The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

Maybe it will sense the pure angelic nature of F and come to find them :unicorn:


Never let the unicorn dream die, friend!!


I’m kind of curious why a whole world only has one language, tbh :thinking: Maybe the portals to our world only pop up in one place? How do these portal even pop up? Are they natural or did someone create them?

I like how you think, friend!! F deserves a special unicorn friend!! :unicorn: + :man_vampire:t6:= :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Has Sera not told us that the cause for those portals is unknown both to the Agency and in the Echo World? Especially the Echo World since those portals and disappearances are actually more like myths to the inhabitants of the Echo World.


Maybe A rift in time and space

Yeah, but I mean, there still has to be a cause. Maybe we’ll never know it but that doesn’t mean there’s not one.


Tell me you couldn’t see F wearing this. Every. Single. Day.

Ahem, maybe one species is in charge and forced their language on the others. Or Echolian is like Latin was. Just a common language spoken by the people left over from their former rulers. Maybe they have individual languages for different species but Echolian is kind of a common tongue everybody knows for ease of communication.


Very true, my apologies I am very tired, and in some way it is likely that we will find out about the cause in the future installments. Maybe the detective will actually be transported with a portal into the Echo World and could that be the cause for the high angst rating for book 5.

I would like to think that these portals come forth from chemical reactions between the Echo World and Earth.

Or mayhap the dimensions of Earth and Echo World clash against one another, and at every bump, scratch and hit there comes a (momentary) rip in both the dimension’s surfaces and therefore creating the portals?
Apologies if this is whole globberscotch talk, I need to sleep


This lead me to some thinking. As you know, all of the supernaturals speak the same language.

That could imply that geographically Echo world is 1 huge supercontinent surrounded by oceans. As for the reasons - seismic activity could be milder compared to our planet without lithospheric plates moving like crazy, blah bla blah. Uhm, yeah, I haven’t really thought about this part much, so let’s move one

One continent. With a large arid desert in the center (see Australia, as the best example, typhoons lose their force by the time they reach the center of the continent), where bandits/barbarians could live, then sprinkle in some mountains to maintain biodiversity and resource rich coasts would be where the majority of population lives. No need for marine travel to meet and barter with other nations (and that was the biggest and most dangerous deterrent in our history), faster and more profitable trade and most importantly - easy communication.

This could lead to everyone speaking one and only language, maybe with different dialects, but nothing too major to prevent understanding.

Goddammit, the more I theorize, the more Echo World loses its semblance to our globe :sweat_smile:


Uuuu what if portals countiue to grow more fequent and larger untill the point of both earth and echo world crash into each other and killing everyone

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I am lowkey hoping that, after Sera read us for years, she will put unicorns in book 7


Or… hear me out… we have Supernatural beings. Maybe a wizard did it. Like the evil overlord of the Echo World just decided to make portals to another world to throw away anyone they didn’t want in their world. I mean probably not but it could be magical!!

Also, totally random thought but I hope F will teach the MC some Echolian. I mean I know N could too but I think it would mean more coming from F since its their Native Language. Plus. Imagine them teaching the MC all kinds of dirty or dumb things and then being like “okay, go practice on N!” And the MC goes up and tell N something like “I want to see you naked” while F is trying not to laugh in the background.


You know Suavewell (if they are our LI) would start taking off their jacket just to throw us off. Then say something like “You know I would be more than happy to teach you new things…about the language of course.” Then wink at us and go off to scold F.



But imagine the MCs who aren’t romancing N then! They will be so confused!!

Bonus: It’s a win-win for F if the MC is romancing them since the MC can use what they learned to sweet talk F too!!


Well I imagine if we aren’t romancing them they would smile softly, shake their head, say they are taking over our lessons from now on, and ground F for two weeks.


Ground F and take away their unicorn stuffie.

Unicorns are drawn to goodness, F. Naughty vampires can't have one.


Noooo thats to cruel. We want them to learn their lesson not hate us.


While apprehending a potential supernatural suspect, det. decided to use a newly learned skill of speaking Echolian thanks to F dear.

MC: Freeze! Get your bums in the air!
Confused werewolf: ???
MC: Don’t you arouse me, bad boy! I want you to show them boobies right now! Slowly! Yeees, nice and easy!
Traumatized werewolf: Crazy humans, I want to go home

Last I'll say about NSFW talk in respect of thread

I’m not sure about others but for me personally, it comes from my personal feelings. It’s in the opposite way for me, but I’m more submissive in everything outside of the bedroom. I’d rather everyone else make the decisions and take charge and that’s the role I feel most comfortable in. However, there’s one space I want complete control and I honestly couldn’t enjoy it any other way. So I always kind of thought that maybe there were others on the flip side of things. But yeah, I’d rather not get into that too much of that sort of private stuff, just wanted to explain my reasoning.

And that’s true about M, I didn’t really think of that. I think M is just the character I find the hardest to understand so my analysis is probably weak there.

Sorry everyone, no more lecherous talk from me.


Hey guys, I know it’s a bit late but like @spunkycatninja said no more NSFW talk after this post. Please be considerate of other people’s comfort zone.

Thank you.


Who is more popular? Female UB or Male UB?

Edit: I messed up the last one, here we go:

  • Adam, Nate, Felix, and Mason
  • Ava, Nat, Farah, and Morgan
  • Adam, Nate, Farah, and Morgan
  • Ava, Nat, Felix, and Mason
  • I refuse to pick, I love them all!!

0 voters