Throne of Blood (Dai's aftermath chapter is up!) [250k+ words]

Hey i seem to be having an issue with an infinite loading screen at the end of Dai’s chapter

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It was still in progress so I took the chapter out. It’s updated now!


oh sorry i totally miss read the update thank you.

In C5 Dai end final scene will for some reason always lead to Zeros interlude, even though i already did it and during the earlier scenes have agreed to come with cy. (I wanted to do Zero, Dai, Cy order).


I suggest removing the var3=true check entirely as it seems it bypasses the following checks.

Also temp variable nextint will remain empty unless you did Dai’s interlude first doing it second will leave it empty leading the final Dai_end go_scene checks to fail and instead go to Zero interlude again.


Since there is an earlier check for which interludes are already finished, i suggest for the 2 X, D,X (Ex. Zero, Dai, Cy) interlude combinations to set nextint temp variable to the last interlude left before *goto.

Thank you, I have a few bug reports and I’ll go through them soon!


hey there, after getting back from dai’s chapter i got this error

chp5_daiend line 243: Non-existent variable ‘kasin_flag’

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Is there a special order in which to play? Because when i ended Zero’s route, there suddenly were Orias and Naama even through i started with Zero’s route, not sure if you know this already. Also i love Naama! She’s so energetic.

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Hi! I’m so sorry, these interconnecting chapters are so complex to do without visualisation. I wish CS has an editor like Twine so I can easily debug them.

I have fixed this issue for now but I can’t promise no more issues! I simply don’t have the time to playtest it myself :frowning: Thanks for your understanding.


I’m sorry! I set the wrong variable in the beginning of Zero’s chapter. I’ve updated it so you might need to replay Zero’s chapter again. It shouldn’t matter which side story you start with.

Naama is very fun to write! She is different than other characters and is definitely a breath of fresh air :slight_smile:


it’s no problem, the game is amazing!!


Who is your favourite knight?

1 - Dai (38.3%)
2 - Zero (37.4%)
3 - Cy (24.3%)

Enjoy a special Dai illust!


I chose to tell Orias about me being half angel, I figured they’d be eager to study the angelic magic of restoration.

Then in the fog I mention about being half angel, and Orias acted like this was new information.

So insert joke about Orias getting senile after 12 thousand years…


hahaha! Thank you for the report. There are lots I want to change for Cy’s chapter :slight_smile: I’ll put this on the list. Thanks!


I got an infinite loading screen after doing Zero’s chapter first.

I think there’s a bug with COGDEMOS where if you stay in one chapter for too long, it doesn’t want to load the next chapter. Can you try saving before you transition, refresh and try it again?


works now, thanks!

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While there’s not much new on the pinned feedback/help thread for cogdemo(dot)ink, one thing I do know is that if you haven’t cleared that website’s cache in at least a week, you may have missed an important backend patch. Delete your saves, clear your browsers’ cache, and try the demo again. If your issues persist, they should be populating a usable bug report error message.

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