The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

Please. Just stop with the caustic hyperbole. You’re going too far and some people might think this is real. :roll_eyes:

I’m gonna post this reminder here from Sera about romance in this series:

A snippet from it:

If you’re coming from the forum, then I wouldn’t worry about things being said about M’s route. Only Book One and the demo of Book Two have been released and I’ve never stated when certain things are or aren’t going to happen. It’s unfair and, honestly, upsetting when people assume and say things will happen a certain way to confuse others when nobody but me knows how the story is actually gonna play out!

I’m a romance writer. It’s what I love. Each route will have the same amount of romance content and I won’t be bundling it up to throw at you suddenly in later books in ‘deeper’ romance. Each will have tons of content all the way through.

I bolded some parts for emphasis. It starts off about M, but it really goes for all the romance routes. There WILL be romance. And if a character isn’t going to be “available” for an official relationship, it doesn’t mean there won’t be romance in the route.

We’ve pointed out how this reasoning is wrong above. And stop saying there will be no sex until marriage. That’s simply not true. She said there will be sex scenes that will be detailed or fade-top-black and that while there will be talk of marriage, it won’t be happening in the books.


Sex scenes:

And for those who do not want to pursue sex:

Kissing and sex:

And I’m sorry, but just because the detective doesn’t whip their pants off the moment they meet Mason again and bang them in front of Rebecca and the rest of UB, it doesn’t mean that there will be no sex with M. You need to take context into account, and in the demo, they just met back up and reaffirmed their chemistry. All Sera has done is set the plot in motion, reunited us with our LI, and set the context for how the detective and UB will operate in this book—working together with the Agency as opposed to working against each other.

You’ve said your piece on it and now you want to bring up the same points from before and re-state it worse? That’s trolling Mara, and it needs to stop.

Nobody is saying you have to love the game or can’t be critical of it, but don’t come in here and spread false information. The game has its fault. I know it’s not perfect, and you can leave feedback in the WIP thread about it if you have not already.

Perhaps you need to think if this series is really for you. Or do what we suggested earlier, and wait for the book to be released to see if this series is something you’ll enjoy.


This topic is done. Please move along to discussing Wayhaven 2. I am in the middle of reading Wayhaven 1 and if I have to come in here a bunch and I get spoiled there will be hell to pay.

Edit: In answer to the question you are certain to ask me next, Mason.


So to start up a new thing here. Wouldn’t it be just to sweet to get a Birthday present from the chosen RO? And what do you think we might get. I am pretty sure that A regardless of the depth of the romance would gift something after spending many hours thinking about what would be best.


A probably wouldn’t even think about it until N or F bring it up, and either of them would also be the ones to pick out the gift :smirk:


Gosh, that’s a hard one for me to think about. I think A and M would struggle way more than F or N.

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I think that would more be a m thing :grin: but I am sure that N would buy a present in case A would forget


I am not a present person and not a birthday party girl i don’t celebrate bithdays I am more of Surprise gifts Like make the Ro favourite dinner bought a perfume he likes or just bought movie and take food when i know he will be tired.

Also everyone sorry I was too much. When I am excited about something I get very passionate and adamant It was not my intention be so caustic. So i will not bring the topic until game release


I feel you IRL I am more the Person who buys a present, whenever I See something cool. I also do not like to do Things, just because society expects them. But I am a bit weird and chaotisch, I just tend to forget Birthdays or ging polite pleseantries.

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Tell me lol this year i forgot my own birthday it was 5 this month. And everyone happy birthday… and i was Holly shit is today… I am the most clumsy clueless person ever for romantic stuff and presents.

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I think A would be the type of gifting something useful, no pretty stuff the MC likes but it doesn’t have any use of it, and in the other hand N would give something super expensive and aesthetically beautiful but always having in mind MC’s interests and likes.

For F, mmmm I don’t know to be honest maybe a lot of gifts I don’t see them deciding over just one thing, and M seems the type of not giving gift but doing something the MC likes.


I think N would be the best at birthday presents. They seem like the type to take their time, considering what would be the best gift, and probably wrap it beautifully.

F seems like the moment they find out it was the detective’s birthday, they would insist on going somewhere and doing something. They also seem like the type to tell the restaurant it’s the MC’s birthday. The delight when the staff came out singing they would be palpable (if they don’t know about this yet, someone ought to tell them).


A strikes me as the type to get you something practical and unknowingly kind of sweet.
Something simple, but that also shows they’ve been paying attention to the MC.
For example getting the MC a new pack of their favorite type of pens because they’ve noticed that the MC’s current pen is running out of ink.
Maybe I’m just boring, I dunno.


I don’t think M would struggle at all. I think I know what M would like to give the MC for their birthday…


Unless it’s for a tech savvy MC.

MC: “Uh…oh, h-how nice…!”

N: “I know! It’s the latest contraption!”

A: [entering] “Where in heavens did you ever find a working telegraph?”

N: “Oh! Well, I—”

[Suddenly A trips and they look down at the floor, eyes wide as they notice a suspiciously raised piece of earth beneath their feet.]

A: “Did…did you install the cable yourself??”

[N steps aside, subtly blocking the dirty shovel laying against the wall with their body.]

N: “I think you’re missing the big picture here, A. We now have an instantaneous method of communication with the Detect—”

MC: “—yeah, like three of them, I think—Nah, not that one, get the one with the blue label—No, you’re not colorbli—yes, that one. Ok. Ok… Alright, gotcha. See ya in a bit.”

[The MC hangs up and puts their cellphone back in their pocket.]

MC: “F and M are bringing beer—hey, what happened to my carpet?”

N: :sweat_drops:


Ha! I get it. You know what…you’re probably right… :laughing:

@rose-court That is hilarious. I bet it’s accurate too. LOL


I like how you picked N of all people to be the one to gift a telegraph instead of a certain someone still unfamiliar with our mannerisms. I won’t point fingers…cough cough Farah/Felix (not say F at the end in case someone gets other ideas of what I meant).

I think Felix would be more the type trow a crazy birthday party as a gift, maybe coupled with something crazy that fit the theme of the party.


Know what I was thinking? I wonder what The Gang will call MC once in a relationship-- not like pet names-wise, but the actual title of the nature of their relationship.

Bc I for some reason cant imagine A calling the MC their boyfriend/girlfriend… I feel like they would feel above that lmao. Kinda same with M.