The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two (Discussion)

So I’ve got somethings to say about the romance routes (besides the Adam-Nate love Triangle).

  • Mason’s Romance: I’m edgy trash and went all in with him. I was personally frustrated that there wasn’t enough to engage in amore tender and romantic relationship…but that’s not really a criticism. To be honest, that is a STRENGTH! I think that this is a good dynamic to explore because of how frustrating he can be, but at the same time YOU KNOW he is very much into you. This relationship dynamic was done so well and I love how on the outside it looks really quick, but when you actually engage with the romance and take into consideration of Mason’s personality…this is kinda slow. He won’t be as vulnerable as you would like because that’s waaaay to intimate for him, but this book and the previous one really makes him become much more vulnerable with someone completely new. I love how well done this romance is and I love Mason as a character!

  • Felix: Boy needs to sit down for 2 seconds. He is really likable and comes off as immature, but the more you engage with him in a romantic relationship, he shows a more subtle maturity that he has deep within him. It’s a fun, engaging, and really funny Relationship dynamic and I love how the pace of the relationship in character. Perfect pace for a Felix Romance run.

  • Nate: It’s sweet, tender, and really feels like a proper courtship. I found a base parallel to Felix’s Romantic Relationship with the Detective in that the relationship shows off a more subtle difference in character than having him as friend would ever reveal. He is refined, sentimental, and is cautious and his romantic pursuit with the Detective not only pulls from that, but it adds in a more caring and a bit more erotic way? I don’t know how to describe it perfectly. You just gotta do a Nate run.

  • Adam: It’s a whole different playing field. Adam is Bstrd. He knows what he is doing and he knows you like it. It’s infuriating. At the same time, the relationship is sincere, soft, and actually pretty intense. While Adam is Bstrd, he is also really sweet, caring, and shares some pretty emotionally vulnerable moments with the Detective. It’s compelling and sweet and really slow. It fit’s Adam’s personality really well and honestly, it is worth it if you follow through with Adam as a Romantic Option.


I spent hours and hours reading yesterday and my chest still balloons up every time I think about UB.

This book has been truly amazing and each route is so unique and fulfilling in a different way. It’s impossible not to adore UB; hell, even Falk had me in my feelings! And Douglas! Why does this child act like this is the first time he has ever been hugged?!

It really makes me ache to be able to read the rest of the series, but I also don’t want to, because then it will be over :sob:

RIP to all of us out here who hyperfixate, I am vibrating at the speed of light!


That’s because it’s probably the first time :cry:

I was so mad when his parents didn’t even notice he had been gone for days… I hope we can kind of adopt him at some point.


Now that I’ve finished run№1 i have to confess being a thick-headed oblivious idiot. Well, that, or Mishka is just good at writing subtle attraction signs, because my MC’s interactions with Falk went like:

Oh, look, he is acting civil now, good. → He is almost friendly, that’s good (should have knocked though, it’s a bedroom, after all) → Hm… okay. He definitely likes the MC as a person, along with Sanja, that should help with the treaty, right? → Oh, crap. There goes all the goodwill I’ve accumulated. Damned Trappers. → Saved it! He is friendly again! → Wait. Is he hitting on the MC? → OMG he is hitting on the MC! He’s been hitting on the MC the whole time!!! :sweat:
That aside, still thankful for Mason, a little worried about Verda’s revelation (I chose to let him figure it out), and very-very pumped for what’s next.
More reading ahead. Aside from separate routes, I still have that loser-bitten-Bobby-bugged-love-LTd Detective to check out. Should be fun.


Totally agree. In fact, Verda is my favorite character. I tried too to go for a romance with Verda before I knew who were the Ros. Probably, if by magic Verda suddenly is Ro, I’m so sorry for F but… :rofl:


Am I the only one thinking that Eilidor is actually working for the rogue supernaturals and thats how they know so much about the mc


Is it possible to get Falk to agree to the treaty without saving Sanja?

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If my detective wasn’t engaged with UB s/he would totally suck Falks dick

On a more serious note I am incredibly impressed by the amount of quality this book delivers. It’s a step up from Book 1 which was phenomenal in its own regard yet somehow book 2 managed to blow it out of the water for me.
I’m pleased by the way the antagonist is written in this book its unexpected and a good change from Murphy. I personally enjoy the more romance focused aspect we got this time bc I’m all about character development and getting immersed into this little family. A lot of books lack the feeling of really portraying the character in an ‘alive’ manner with authentic feelings and thoughts and that’s honestly the biggest selling point for me. UB is written so beautifully, you really can see vulnerability and how each character reacts/acts different towards your detective. Sera has put a lot of thoughts into believable responses and I am forever grateful for that. Huge kudos to our MC too, no matter what personality type you play, there will always be choices that flow easily with what you envision, nothing ooc nothing too over the top that doesn’t fit with the already written scenes of the MC. It’s a dream come true.

And with each book it gets harder to decide who I personally like the most, what can I say I want to have a slice of everyone :weary:… Luckily my 4 Detectives can just do the part and snack on each of em even if one or two have to hold out longer than others, thank you A and M.


