The War for the West [Releasing Nov 14]

Good afternoon friends, I would like to ask you the best way to increase your martial ability.Thank you

The best way is by investing 50 points into it when creating a character.
Other ways are hunting, sparring with troops and also some miscellaneous stuff.


I personally don’t believe the E.B.B. would overthrow one King to exchange with another. I believe the MC will meet that bastard, (who I believe has a Prophecy written about him), maybe he’ll seek his support, or maybe the bastard isn’t even aware of his Meinstrel origins, and would instead come to rally the rivermen with him against the MC?

Anyway, I believe that the MC will be able to persuade Lord Arlec to bend the knee, what with his liege dead and most his army probably dead. Anyways my MC will always pick House Dullac over House Drown, and both seem to be on each other’s throats, so my MC would kill Sessanah and her court, and put his own administrators in charge, whilst Nellasha is put there as a puppet ruler, not allowed to leave her room and with everyone despising her, she’ll have a hard time seducing anyone as Hereya did.


The MC is sarding 15/16 years old.


So is ride out attacking the enemy will always resulting dead? @MahatmaDagon

if ((summitClothes = 4) and (summitClothes = 5))
The Abyssal armor you were wearing not only didn’t seemed to weight, it also felt increasingly comfortable as you ascended the steps, as if the physical effort was actually relaxing your muscles.

It’s “or” not “and”.

if (combat >= 60) The heavy armor you were wearing could make it a tiresome incline, were not for the your own personal strength and stamina.

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I thought Kenrir was a male only RO, but I took a look at the code and it seems I was mistaken. Oops. I think I’ll do it now.

@AAO already answered, but yeah, there are about a few ways to end the game earlier by waking the FO. Consequences are heavy, but they are to be shown only in the sequel. Waking it later is a bit different than “waking it” earlier as well.

No way to kill her, she’ll always eventually escape once she gets what she needs from you. If the MC is female, then she just acts as a spy.

I think it’s better if I don’t spoil that. :smirk_cat:


Nope, I just tested it and managed to win by riding out. If you’re losing the battle I think it might be related to the lack of troops (before there was a bug which made people win it regardless of numbers sometimes, even without allies).

But keep in mind that I might need to balance those things, its still far from perfect.

@Harroc thanks for the reports. I fixed the typos.


Well, they are willing to create a new king in the West by heavily bankrolling him (even though he might be more of a puppet)
If they are so dead set against autocracy then why topple one King at the same time creating new one elsewhere?
The answer I think lies in opening another front against Mienstrels & weakening their power base. It’s also a way to hedge ones bets.

Similarly, they are facing the prospect of fight with King’s army in their own province.
They needed quick solution to deal with that fact.
And it worked like a charm, didn’t it? Jeohr went kaput & Lord Arlec returned home instead of keep fighting EBB

IIRC, they are against autocracy to a level where they’re willing to spread democratic notions to the MC’s province provided they have monopoly on trade there. And I believe they would’ve disposed of Noyedas as soon as they could get their hands on the Northern Highlands and King’s End, where they would begin searching for the Wyrm, I personally believed Noyedas was supposed to primarily give them that piece of land in exchange for money for his rebellion, rather than opening up a front, though that probably played a role. I still believe they could’ve easily overthrow Jeohr, the poor guy had no one he could trust and rely on, except Arlec who was on the other side of the country, this is why I’m so excited for whenever the MC can go and exchange words with him, maybe then we’ll achieve the Kingslayer achievement, which I believe isn’t what it says it is, like the Holy Ruler achievement where you’re “blessed” by the Genderless.

A good thing to add at the end of the game’s development would be to be able to wage war against any household you want to expand your wealth, territory, or just by vengeance at a point in the game. I know it takes a lot of work to implement mechanics like this, but it could really add depth to the game, as being a lord implies being able to just declare wars arbitrarily and withought real reasoning :slight_smile:

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Nope, if you fight without reasons just to kill, the others would create an alliance to stop you

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Strange, I remember seeing this comment somewhere else, a little while ago to be exact, But it really is a good idea, it reminds me of games like Mount & Blade, Age of Empires, CK2 and Europa Universalis IV.

Deja vu.


There seems to be a missing section if you are married to Hereya (and others I would assume) and you have Jenneth assassinate Lord Noyedas, and afterwards manage to end the war peacefully with Sir Brendell taking your spouse hostage in Sielca.
Because your spouse then magically comes back and you manage to have two heirs and she also comments on what happens in Farhall as if she was right by your side, when she should be still captive in Sielca?
Knowing Brendell he’ll likely end up putting a baby in your spouse.
But I was curious anyway if this was still in the works or if it was just looked over?

There’s a typo during character creation, after choosing the stats it says “Proceed witCh character creation”.

Also in the path where you marry and kill Noyedas when you choose the clothes for the Lords Summit the game crashes and it says “line 41: No selectable options” and it doesn’t let me select anything else, not even restart.
I started a new playthrough doing the exact same decisions, except declaring war to Noyedas and going with the path where you marry the mercenary captain, and there it worked no problem.

Brendell will charm Hereya for sure, what he says when Hereya is your spouse and taken captive is pretty revealing. Hopefully that part of the game will be revisited by the author once the Lord’s Summit is written.

what does he say to her.

@MahatmaDagon After going through the bastard/heir scene for both married and unmarried MCs, I’d really love to see how our lover(s) react to the MC making their (possible) child an heir. :smiley:


Something along the lines of "Perhaps she’ll have a chance to have a real man for herself, when the MC says to him “Good luck handling Hereya”.

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She might have stayed loyal though. Especially if you handled the incident with her last time right and she doesn’t cheat. Also I get two children with her all the time, even though I never give my spouse to Sir Brendell or even side with Noyedas.

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