The Unchosen (WIP)

But i don’t have magic! What i can do? :disappointed_relieved: Other skills are ok, but in every game magic is my favorite.

Oh! This is more fair for me! So i can kill more easy! :smile:

HAHA! I’ve finally found someone who thinks like me! Yes Abyss! Let’s go turn into serial killer necromancers while we prepare to transform into lichens and prepare our demon contracts while guiding an evil dark magic tower! MAGIC WHILE REIGN SUPREME THE WEAK SHALL FALL! :wink:

Can we get a chance to trick people into killing their friends and loved ones as we sow the seeds of chaos.
And after the chaos dies down can we take control and purge the world of these magic users as I usher in a regime of utter power and chaos.
And also a chance to kill traitorous people (including family) Oh!
And torture it definitely needs torture.
(+10 if you let us master the art of assassination)

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To put it bluntly, can we kill a mean dictator (edited).

Oh, sorry i didnt know, my humour is a bit too, umm, well offensive sometimes.

Cool. This looks awesome.

can I get a beta when it comes out?