The Witching Hour -- Romantic Fantasy Mystery... thingy? WIP

I got an error after falling asleep it says "Cannot read property “crc” of undefined

I love this game so far, it has a great premise. @parade so, i have a couple questions. First, can you give an example of a spell, like from Warding or Kinetics? Second, how old is the character? I remember the other characters that you mentioned had differing ages, so do we choose the age of our MC, or is it fixed? Also, how will the relationships work? Is it fixed such as a female must date a male and a male must date a female, or are can there also be same gender couples? But, love the game, and I can’t wait for an update! :smiley:

Oh, and I’m getting the error that @Bloodhawkreaper is as well.

Got a 404

@Bloodhawkereaper I honestly haven no idea what’s up? It works fine on my computer, but not on the internet. I’ll try to re-compile it and see if that fixes it.

@Micah88 1. The spells will be options that show up to fix something. For example, if a room is locked, someone who is average at warding can place and unlocking rune on the door and ‘light’ the spell, whereas someone with high kinetics can just blast it open. I think I"m going to use the spell book to list spells that the MC has used? Or maybe not. I’m not sure yet, haha.

  1. The only thing set is that your character is a Junior. The MC could be anywhere from 16-18… though, realistically, they’re probably 17 at this point.

  2. Everyone is bi! (:

@Lubu343 The link wasn’t complete on my last one. It’s fixed.

@Bloodhawkereaper Yeah, I don’t know what’s wrong. I’ve tried several different things. If someone who’s better at code could help, that would be grand. I think I’ll just mush it into one scene for now.

You should be able to play it now.

Oh, hey, I just realized I posted with my cousin’s account earlier. Haha, Potato’s answers are mine :slight_smile:

love the game

Jamie seems adorable!

@parade Hey, I noticed a couple errors in the game, both from Jamie.

  1. Hey, sorry if I woke up. -you
  2. I didn’t realize that your room was so so close. -one less so

I love your game so much it hurts! :-*

Pretty great glad a update was made. Keep it up.

Jamie is a sweetheart. I could see him and my MC being the best of friends… Or maybe more who knows? Lol :slight_smile:

I enjoyed this a lot :slight_smile: keep it up

@parade Stupid c;

I like what you have so far, bay. I’m excited for when you put out the rest.

@parade I can get past the sleeping scene now so I guess the problem is fixed. I like the game so far :smiley:

I really like what you have so far. I actually enjoy the grandma’s character: she reminds me of a wise sensei or sage that can still kick butt (like Yoda). I also liked the different magic types you could choose from and the mystery it’d what happened in the past that sent you to the country. I can’t wait to meet more of the characters. Keep it up. :slight_smile:

Also, good to see you’re still around @potato.

I look forward to seeing what the magic system can do, I chose ritual magic and enchanting as my specialties, I figured between noncorporeal friends and magic items I ought to be prepared.

I love the game so far! I can’t wait until we get to use magic for the first time. I chose to be most experienced with Kinetics, and Warding close behind lol.

Thank you so much for all of the compliments! You guys are so sweet, it makes me blush :">

I’m happy you guys approve of the magic system. It took me a long time to figure out how to make it fit into a game, haha. Just remember when choosing magic: You’ve a finite amount of mana, but if you only choose static or prepared magics, you’re gonna have a hard time.

My finals are next week. After that I can start writing again. See you all soon!

Good luck (voice from TAKEN)