The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

RIP N. Samir can help you, he understands the struggles of being a DM. And since Mason will probably redirect all the flirting onto his character (Samir: “I’m playing a Dragonborn, Mason.” Mason: “So? I’m still gonna hit on them.” Samir: “YOU HAVE A NEGATIVE IN YOUR CHARISMA.” Mason: “I rolled a 20.”) hopefully it’ll be a little bit easier on N… until Samir tells A about mid-maxing and things just go downhill from there.


M just flirts with everybody and somehow gets a critical success every time, but if they need to use their charisma for anything else, they just roll a one. N is suspicious that M is messing with them.


Afternoon everyone.I come bearing some angst and also a reason why M is the best.


This text will be hidden


MC and M on the road
M: … Where are we going?
MC: Alaska.
M: … censored


I just have to say how much I love M. And this is why. Somehow, this answer didn’t even surprise me. The problem with M is getting him past the point of “OMFG I’m in a frigging relationship, ack!”

M could just blame all the 1’s on Will Wheaton.

M: It’s not my fault. Wheaton was here!!
(sorry, Critical Role joke… dunno if there are any Critters here or not!)


M just needs to realize that a relationship means all the benefits of their friendships with the rest of UB but you also get to smooch them almost anytime you want!


It also means being dead worried everytime anything dangerous comes close to MC… And let me tell you… That’s scary


I mean, A is always dead worried about dangerous stuff around the MC, even when they aren’t in a relationship. M can let A do the worrying.


I feel like M and F are the most confident in the Detective’s ability to not die. M isn’t anywhere near F’s level of confidence, but I think as long as the Detective wasn’t in serious danger they are OK.


Well, Sera did said that one of Ms biggest fear will be the MC to get hurt… Poor Mason, he is so fucked with my combat impulsive MC that jumps to the fight at every opportunity… :joy:


True, but I think F’s confidence comes more for not really understanding that their Detective is much more fragile than vampires. M is still in the early stages of romance with the MC so they don’t have the emotional investment… yet. I bet when they get to that point M is gonna rival A in terms of protectiveness.


Then I truly hope F never learns that humans are fragile, because them being like, “Yeah, go get 'em, Detective!” while the rest of UB is just like :scream: “NO!” is amusing to me. And you’re right about M’s level of emotional investment. The poor detective will be walking around with pillows ducktaped to them.

(Random thought: You know what I want from Book 2? The opportunity to tell A that their glasses are cool.
Detective: Hey, A?
A: What?
Detective: Cool shades.
A: …
Bonus if it’s at a really bad/awkward time, like the middle of an action scene.)

Maybe A will actually tone it down a little, and M will take their place? Regardless, I feel like we’ll either have a long wait to see that from M, or they’ll be super-protective and just give excuses out the whazoo for it.


I honestly want more protective M, not just with a romanced MC but with F the rest of Unit Bravo.

MC and UB confronting the Bad Guy
MC: I’m gonna punch ‘em.
A: No you-

Yo, real talk, aviator shades are my favorite things. I want A and MC to get matching ones especially my MC Rin, she and Adam are gonna be Bro’s


What I was thinking about M is. What excuse does them give themselves to excuse their behaviour of not looking for any sex partners?

N: M… You haven’t… Ehrm, gone, umm, out for a while now. Everything ok?
M: realisation starts to sink
M: starts sweating
N: Woah Woah! What’s wrong M?
M runs away


Maybe they just think “oh, there’s just no one hot enough or seemingly interested enough,” which is a LIE cuz I bet Tina would be down to smooch any memeber of UB or Bobby would cuz they’re the worst and would try to get info from them Or maybe with shy MCs they’re playing the long game and with bold MCs they’re just like “eh, it’s too much effort to find someone else when I have an attractive and willing partner already.”


Yep, it’s the same way with mine, lol. Mason will not enjoy watching Dezh at all–she thinks she’s invincible and rushes into any fight without pause. She’s the epitome of The Black Knight from Monty Python (

Dezh: I’m fine. It’s just a flesh wound.
Mason: Dezh, your arm is hanging on by a tendon…
Dezh: Meh…

I think part of it is that F doesn’t understand how fragile humans are, but I think another part is that F is weaker than the “human” vampires, so they’re used to being around those that are stronger. So they’d just assume the detective is a badass, too. And, maybe, that humans in general are tougher since the human vamps are stronger. If that makes sense.

I think M will make A look reasonable, in comparison.

@Hannah_Minger I think you may be right, that A will tone it down if M steps up and acts seriously protective. And I think M will convince themselves that it’s “their job” to keep the detective safe and will run with that for a long time. I mean, at the warehouse, with Murphy, M shoves the MC behind them so hard they almost fall down. That protectiveness is already cropping up.

M may also use the excuse that they can’t let their sex toy get hurt, lol. “Last time you got hurt, you whined about me touching you for three days! Three days!! Stay over there in the corner, dammit!”


Why do I always miss the N conversations :sob:
My poor, low-key stressed out child

Speaking as that person in my dnd group, I think I’m realizing why I like N so much. Suddenly it all makes sense…


You know what would be scary? Seeing Unit Bravo with one members missing.

You lose A: Anarchy as F runs wild, M eggs them on, and N is trying to hold it together.
You lose N: A is hella grumpy, F is low-key scared to say anything, and M sulks.
You lose F: SADNESS.
You lose M: Fear as they try to figure out where the heck they are and what the heck they are doing.


Every cloud has its silver lining because then they get to be reunited. (I’m picturing N and A slo-mo running towards each other with arms wide-open as soft piano music swells in the background now, so thanks for the mental image. That is a sincere “thanks” btw.)


Oh my god that’s a beautiful image, thank you. A and N get to each other and hug and it’s beautiful. I’m so happy