label chp5cyend

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