The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

It happens to me many times. I make a comment and then I realise is in the wrong thread :joy:


Yes, this. And it’s more than a bit annoying. You even get it in M’s route, which may work for the starry-eyed types who dream of having a relationship with M, but for those who take M at their word–and are in it for an awesome night where they are unable to walk right for a few days–then it doesn’t work at all. I want my MC to be surprised when M comes back for more, but I don’t want her stumbling over her words and acting like a tween with their first crush. Especially not considering my MC with M is bold sexually and skittish as a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs about emotions.

:laughing: You killed me with that one!

Agree with this. Even if we can’t flat out ask A to date, we at least need–several times over the course of the series, at least–the option to tell A to “grow the fuck up.” Because someone needs to tell them that, and it makes sense that an MC who is falling for them would do it with all of A’s overwrought waffling bullshit. Nyx would totally give him a DVD set of the most ridiculous teen drama she could find and be like, “this made me think of you, sweetie” then roll her eyes and walk off.

Yes. I agree wtih this 100%. Provided the plot devices to keep the MC from doing what they want aren’t overdone to the point of being cringe-worthy. You can only have so many interruptions before it gets stupid and forced.

For the A route, a couple of conversations where the MC can try to push the issue about starting a thing with them and A flat out refusing for “stupid A reasons” wouldn’t be too hard to add. And the MC response to that can be forced because the MC chose this emotionally constipated douche as their LI. So a quick, “well, I’m not giving up on A yet, even if I do want to smash his head in with a brick right now” will take care of it and give the player a bit more agency in how their MC is handled. It would be far more tolerable than having the MC’s heart pattering and getting all starry-eyed and tweenish.

Hahaha! So the MC can turn F on A! that would be hilarious and fun as hell.

I’d also like an option in book 2, in M’s route, to flat out call them a tease if there’s not an option to hook up as was promised in book 1. I want to see M’s reaction to someone telling them that to put up or shut up and that they’re clearly all talk and no action. The fireworks would be entertaining.


My mental canon with My M pc It was a choice directly to say xhim

“You are all talk. Big boy. Maybe I have to go searching fun with one of members of Alpha team?” I am as bold and as sex driven as M Nope. Do nothing be there quiet embarrassed waiting RO dominates me as absolutely all scenes in the demo. In first game Bold choices let you flirt let you joke let you seduce. Demo is WAITING for Ro move. Ro talking Ro flirting Ro everything Pc hasn’t control or agancy in absolutely any choice except if you want be shy embarrassed waiting RO controls you.

Now I wonder if it’d work if I’d romance Farah with an MC who is kinda oblivious to flirty innuendos, like when Farah says she’d watch MCs back when they go back to the crimescene MC ask why that would be necessary if noone is around and stuff like that waiting for Farah to be more blunt about her flirting or would that once again lock my MC as uninterested?

You can’t lock your character as uninterested, you can choose who you’re romancing towards the end of book 1 regardless of how you’ve played the rest of the game. You can romance any of the characters taking any of the dialogue options with them, so you don’t need to worry about whether or not you’re locking yourself out of a romance route, although I do think there are a handful of scenes that go differently based on flirt points


You get their POV in some scene after interacting with them, like in book 1 in the base the amount of points will determen how the scene continue afterwards.

Sera just implemented bold and shy flirting in Book 2. I think those that assume that she will treat them the same way are mistaken. You can see this in the responses for the shy and bold in the demo. In the bold, you have a more assured, confident detective.

Let’s take N, for example. In the demo in Nate’s/Nat’s route, you walk home with him/her in the forest. Not only can you flirt boldly with him/her, but after that, you can be the one to make the first move and be quite smooth yourself.

What out of this makes people think she’s going to treat the bold as submissive??? :thinking: I don’t get it. I think people are making assumptions on here and running with it. She said she’s going to make these reflective in the story. I don’t get the doubt.


my concept of Bold and confident are quite different. In that scene i see a passive person trying hard That N do a movement. Is passive not active is a bottom a eager one but bottom no one assertive act that way. You are not leading you are inviting N to lead. It is like shoutingg HEY I AM HERE ASK ME FOR A DATE N not acting and dominate you you are waiting

How is picking the choice to “Make the first move” passive? Waiting for N to make the first move is passive.


