Enjoy the game so far, but does the protagonist gain the other characters respect after awhile? It does get frustrating that they for some reason have such a low opinion on your competency even if you aren’t necessarily helpless. Lilke I could burn people alive with my hands, you’d think that would earn some respect.
Oh I see… You could email support to unlock the website version of the game. Just send them a screenshot of your receipt. Of course, there’s no cross saves so you can’t continue your current playthrough.
Yeah maybe I’ll do that! I sent them an email last night so let’s just hope that they fix it today!! Thanks for your suggestions though!!
Do your stats affect which soul stine you receive and its shape? Also what soul stones can you receive
The helpless child role becomes even more absurd after you are given the option to choose your height and age.
@ghost3337 Meaning that one can’t be in over their heads or overwhelmed if they’re tall or older? That’s a relatively strict view on things and the attitudes people can have, yes? And the MC will steadily grow in power throughout the series. It could even be argued that they will be the strongest one of the group now that they have their Soul Stone.
@snowgoose Yeah, I don’t really enjoy killing the bounty hunters either. They are jerks in the way they go about warning you, but in the end, they are trying to do you a favor. But God, the burn options I love them
@wolf666 Yes, the personality stats are what affect which Stone the MC will get! There are six of them: Pragmatism is Garnet, sarcastic is Agate, honest is Lapis Lazuli, deception is Bloodstone, intuition is Jade, and stoic is Obsidian. And then the skills dictate which shape the weapon will have. There are 2 different options per skill.
Lol burning the bounty hunters to crisp (lol makes me hungry every time) option is lovely
even though they come to warn the MC, they’re very rude…
I don’t know where to start but I have to say Manerkol just fuckin’ owns my ass at this point…Sorry Straasa and Morkai
hey author… If anything happens to our beautiful mule… I will cry and I will make sure I cry in your general direction. On your shoes maybe.
I have to add Ioved the option to mess with Morkai about our age and just watch him almost die, please let us mess with him more
Getting in over your head is understandable, but the protagonist isn’t nearly as helpless as the narrative suggests. Potentially from the start of the story even.
Sure if you go the initial route I went you are pretty helpless, but the route where you burn first bandits alive, haul ass to the port city and tire yourself out to the point where you are nearly passed out when thieves try to take advantage and are saved by first two companions. Wake up in the middle of the night and return the favor while being half conscious. Able to help kill sirens in the boat as well as kobolds while in the caves. Why does the narrative treat you as useless when the character clearly isn’t?
I’m having similar issue and restart didn’t help. Nor reinstalling the apps. So I’m stuck
Yes I have press the restart button and also uninstalled the app and still does not work
Hey, out of curiosity. I just had to go through walls of massive texts (9 pages to be exact) before arriving at one simple choice in chapter 2. My question before buying this is if it’s like that throughout all of the game, or does it ease up a bit later?
You do get plenty of choices. The prologue and chapter one are introductions, with some of them being from other characters POV
Ah alright thank you what about the abilities of each stone e.g the onyx gave out premonitions
@nulCat LMAO, another one joins the secret RO squad And don’t worry, I know what would happen to me if I dare touch the mule
She has plot armor for my own safety
And maayyybeee you’ll get the chance to mess with Morkai some more
@ghost3337 Oh, I agree completely, the MC can be pretty badass in some routes! But this story is told from the MC’s point of view, and they are not exactly a reliable narrator. They have no experience, they are on the run and freaking out, so they have the tendecy to underestimate themselves. And that leeches out in their behavior, so the others react accordingly. This MC has preset characteristics, but they are slowly coming to realize they are not as helpless as they think. That’s just how this MC works, and if that’s not your cup of tea, it’s understandable. Not everything is for everyone.
@wolf666 The abilities of each Stone are not known yet, this part will be explored more in the next game!
We’re looking at the issue. I myself initially received this error, but it cleared after I (on an iPhone):
- Closed the HG app in the background of my phone.
- Did a soft cache clear/reset by holding down the power button and volume up button until the screen presents an option to turn the phone off. Instead of turning the phone off, hit cancel.
Okay thank you… tried what you said but still no go!
@moderators @Mary_Duffy So… I noticed on google play store that I could play past the first three chapters for both this game and Ironheart for free. I was playing the demo and it just… kept going. I could play the whole game. Seeing how both these games say that the first three chapters are free this seemed a little alarming.
Edit: has this happened to anyone else?
Both games have 4 chapters for free even if the description says there are only 3 chapters. Did you go beyond the fourth chapter or did the demo ended there? (Sorry if its confusing, my english can be bad sometimes)