The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

I played the new demo, and it was :ok_hand:

Some typos


I think it should be You instead of She

Stop Me from


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Man this just keeps getting better! Can’t wait for more!


It is stated in the WIP that there were several other Wight kings, my question is: do they have an expiration date and weaken over time or do they retain full power and are only replaced when a stronger being kills them? (sorry if this has already been asked).


No. It is impossible to finish this fight unharmed.

No, Wight Kings tend to grow stronger with time, but with increased power comes increased cost. Once a Wight King has no energy left and nothing to consume they enter a lethargic state. If a Wight King is completely destroyed, the curse leaves their body along with their soul and will eventually make a new Wight King hundreds of years later.



I am become the happy.


Is it contagious?!?
Are we at thre- happpyyyy

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I am not sure whether you are referring to the entire fight or just when we get the debug numbers, but we can get 0 damage as of the debug numbers.

I’ll do it slowly, try not to be too noisy.
“Do you expect to triumph when your friends fell? Think about it, there’s no way you can win. Surrender.” I diplomatically tried.
As I looked at him. I couldn’t help myself but to do something stupid. I would bring him with me, in a stroke of compassion.
A little finesse couldn’t hurt. It felt easier for me to focus my power into small, controllable ways.
I was willing to spare those that were left. No one else needed to die today. As long as they were willing to live.
I didn’t know what amount of damage I could take. Carelessness killed even gods. So I concentrated on keeping my distances and striking at every opening. A tactical approach to the situation.
No… I resisted, pushing it back. I would kill them only because I needed to.
She was too weak, she could never stop me. I spared her.
… I let them go.
“I offered them surrender… I kept my word.”
There might have been a chance to outskill him. Swordsmanship felt as natural as breathing to me, but I may have been slightly out of practice.
I focused on dodging his attack, while thinking of a way to take the advantage.
Using it as a distraction was much safer. And would surprise him either way.
I decided to use the fallen statue against the Adjudicator directly.
DEBUG: Damage to Aterius: 8 Damage to you: 0

@bl00dragon Even if the MC has an average physique, it says the MC would have trouble blending in with such a physique.

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Personal Opinion here… after the fight with the Paladin and character creation…It just feels like there is a tad too much detail and world building being stuffed in.


NO. You son of a bitch, how could you leave us with that ominous and exceptionally awesome cliffhanger?

There are a few typos and tweaks that should be made but overall, I love every second of this WIP. Keep it up.


Rip and tear, until it is done.

This might change once the rest of the chapter gets posted and you tweak it (like you mentioned you would), but I thought the pacing in the update was bad.

As always, your writing was marvelous. I loved the creepy fucking Mordor-like place that reeked of death. It felt very unique. You’re honestly one of the two writers on these forums whose writing is so good that I don’t mind reading pages and pages of text. BUT in this case, around halfway through the update, my mind started to get tired. It felt like I was reading and reading but not getting anywhere. It was too long with too much to read and with almost nothing for the player to do except read. To be completely honestly, I skimmed some of the latter pages without actually reading them just so that I could finally see where this whole thing was going.

So, yeah, I think you should focus on that, cuz right now there’s a glaring unbalance that even your AMAZING writing cannot completely cover.


The people we show mercy to will then be back in the story again cause that would be good and is it just mc and Helena at moment at the tower

Yea i was saddened by the cliffhanger too. It is however a great way to keep us hooked and beggin for bacon… i mean more story

i will say @bl00dragon the addition had a slower pace wich lead to a omonus old school horror feel for the citadel and how even miss banshee was effectively doing the “nope nope nope” all the way through gave it the understanding of just how wrong that place is and more sinister so that you feel pulled to it. some who believe in modern jump scare over classic horror might feel it to be slow but it has a touch of the old horror and suspense, i kinda wanna play Call of Cthulhu now…

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Now I want a nazghoul or talion\ceribmors like creature

Arent wight lords pretty much nazghouls?

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Aren’t nazghouls just lame versions of wight kings?


Or it could ve that wight lords are sexier versions of nazghouls


I’m pretty sure Wight Lord’s can be killed the Nazghouls were only killed once the one ring was destroyed

I stand corrected.

Ok, gonna change that.

Yes, I am being quite wordy, but once I go back to these scenes I’ll see what I can do about that.


I’m aware that I have a real problem with that. I want to say that the sporadic way in which I wrote this chapter didn’t help, but I know that’s one of my weak points.

When I was writing this chapter, I did feel like I was repeating myself and that it felt long without more interactions to pace the scene better.

So the plans for this part of the chapter are to:

  1. Read the whole thing again and see how I can set the ambience and present Balespire efficiently without sacrificing too much information or the feel of the scene.

  2. Add more interactions with the environment to better pace the scene.

Reading something like that always makes my day. Thanks.

Though honestly I’m not really sure what I’m doing so well. :sweat_smile:

Some characters will make a comeback.

The dark side of writing is the pathway to many abilities some would consider unnatural.


Is it possible to learn this power?