The way is written is Tag N to dominate me. Is not I want have something with you I want go with you and i want lead relaxand follow me. If the scene tries to show an dominant top. Is not what it look

Is common that eager bottom ask a dominant partner to be lead is super common. I want be lead command me

Nobody is dominating anyone is those scenes. It seems to me like it’s written as whether your MC is more confident in their flirting and not afraid to show their interest and will take the lead. If you choose to make the move, the MC is the one to pull N close to them and get cozy.

Remember, the MC just saw them again after a few months and only reaffirmed their interest in the previous chapter.

Nothing is saying you can’t.


The way is written is not clear i don’t know if i am bottom top of what. I assumed bold was dominant and shy submissive. Maybe all is submissive and that’s the problem. :thinking: If all will be be bottom i want to know because i don’t care bottom romances

But have sense if that’s why i found bold was not what i thought Then Sorry and apologies to everyone.

Just to be clear I want lead control relationship not being controlled. I am not asking for being dominated m I only saying is one possible choice. as eager active bottom is common too

What exactly do you mean when you say “top” or “bottom”? Do you mean like, your detective is aggressively pursuing them? I felt that the bold choices were pretty straightforward with the attraction (then again, I’m naturally shy so they might just seem bolder to me).

@poison_mara You like to play more manipulative, sneaky characters, right? remember that Sera has said that the detective is ultimately a good person, maybe a little rough around the edges if you so choose. Maybe that’s what turning you off?


Top or bottom normally uses in bed and is quite literally. Top normally reads leader a protective figure that leads and command the relationship. Bottom normally is the want it receives it could be bold and actively asking the partner to dominate and lead the relationship.

Bold are straightforward but not dominating or leading they are passively asking to be dominated or that is what it looks for me.

There is a whole spectrum that changes in base other factors

My self are in the dominant top high in scale assertive maybe is why it sounds so submissive for me.

I don’t take it that way at all. Bold is saying what you want, not beating around the bush about it. Shy is being all blushy and stuttering and waiting for the RO to ‘lure’ you in, so to speak. I don’t think it has anything to do with sub or dom. Sub, dom, shy, bold… those are four different things with four entirely different meanings.

I don’t think submissive is the right word here. I don’t see any of them as submissive (except maybe with A, because that’s basically the only choice you have no matter how bold you are with them). There’s just not that kind of dynamic with any of them, even with M, who is probably the only one out of the four of them to actually lean toward being a dom.

I think, instead, the problem is that the player lacks control and agency. The MC is pushed into a position where they are a tween with their first obsessive crush or something. That’s what all the blushing and stuttering and being forced into reactions/emotions is, in my opinion. And I do agree that it’s a problem, just not a problem where the MC is actually a sub, forced to obey their LI.


In this case I think this is the impression you are getting from it, just because Sera is not a writer that will implement a dom/sub theme to the romances.

So neither will the RO’s really dominate you or you dominate them.


You are right. Maybe that’s the thing then. It is i hadn’t things clear after reading all paths of what relationship will going a middle ground is okay i suppose If not i will play the Aro route as i like the story.

So sorry To bother all you i will chill as i am convinced none of the romance would be of my liking. BUT I COULD still enjoy friendship


Perhaps in your case, it’s best to wait for the release and see what others have to say about the routes. That way you can see if one of them appeals to you.

That’s too bad. You haven’t really experienced it yet, so I hope you are able to overcome your preconceived notions to give it a try eventually.


It is a problem i have most virtual novels. I only enjoy romances I lead and control if i don’t have control and dominate the relationship i found romance slow and boring happen in Bioware games too. but i will wait final game i guess but if the demo is a indication. They aren’t for me and is all right i only wanted a clarification to know if game will be for me or not. I wasn’t trolling


I think everyone has point, for myself I really like all the options since they give me variety enough in terms of types of ways of flirting, I can be like myself and be shy and flustered (something that I think it’s not bad like in this thread it seems to be said: being shy and not direct doesn’t mean you’re a nun lmfao) and also more bold and ‘‘sexual’’ but without making me uncomfortable.

I also understand that when we’re playing a game we want the MC to act like us as much as possible, but apart from giving this feedback to Sera, I think it’ll be great to wait to other books, I mean the first one was a introduction to the world, characters, dynamyc… etc and it’s logic that it’s a build up to the other parts, there are going to be 7 books so it makes sense that not everything it’s going to be rushed.