Three words. Dat Love Triangle.

I simply cannot do any work of any kind at all after reading that. MUST REPEAT 20X FOR ALL BRANCHES.

Ok so when I played the first game I ranked the ROs in order of which rout I liked best

They were

  1. Nat
  2. Ava
  3. Morgan
  4. Farah

But now the list almost completely flipped

It’s now

  1. Farah
  2. Morgan
  3. Ava
  4. Nat
    Honestly Nat WAS my favorite but I felt the whole oh look someone interrupted us again and spoiled the mood just happened way to often and what should have and would have been meaningful moments were just like the book pulling the emergence break on a train and saying sorry but this is moving too quick. It kinda got old quick. I still love Nat to death and maybe I just had a brain fart during her route since I stayed up all night just to play all the routs (except the love triangle cause I’m a coward :smirk:) (Even if she was the first rout I played and I am going to go through it again because feels​:heart_eyes:) but I just felt the other three had better and more meaningful scenes concerning the romance than she did. But that’s just my opinion.

Just finished A and N.

I have to say that my favourite scene in A’s route has to be the one where they’re in the car with the detective and looking like they REALLY want to die. Yes, my detective totally stepped on the gas in that one. (M totally has the best reaction to the detective being a petty, trolly little shit in the equivalent bit of that so far though, maybe my impression would change once I get to F. I didn’t have the heart to troll N, lol…) My impression of the route is…less that A is unaware or in denial of feelings, but…more like…they knew that ship has sailed, but would like to really, really not think about wherever it is that they’re sailing to. At some point, the detective would probably have to resist temptation to compile a file or a powerpoint presentation about it lol.

N…while I was doing the route I really felt a weird deja vu for something, and I burst out laughing when M said that N never got out of the seventeenth century because YES, that is EXACTLY what it felt like lmao. 17th century-setting novel courtship! Luckily, the detective I had for that route is the type to enjoy museums. :slight_smile: I think the route went a little bit too heavy on the sweet, but coming off the angst and tension of A’s route, it was a nice change. (Also, I went with a shy/cautious type detective for N because it seemed like they appreciated that, going from Book 1. But I was surprised by how many times it made sense to do a “it’s mutual” thing and take the initiative back with N, even with the most reserved MC I could come up with, that emotional openness is really something.)

Favourite fluff scene in the game is paper airplanes. Nuff said. I’m really looking forward to F lol. Second favourite is A trying to deal with Cara on sugar high.


I was also surprised at how sweet M’s route actually was! I mean the sex scene was great and ofc I couldn’t resist both scenes but the whole “no ones ever kissed me like that before” and how the detective made him feel at ease thru his hyper senses got me cryyyying omg. I cant wait to see where that route goes honestly and I think its my 2nd fav behind Adam rn.


Yeah! that happened in my first playthrough you just need to paint the agency as something with flaws and “doing the best they can in a difficult situation”, and just be sympathetic to Falk. My MC had high people/psychology skill, so that might have had something to do with it. But yeah, I ended up not saving Sanja the first run through, and managed to get him to sign with all the stuff above


Thing is, without mc becoming something immortal, there isn’t too many happy endings for ppl. Well, realistically the RO would move on but, I doubt that the audience enjoys not spending eternity with the RO.



So, I have played Ava’s route but this particular question applies to all the characters, it just so happens I thought of it from a specific scene involving her.

Now, for the actual question.

Will there be differences in the UB’s backstories or experiences based upon there genders?

After reading the scene where Ava is judged by Falk, after realizing she was a knight or some sort, and after realizing she has lived for 900+ years, it occurred to me that it would make total sense for, say, Ava and Adam (or any of the UB characters I suppose, besides Felix/Farah) to have anywhere from slightly to radically different backstories since, unfortunately, society has not always been fair to women compared to men (and that is an understatement).

This is not me advocating for inequality between men and women within the narrative nor out of it. This me merely asking a question of the author based upon the harsh realities of history and how that might impact her story.

Obviously, the choice is yours Sera of how much of a difference there would be in this particular instance, if there even is one, and I know I will enjoy your work no matter the outcome. Still, I thought it was an interesting topic for discussion anyway.

P.S. Great work on book 2. Loved every second of it and your hard work paid off. Keep it up.


I agree, N is supposed to be open with their feelings and have no real obstacles at this point in their romance. The pace did not match the situation at all. Even if there were interruptions N should have been able to move a little faster to get to the point they want with the MC.


So it wasn’t just me who though Nat would have just gotten fed up with the distractions and been like hey I’m into you and I think your into me do you wanna go out for tea and really talk about it tomorrow? Her rout felt like I should have been able to just confront her about it but it never came up.


Just finished the book! It’s awesome…
Badly waiting for book 3…when? I think 2022 :disappointed:
Just one request… I like the Douglas character! He’s so good and innocent! Please let the mc kiss him :wink: he deserves it u know

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Yeah, exactly. It’s the most obvious romance, the delay doesn’t make sense

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I thought it made sense. N wanted to wait until the whole situation was resolved, so they could focus entirely on the detective. I think N said as much when they bring up going on a date for the first time.