The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

Just to throw a piece of what-if in the room. What if the mc’s bloodalteration, is really an evolutional thing, to fend of Echo World Creatures, but has come to the world earlier than the agency thought. What if there are families in which this blood is common, and because they know about it, they found a way to shelter themselves From getting noticed. What if they can enhance the power of the blood by Training. I Imagine a Guild of Shadow hunters.
Enough rumor thront hehe


It is an evolutionary thing. N said it in book one. There were other humans with that kind of mutation but got killed by Murphy. The Agency thinks the MC is the last one with the mutated blood, but I highly doubt that lol.


Nothing stops you from heacanoning that, but don’t expect the MC to gain any abilities from the blood apart from what the passive traits gives them.

But on a different note, is going to be pretty cool to see how the Agency provides methods of self defence to different MCs based on their stats. What word they give to a tech MC? What to people’s one? Or a deduction? And what type of combat will combat oriented MCs learn?


First of all, almost everyone changed avatars and i don’t recognize anyone anymore :disappointed_relieved:

Now, i have a conspiracy theory! Completely NOT backed up by facts and probably not possible, but just hear me out! I thought it was kind of interesting.

Wear a tinfoil hat and join me over here

So, this special blood that MC has is an evolutionary thing. Which meant it will continue to happen again and again until every human on earth has that blood alteration.

Centuries later we get another mutation that gets the blood to be even more potent and powerful and so on century afer century. Humans become a lot more powerful. This new evolved blood makes them faster, stronger, with a longer lifespan and all that.

Slowly the world changes and humans look at their past selves like some myth because they refuse to believe they were that weak and useless. Soon enough a war breaks out. Th victors want to erase their weak past from anyone’s memory and stop calling themselves “humans” preferring the more powerful term “vampires”.

A lot more centuries later everyone has forgotten their “human” past and some strange portals started opening in their new world. No one knows what they are or where do they lead as the ones who pass them never come back. But the vampires who do pass them, find themselves in a primitive world with things like “animals” and “humans” like in the myths. It’s like…they went back in time…

That’s why MC is immune to mind manipulations. Like a vampire is; so maybe the very early stages of vampirism are immune as well…


So this make me think of something.

As far as we know, vampires are not 100% to mental control-ish, since is safe to assume that the gas cameras that make supernaturals revive their worst fears would work on all supernaturals.

And this led me to think, will MC be immune to that as well? Does it affect humans to start with? And if it does, will MCs mutation protect them?


Right, ik you guys are talking about theories right now, but that fluff ask with A trying to be all sweet in their awkward lovely way is what Im LIVING for. So often we’ve talked about angst but I am here for these fluffy moments in game for all the routes😭
but damn F is a solid 9/10 :eyes:


When that kind of moment happens in the actual game, I know more than one user that is going to explode.

And this:

F doesn’t do them intentionally and goes in under the idea that it will lead to more and then is shocked when the other person just leaves. So they’ve been used for one night stands when they didn’t think they were. They wouldn’t go into a one night stand if they knew that’s all it was gonna be.

I really hope we can get a chance to hunt down this people and make them regret using this pure soul. They must be someone from the Agency, as I don’t think F would get many chances to get in touch with any outsiders. We must find this people and beat the shit out of them :unamused:

And also this ask!!

I wonder what that twist in book 3 will be about and if book 2 will give us any clues about it.


Dang im not sure what the twist will be, but hopefully we’ll get a chance in book 4 or book 3 to get with F or N :smirk:.

Omfg Imma cry internally. Imagine poor sweet F connecting with someone then after a night of passion waking up and finding no one there. It must suck to have ppl only after your body, we have to find these evil ppl and make them pay .


You know, I am laughing now because I just realised how genuinely angry I got imagining someone doing this to F, even if they are a fictional character :joy:


It actually baffles me how someone wouldn’t want a long term relationship with F. Like I understand they’re good looking but they just seem so fun. I feel like they would be my best friend until I realised I like them more than just friends. Or that one person in your squad thats always cracking jokes and everyone secretly has a crush on. Its like F is so adventurous and fun, and kind too, but they can also be soft and serious— plus they’re hot! Why would anyone use them like that. Dont worry @Meira_Litch it makes me mad too :joy:
protects farah


I understand that Because If they were upfront and say F I m just want fun nothing else I found it okay. But they lie poor f that is like my brother. NO ONE CHEAT MY BRO AND LIVES


:broken_heart: don’t worry @Meira_Litch, I got so mad after reading this too. How can anyone treat F this way??!

If they are really people from the Agency… They will really not be safe from the wrath of my detective. :angry:


Nothing like the fresh smell of a riot being born in the Agency. Look at the place burning to ashes because hundreds of the detectives are ready to hunt.


Ikr! Like see M tried to make a pass at them but F turned them down and I sorta feel like M respected F more after that and the two also got much closer and M saw F for then just their body. I feel like the reason people are doing this to F is because of how fun and loose they are, they think F is just here to have some fun and then that’s all. But F isn’t just some coat that you put on to feel nice and warm and then throw back into the closet. And then these fools who do this to F dont stay with F long enough to see the more serious and long term relationship part of them :sweat:



Awwwwe I can imagine smol baby vamp N :laughing::laughing::laughing:


F is such a romantic, I love that they can live with M but the idea of one night stands happening just… never crosses their minds. We need to protect them.


You guys go have your fun “hunting” I’ll be here Working. Shuffles papers

I really hope that the mc can help F with all this, romanced or just friends. I know if someone did that to me I would have trouble trusting a lot of people ever again but F even though their careful, trusts the mc. I can’t wait to cover them with kisses and tell them it’s gonna be alright. I bet mamma N and papa A are always there for F when something like this happens. And M is like “you want me to beat them up?”.
Oh and the “A and N (definitely N, lol) prefer quality in general.” Why can I imagine N dragging A along for shopping. Then A being like: How about this?
N: The fabric is too thin, the stitching is all wrong and the collar has been permanently creased. That being said it is a delightful shade of Cyan.
A: You’re right, onto the next one.


This made me burst out laughing, because I feel that it WOULD be a conversation that they would have.:joy:


Didn’t know this existed until today…

Oh Nate you make everyone swoon.:kissing_closed_eyes:
And Adam… you handsome angsty man.:hugs: