The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

I truly think M and A would try to go rampage in their weak human bodies, only to be confronted by how weak they have become.
F would go in full panic mode, having never been a human this is something they have never experienced before.
And N…? N would try to make the best of it? Maybe go to the bakery and eat all that they would normally not eat, because it has just too many flavours?


Are you implying that F would not go raid the bakery with N, only to get run over while trying to race a car?


I’m out of likes again.
Also, I’m just an innocent bystander in all of this

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Who says F has to wait with raiding the bakery till they are in a human body?
And, not to be a spoilsport (though I know I am), but N would never approve of any kind of raiding.
As for the car running F over, A would somehow intercept, I have faith in them for keeping F out of harm’s way whilst they are human.

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I think for M would actually be like some kind of holidays.for however long it was, they could do things without being overwhelmed.

They could eat, they could go and listen to some jazz, they could go around without ever smell assaulting him.

For N… I think it would be nice in a way, but I think they would be extremely worried for the MC since now they will need blood… And what if the lack of blood taken by N will make it more difficult for MC? As if for example, you never had drugs but then you are put inside the body of someone with heroin addiction, you will crave it so hard, even if you don’t know what the fuck is going on.

Then, A would be angry too, probably try to punch something to realise that their hand hurts so much. After this, I think they would be careful with what they do since they don’t want to damage the detective body.

F… I think it could go either way. If it was for a short time, they would probably think is really cool, specially if they have different sex lmao. Check that Felix grabbing the Detective boobs, or Farah “whaaaaaaaa, look at this!!!” while moving her hips with a penis moving around. Then, if it went for too long, I think they would panic, simply as that.


A and N would get one of those toddler leashes for F. Only way to keep them safe.


Also, can I add that if the MC wasn’t fit, A would be extra annoyed and then start training in the detective body “because is unacceptable to be so weak”? :joy:


You are right, I can imagine M experiencing it as a blessing to finally live without their oversensitivity. Though I am not so certain about them suddenly enjoying eating, yet, on the other hand, why not?
And still, I also think they would be fearful frustrated for losing their strength and other supernatural abilities.


You know, I’ve been thinking about M and it seems to me that they’re somebody who has been at other people’s mercy one too many times. They tense up until assured the detective’s weirdness doesn’t hinder their strength, and they have a strong sense of self-reliance and independence.

And with the way they talk about thralls—that they were stupid for getting caught. I wonder if anyone ever said that to them. They note the people in the apartment could have it worse—maybe they had it worse, once.


Yes, I can agree with your theory.
Especially considering the comment Murphy makes when M has accompanied the detective to the parking lot/their car. I am referring to the comment, “ah, they (the Agency) will be keeping you on a short leash”. There could be so much those few words implicate and none of them good.

Someone else had also the theory (posted a few thousand posts ago) that M could have been an experiment from the Agency, which is why M is so powerful (with as downside them being oversensitive).

Oh, there are so many angsty theories possible. I love it.


Finally caught up! Would have days ago if it wasn’t for the like limit mutter mutter mutter Been having great fun reading all the love/theories/fics. Had me in stitches more than a few times. :smile:

Quick question, do you think Rebecca or one of UB will tell the Detective how they found them?

Using Chana to “pull information” from the mind of the innocent ex-ghoul could definitely be described as a dodgy grey area. Lots of potential for drama there. Either the fact they were willing to use such an ability on a human, or that they even have access to powerful supernaturals like Chana in the first place. Got me wondering what else the Agency might have done in similar situations…

Rebecca might have been breaking the Agency’s rules but they seem more like guidelines for Agents, being so easily broken by those in positions of power.

My Detective’s trust of the Agency pretty much revolves around - Rebecca/UB trust them so whatever…Troubled waters ahead in Kira-world. xD

Guess its not too late to answer these:

Kira Royce

General: Laid-back, dedicated, subtle
Birthday? October 25th
Ethnicity? I imagine she’s of Mediterranean descent, possibly Sicilian - moved away when she was young

Favorite Color?Inidgo
Favorite Season? Spring
Favorite Smell? Ginger
Favorite ice cream flavor? Favorite pie? Neopolitan, rhubarb (crumble)
Favorite flower? Tree? Elderflower, willow
Favorite wild animal? Pet? Jackdaws/ravens - would love to take on a rescue but never had the chance
Favorite movie? Ip Man
Disney movie? The Jungle Book
Favorite Marvel hero? DC? Rorschach
Favorite game? Cheat, Rummy

What do they smell like? Likes her coffee, so probably that more than anything
What flavor chapstick do they use? Berry
Shampoo/Soap scent? Likes to change - usually natural, nothing too sweet (almond, camomile)
Random fears? Deep water
What languages do they know? English, bits and pieces of Italisn (very rusty)
If they could have ANY career what would it be? Anything that took her to remote parts of the world, Scientist/Engineer in Antartica?
What skill do they want to learn? A martial art, something to protect herself on the job
Hot showers or cold showers? Hot
What kind of pajamas do they wear? Old clothes, something loose

Ideal Holiday? Climbing, walking - anything outdoorsy
What physical traits do they find attractive? Generally bubbly people
Personality traits? Conviction, snark, care
What are their guilty pleasures? Staying up until dawn, watching the sunrise
What’s the perfect gift someone could give them. Loves old photographs/everyday objects, anything with a personal touch
Who was their first crush (real or fictional)? She doesn’t really think about it. Probably had one for Tina for a while.
What is their most used emoji? ;D
Do they prefer sweet, salty, or savoury snacks? Savoury
What are some items on their bucket list? See an aurora, reconnect with her roots, survive this supernatural business intact

Oh and @anon8836198 I know you posted about the echo world govn. and anarchy a while ago but thought I’d add something quick…


Anarchy doesn’t necessarily mean that lawless/street mob image. I live somewhere that was set up as a Tolstoyan community over a hundered years ago, they managed - you could say thrived knowing how windswept/exposed it can get up here. The Echo World could be without government but having guiding principles that small groups generally agree with.


I feel very sad that I missed this and also afraid of falling into the neverending depths of this thread if I try to go searching for it.


Well, you do not have to search for it, for @bobsmyuncle had given a link to the first post.

But let me direct you once more to the first post that started our kink-talk.


That’s a fair point, I won’t deny there are small to medium settlements that can and do make this kind of system work and work quite well for that purpose.

But then, you’d have to consider the scale. The larger it is (the more people/cities/regions) and the more players there are, the less effective an uncentralized government becomes. Although here I’m assuming Echo World has a large, diverse population and is driven by motivations, desires and needs not unlike human ones in their root - safety, love, social status etc, because otherwise you can take whatever utopian idea you want and adjust the society and its citizen nature to make it work.

But again if Echo World is like human one, then we can take a look at our own history if we want to know what happens to large split groups that don’t pursue unity: take Rus’ in 13th century for example. A bunch of knyaz states that all wanted the power for themselves and lived quite happily, sometimes helping each other out, sometimes having an occasional feud. Then more unified, hence greater force showed up and steamrolled Russia, holding it as a vassal state for several centuries, with repercussions in culture and progress showing up to this very day. Things were bleak until 300 years later Ivan the Great came around and unified all the states and only after that Rus’ managed to successfully fight back and drive the conquerors away.

In short: “E pluribus unum”. Because for a larger scale it’s the only thing that truly works.

Oh, lol, I was so excited when I saw the other post I didn’t even look. Thanks!

I should rephrase things, Can we please resurrect the kink discussion again XD

My Opinion NSFW?

F - Sub
N - Switch leaning towards Sub
A - Switch leaning towards Dom
M - Dom

I can see F easily letting their partner take the lead in these things. If I remember correctly, based on asks and the story itself, F isn’t a very good decision maker. They were also the most responsive to a protective MC so I can see them handing control over and enjoying it more than any of the others. Even if they play the Dom role I think the MC would still be the one directing things lol.

The biggest thing with N would be getting them to actually think of their own needs for a moment. They are the type that’s always thinking about their partner and they would probably go so far as to fake their enjoyment just so the MC could play the role they want. But an MC with experience would be able to pick that sort of thing out right away and it would be a real frustrating time. But I think a Dom MC that can strip past Suavewell and find the vulnerable N underneath would be the best for them (And as soon as Sera reveals what buttons to press to really make N swoon, I’m totally writing my FemDetective/Nate fiction :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)

Oh my God, A. I honestly they’d probably benefit the most from this sort of thing. They are wound so tight and they are so controlling. Not to mention they are the perfect leader. I think they’d fall into the Dom role quite easily and they’d have enough self control not to let things get out of hand. However, IMO, I think they’d get the most pleasure out of submitting in the private bedroom (No one would ever be able to know XD). Letting someone else have the control for awhile would be therapeutic for someone with all that weight on their shoulders. But it won’t happen until there is 100% trust between the Detective and A, otherwise they’d be fidgety and uncomfortable the whole time.

M is totally a Dom, downright destructive I think. I honestly think it would be safest to stick to vanilla with them unless the Detective had a lot of experience. I can see things getting out of hand real fast. I think if it was very deep into the relationship where M was in love and fiercely protective, it could be tried, but I can imagine that deeply in love M would get very upset if they accidentally hurt the MC (This is also the reason I can never romance Mason and I always have a Male Detective romance Morgan. I just can’t get into Dom males)

I’m very sorry, Sera, for having such lewd thoughts about your cute vampires. I just cant help myself >.>


I really don’t know from where that myth of people that is dominant in real life wants to be sub in the bedroom came from. In my many years of experience in the BDSM world, a person that is dominant in their daily life wants to be dominant in the bedroom too. The only cases were this doesn’t apply is when a person that is naturally submissive is put in a position of power in their jobs and they feel really uncomfortable with it.

But, yeah, I don’t think I have ever met someone irl that is a “hidden” sub, only in fantasy, movies and cliches.

Also, about M, Sera has said plenty of times that they would be up to try things, but is not like they are really experienced on it, aaaaaaand, she always makes special emphasis on how M always wants to leave their sexual partner 200% satisfy, is their objective to be the best sexual experience the other part ever had and ever will have. So I really can’t see anything going out of control with any of them.


Can we not do the kink talk again? Or perhaps take that to discord? This thread is not in the adult area of the forum, and I think we need to be cognizant that there are minors here. I know we have all NSFW thoughts about our favorite vamps, but I don’t think this is the place for that.

@anon8836198 That’s really interesting stuff about the civilizations. You have me wondering just how their society functions compared to ours. I always assumed it functioned and was set up just like our modern day society except for the fact that supernaturals lived there. I hope we get to find out more about the Echo World and how it actually is in the next few books.


I kind of assumed their civilization was like ours until finding out that literacy was rare. A civilization tends to stagnate without the ability for the masses to learn from written knowledge. Now I picture it more of a Medieval or feudal type society with a (mostly) literate but relatively small noble class and a large and illiterate lower/working class. Perhaps only certain “regal” supernaturals like vampires and fae are taught to read while others such as werewolves and gargoyles are used for labor. I don’t see individual rights being there for the majority and most people stick with there lot in life. Its kind of a sad thought. Without meeting more Echo World creatures though, I can’t say for sure.

Edit: What if supernaturals that come over from the Echo World didn’t know certain supernaturals existed? Like vampires thought werewolves were a myth before coming over here? Without books talking about different supernaturals and different lands, people would think that wolf men or blood sucking beauties are mythology right? To give a real world example the average Russian peasant who never left his farm in the 1300’s might have heard of China, maybe, but to him they were little more than baseless stories. His small patch of land was his world. It could be the same way in the Echo World.


That is a really good point, something like in our planet, before all the world exploration, we didn’t even know America existed, so I can easily see something similar happening in their world.

So many hilarious situations coming out of that lmao.


What if the only reason they don’t think unicorns exist is just that nobody in the Echo World found them yet? We only know about the supernaturals the Echo Worldians (Echo Worldans? Worlders?) already know about. Its not like we can go and explore for ourselves. Maybe a unicorn will stumble through one of the portals and blow everyones mind. Then we adopt it and name it Sparkles or something despite the fact that it is sentient and hyper intelligent…

That spiraled out of control quickly. Sorry about that.