The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

You get that with M, no? No way A route will change. Thats why you have FOUR Romances to choose from .


It was a suggestion and a voicing of an opinion. I thought that was allowed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also, it doesn’t “change” the route. There’s nothing changing about A in it or how A responds. It’s simply offering the MC another way to respond. You might not like the response or want to use it, but some might.


after 2 book and a demo…I’m wondering if its an opinion or open war at this point from you :smile:

Or maybe you trying to convert us…us hopeless love A angst to your M boat…huh? lol

ROTFOMAO! Nope, not trying to convert anyone. More M for my girl, if no one else wants them!

Really, my point in sharing my opinion is to get it out there. I get that there are four romance options. It would be nice to be able to play all of them and enjoy them for what they are. And options for MC responses and behavior is what would do that for A’s route for my MC.


Liar! You are holding that M banner too tightly, for me to believe ya!

May wanna start a psychology book on emotions at this point… :smile:


Well, in my defense, I have a F banner in my other hand (but I’d throw it on the ground in heartbeat to hold onto the M one). :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, I so want to like A’s route, because I love emotionally repressed characters who don’t know wtf to do with emotions. But even when I put a sociopath with Adam, she was forced to be all emotional! I finally settled for clueless, but she’s forced to be all head-over-heels for Adam while he treats her like utter poo (she didn’t even get the hand-holding scene at the end of b2 because she didn’t initiate it, nor did she get “tu omnia” because she saved Adam, so she’s got jack shit from him other than a few words that are squashed by his dickishness at this point!).

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Massive respect to the author writing this series. Romance ain’t normally my biggest cup of tea, but all the characters in this are amazingly written.

My biggest compliment has to be just how planned everything seems. Since this series is going to be 7 books long (Jesus that’s a lot of writing), proper planning is essential. And the author demonstrates this beautifully.

Every single romance at this point is lacking something. For A it’s… well anything. For N it’s intimate scenes and backstory drops, for F it’s intimate scenes, and for M it’s an admission to emotional connection. it takes some amazing level of skill to plan this far ahead so effectively.

Bravo. (There’s a pun in there somewhere)


I think the difference is that you may assume that A is doing this intentional - and is somewhat toying with the detective.

I consider it an subconscious thing, something they can’t help.
Is my detective frustrated with A? Hell, yes, he is. Is he hurt? Hell yes, he is. But he’s more frustrated and hurt, that A doesn’t get it and keeps trying to not give in.

Ever been in love with someone you shouldn’t be? Yeah, kinda like that.

I have no issue with an option of calling A out on their indecisiveness and emotional rollercoaster, but in a way that voices frustration, rather than blaming them for emotional abuse.

And if you wanna go the ice-royal route, telling A off even though the MC doesn’t mean it, you really think A would pursue? I don’t think so. A would rather give up and continue their life in silent misery.

As for Rebecca, your MCs are aware, that they are now liars as well and are involved in - what others may assume - shady business?

And I guess that my MCs are logical and blessed with enough common sense to see that Rebecca’s reaction is a necessity. :man_shrugging:


pretty much this…

and let’s not forget that we judge these characters with mortal eyes. A had 900 years of who know what…and there are irrational expectations.


One more cause for execution then :upside_down_face:

Except angst. There’s plenty of those in the sea right now.

People seem forget A is 900 years old they have been this way for a long time. It like learning a new language it takes time and patience


What do you guys think about Douglas?

He’s a creep in my opinion, especially if your playing a female character his crush makes it worse. Him saying weird stuff about sleeping in your office so he feels close to you. Yeah, nope.


Eww! When does he do this? The demo? All my detectives ended up going the Bobby route.

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Oh yeah, go run book 2 and choose him instead of Bobby (If you go out, you get him)…it’s worth it the cringe lol


When he comes to your house at night instead of Bobby. It’s why I’d rather go Bobby everytime.

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:rofl: I mean guess it family trait because the mayor does same thing :rofl:


Has well intentions, but his behavior borderlines on stalking, especially for female Detectives.

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Depending on background with him, but… Ew, Bobby is such a creep too! :fearful:

Can we punch him? Or kick…?


So far, the scenes with F are perfect for where I want things to be.

From lip sharing in the hallway to sitting together in a smooth practiced motion during meetings… F is perfect for my MC.