The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

haha no you’re not the only one!

anyway, i also think linking the FAQ should be fine


ok why did that text turn bold??

Shhhh, everyone be very very quiet.

Sera’s lurking.

Maybe if we catch her she can link us to the demo early. :thinking:

Quick, someone get pastries and tea to lure her into a trap.

In the meantime, Sera’s answering asks, and hoo boy, they are good ones.

My vote is Haley because she is an angel.

my husband, oh my darling husband

Sera: And what is this mercy thing you speak of?



Anonymous: How would each person in ub react if there was a one of those asshole drunkards who bumped into a little kid, then started swearing at them about to hit them. How would ub react, like would they intervene?

Sera: M would be the simplest and just hit the drunkard…which N and A would just be tearing their hair out about in the corner, lol.

Felix/Farah has witnessed it, and Ava has helped.

@Mewsly I’m almost certain that F has younger siblings now, and they may/may not have walked in while their mom was giving birth.

Lil Kid F: Hey mom? Is the baby here yet I’m bored—OH GOD.

As for A, either they had kids as a human…or A had the worst luck in the world and was stuck on an airplane or elevator with a pregnant woman the one and only time they’ve been separate from N. lol



Quoting you says that you added two hashtags before the first sentence?

## haha no you’re not the only one!

anyway, i also think linking the FAQ should be fine

Placing a hashtag, then a space, and then some form of text makes that text a header (read: big).

You can read more in depth about formatting in this thread I made a while back! [/shameless plug]

Yes that’s what I meant there, you could post faq like every 500-1000

i swear i didn’t? but good to know, thanks!

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Oof, that seems a bit much, don’t you think?

No problem. I’m kind of a nerd about it, so this was kinda fun, lol.

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I doubt that’s going to make people read it more to be honest, it’ll just be more likely for it to get lost/spammy. Having it (linked to) somewhere new folks will always see it when they first enter the thread (aka in the first post or close to it), will help keep things central. It also means that if someone asks a question on the FAQ there’s a single link to give them, and if something is changed/added you also only have to change one post

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I would like an invite to the NSFW thread! Am I doing this right?

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Did someone say pastries and tea?




That was smooth! Lol!

I’m so glad to know people are excited for the demo!! I’m so excited too, as well as intensely nervous, but it’s a good mix of feelings…hahaha…haha…hah…/wheezes/



Demo coming today. Time to board.


Quick!! We need more tea and pastries!!! Put them on the book 2 demo!!!


Suavewell taught me well… :wink:


Oh, while you’re here, Sera. May we ask what you would like for us to blur/put under spoilers in the new thread?

Like, would you be alright with us discussing everything frankly, or would you rather keep things like Unit B’s backstories (if we get them this early in the demo) under a spoiler, or maybe blue romance scenes? Stuff like that.

If you want to anything to stay a surprise, we’d like to help keep it that way!




Good question!

Um, I think it might be better to blur or use the summary tag thing when discussing it in the WIP thread, because I know from Tumblr that there are a lot of people who are going to wait until the full game is released before experiencing it. But it would be nice if they can still jump into the WIP thread without spoilers.

In this thread though, I think it would be fine without because there’s already a warning about spoilers, isn’t there? Or maybe we could add to the first post or thread title about potential Book Two spoilers?

Does that sound all right?

Thank you so much for asking! :slight_smile:


Ah, we were wondering that, but frankly, that sounded like a myth.

“Wait? For the full-game? Who’s got time for that???”

I guess most of us regulars are just too…freaking…impatient, lol.

Yeah, the first post currently says something about keeping plot and characters from Book Two under spoilers.

But you’re right, I should update the title to make it explicit that spoilers are blurred so people don’t worry.


Oh, so, if I am understanding this right, are you saying that we can talk freely about the demo in this thread?

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Oh shoot, now I’m confused, lol.

Sorry! Didn’t mean to confuse anyone, lol :smiley:

Seeing as the WIP thread will be spoiler free, I think it’s only fair that spoilers be discussed here for the demo without needing spoiler tags, as long as we warn people in the first post or title of this thread? Does that sound OK?