The Rise of the Ochita [WIP] CHAPTER 6 NOW OUT (60K WORDS) 30-12-2023

I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas!!! Wishing you all health, happiness, joy and a great time with loved ones! I’m currently finishing the last scene of the chapter and planning to fix some coding issues for a release before the New Year.

Spoilers ahead :

It’s not the biggest Chapter I have written, but it takes you back to your village. Chance to find out Sagoyewatha’s sinister plans and face your Nemesis. Or perhaps visit the Shaman for some advice on your visions. Visit your father’s burial site and greet him farewell and find the chance to come even closer to the people you love most. All in the latest update, Chapter 6 : “Return of the Prodigal Son”

Καλά Χριστούγεννα!