The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

Honestly, I’m not counting on it. Sera seems to favor the shy, non-combat-oriented MCs. Or maybe she just thinks the bold ones who can fight wouldn’t appreciate M being protective. Who knows. Whatever the case, I figure this is just how it’s going to be for my M-mancer. My F-mancer is in a relationship with F and is getting awesome scenes. Ditto for my N-mancer. My A-mancer gets next to nothing (hell would have frozen over before she tried to hold Adam’s hand–she’s been rejected enough by him that she knows better than to make a move!).

On a related note… for those romancing M who haven’t done the deed yet, do you guys get kissing scenes with M? Or just nothing? I’m curious, because I’m thinking M’s path without any physical contact would be just as torturous as A’s path.

I’m glad my M-mancer hopped in the sack with him right off. Having to wait another two books for M to realize he feels something other than lust or indigestion, while getting absolutely nothing with him, would just be annoying as hell. That said, I’m willing to bet Sera will reward those who waited with some serious mushy stuff the ones who boinked him first chance won’t get.

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My M-mancer hasn’t slept with Mason yet, and there are still some options to kiss that don’t involve sex, but there are fewer of them, and they’re optional. Some of the dialogue that you get if you don’t sleep with him is pretty cute though, especially when he’s confused.

Sera did say on Tumblr though that she didn’t want to punish people who slept with M right away, so I don’t know if there will be extra sappy scenes for those who dont. (I 'd include a link, but my technology skills are about as good as N’s) ,

Also, I don’t think it’s going to take as long as you think for M to realize they have feelings for the detective. There were a few scenes in the demo that made me think he’s pretty close to realizing his feelings.


I actually find this weird. M is so incredibly touch-oriented, that I would think they’d be up for any touching, even if it’s just kissing (probably in hopes of it going further, knowing M, but they aren’t going to push). Someone who is so focused on touch would want any touching, not just inserting tab A into slot B, especially when it brings them peace in a way nothing else can (which it’s clear that the MC’s mere presence can do, if we look at the roof scene).

I thought the same thing until I saw some of the blips on Sera’s Patreon. Given those, and her comments on her tumblr that years could pass before M realizes what they feel is love, I think the confusion is going to be milked for quite a while. I just hope F makes fun of M constantly for it, if that’s how it goes.

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I haven’t played the demo yet. I like playing the whole thing at once, and I won’t be able to handle stopping a third of time way through, or however long her demos are. But it’s SO HARD!!! I need more cute vampires in my life, and it’s taking so long. I don’t mean that in a mean, hurry up way, but in a I love it so much I want it now way.
Also, does anyone know if they’re still doing the YouTube videos? I feel like it’s been awhile


Speaking from experience, (Looking at you, Keeper of the Sun and Moon WIP!) I find it better to wait. It’s even more painful to read a bit and be stuck waiting for any crumb of new content / information of good stories like this.


Wait for real? You mean the book 3 demo right? I’ve seen your posts on this topic for a whole while now, how come you haven’t succumbed to reading the demo?

I absolutely regret reading the complete demo - especially since I primarily play with ava as the detective’s chosen gal, she’s stubborn as hell - and I really want to binge the whole thing in one go too :expressionless:

When book 3 goes live I sure hope A mancers get something, anything. :weary: If it’s another hand holding scene I’m going to lose my mind.


It’s been a struggle not reading the demo. And I totally agree with A! I play all RO’s but my favorites are N and A. And I need more A stuff. A heat of the moment kiss, that totally freaks A out. A heart felt convo between N and A, A finally admitting his feeling, just not to the right person. Literally anything!


I can’t wait for this to release. I need to know what happens to my MC. I’ve also been invested in their relationship w/ N ever since I got the option to enter the relationship

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I don’t see how you guys stand not reading the demo. I’m such a spoiler whore, I want to see every bit I can. Of course, then I get impatient for more, but I can’t know it’s there without reading it!


M’s touchiness, ok so i have a theory about it, in book 2 the m flashback scene shows them to be some kind of doctor, now the greek accent could be beacuse they are greek or lived there for a long time now m is like 90 years old, so my theory is that they were either a greek doctor or a doctor sent to greece during the second world war, got captured, tortured and something something somebody saved them from death by turning them into a vampire, so about the whole touchy thing, they got their memories, maybe even mind wipe. And got reduced to factory settings basicaly, so they got seduced by sex, thats it, my theory. Bye bye!

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Let’s settle this: (main M-mancer)

Did you have an “aggressive cuddling” with Morgan/Mason?
  • Yes, I did!!! :fire:
  • No adult naptime. Just kissing :kiss:
  • I want a commitment and pure relationship :ring:

0 voters


I will not lie as I did

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I want a commitment and pure relationship

yeah, M fans are definitely pure so long as you don’t mind all the stuff they make in tumblr with their detectives and M

I’d imagine if someone made a poll for what people do with ava/adam all the choices would be “nothing”, “nothing”, intense staring, enough angst and sexual tension to feed a whale.


I’ve avoided everything except a kiss on the cheek with my M-mancer, but something like holding hands would be nice, if they could ever be talked into it. Maybe the concept would have to be explained to them first, I don’t think any of their past romantic relationships involved much non-sexual physical contact. :sweat_smile:


I feel like M might be super cautious about touching with non sexual MCs, due to their lack of experience with actual relationships. M is all about the MC feeling comfortable, so I think their thought process is “They don’t want sex, so I shouldn’t be all over them.”


is it just me who wants to be a vampire😅


Nop xD


Could add a “tried to touch A’s hand” to the mix, too. And maybe “reach out, pull back, reach out, pull back, repeat ad nauseum…”

As an aside, I’m not feeling the sexual tension between my MC for A and A anymore. I think that stopped after the “MC sleeps over at the warehouse” chapter in book 2 (it made her so mad she could’ve clocked him with one of those dummies). Now it’s just my MC staring at A and mentally shaking her head or sighing or rolling her eyes until Sera forces sexual tension on her. A makes her think of a line from Ferris Beuller’s Day Off: “Pardon my French, but Adam is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you’d have a diamond.” At some point, I think she’d love to tell him that, too!

I think M’s “past romantic relationships” consist of, as someone else so eloquently put it, nut and bolt or squirt and desert. So hand holding does not compute.

Two of my detectives are 100% certain they want to be a vampire. The third wants to be one but the idea of being an immortal and being alone her entire life is a bit of a turnoff. The fourth isn’t too certain because blood grosses her out, but will likely come around.


I see that’s some good input there💯

Oh yeah, the most lewdest of the bunch, premarital handh*lding.

I actually like the moments of sexual tension and looks of longing being exchanged by the detective and A because it makes me frustrated; if I was in front of these two people I’d literally knock their heads together and tell them to just get a room and make out or something. both variations of training and research is immensely frustrating with A.

the reference is lost on me since I’ve been putting off that movie on hold since like forever. I haven’t seen it but I’m not sure if coal is the thing the detective wants to put in A’s ass. j̶o̶k̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶d̶e̶f̶i̶n̶i̶t̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶k̶s̶ ̶in̶ ̶b̶o̶t̶h̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ :flushed:

oh yeah, input :woozy_face: