not the final name.]
Here’s an extra quick summary for those who don’t wish to wade through the inevitable wall of text:
It’s set in a fantasy RPG inspired world. It’s really short so far - stupidly short, barely out of character creation. Here’s the link. All hope abandon and so on:
For those brave souls still in the audience, this is where I explain some stuff:
Couple years back, I was playing some RPG and got annoyed because RPG tropes - the MacGuffin Chain of Chasing nonsense or whatever is but one example. I asked myself some questions, and I found myself answering said questions in the forms of a super bareboned story idea and a vague blob of a world concept. I never did anything with 'em because, let’s face it, I’m a creative coward… but it sort of sat in my brain, just out the corner of my mind’s eye. Taunting me.
…until now-ish.
This is not that game. It is that world, though I’m hesitant to call it that because it’s so… basic and unformed. You don’t call raw clay a pot, right? Anyway, this is a prologue/prequel chapter to the ‘game’ mentioned in the previous actual paragraph, something I was kicking around to explain why the MC was where they were and so on. Basically, you’re gonna be hired to off some rats. Other stuff happens, too. I know some of it - most of it, I guess- but crap can pop up in the writing, yeah?
I still have half a mind to… not share this. Force of habit, you know how it is. Also, I’ve so far proven largely incapable of first drafting - my writing process, thanks to ADD and last minute college assignment habits, can be described as ‘perfect one (or none) and done,’ which translates to constant second guessing and mental editing before I even start typing…and then giving up.
Thing is, I actually like the idea and want to do something with it. However, the way I’ve been going at it hasn’t been working all too well - friggin’ worldbuilding, how does it work?- and I’ve decided to reach out, use the wonderful resources that you folks are.
SO… I don’t really consider this a game as such. I’ve no intention of publishing this thing. It’s an exercise of sorts… I like to think that it’s my child- I have kept it in a tower for the past whatever years, but I’ve recently noticed that it’s in a state of arrested development or something. So I’m bringing it to the park - the outside world- so it can interact with other children… and to also let the other parents (y’all, in case y’all were wondering) criticize the everliving crap out of my parenting techniques. Get me back into the swing of writing things. So on.
Poke relentlessly at all the things, obviously, but there’re a few things I’d like y’all to pay special attention to/be aware of:
watch out for an absurd amount of alliteration. I don’t mean to do it, but it happens. also, flow of sentences and whatnot. just… the prose-y bits in general, though I’m not too worried about typos right now.
there really aren’t many characters right now - one, really, outside the MC so far. but I’m scared of everyone eventually sounding… samey. and too much like me.
I don’t have stats, and I don’t plan on having them in numeric form as such. I do want to implement some kind of trait system, give more of a difference to the classes (add more classes, too) than cosmetic/backstory stuff. I’m just a bit… stuck on where to begin with it.
I’m extremely worried about accidental plagiarism (in general, of late)/characters I’d half pictured years ago turning out to be a bit more like X character from Y wip than I’d like. (were they always like that? or have i been pushing them to be like that since meeting X?)
Not in the game, but if you catch me in the act of self-deprecation, smack me in the face with a fish. It’s another habit - don’t mean to do it- and I hate it but I can’t STOP. Also, please don’t let this relic of my past self-esteem issues temper your criticism, if that might be an issue.
…I’ve more, if you can believe it, but this wall’s a bit too tall and it’s only the opening post. So… please, have at it. What’s there to be had at, I mean.