Okay I’m putting on my big girl pants to write this, I’ve been dodging the reality of this for too long quite honestly.
Long story short I am putting this on an indefinite hiatus as many of you have probably guessed. I have a lot going on in my life atm and writing a story that will branch the way I want it to and be of a good quality with no team, no editor, no assistance and 2 jobs and other responsibilities is not realistic for me, but I am still writing, just in other formats. I should have said something sooner though and for not doing so, I’m sorry.
Long story long; This was a wayyy bigger project than I expected and as my life is right now, I simply cannot manage it. My goal has always been to create with a focus on art and writing and I love writing, but I don’t think this is the format that is best suited for my writing style as a solo writer at the moment. This is a project that has been weighing on me for awhile even as I try and move forward, I feel like I’m letting people down, but when I sit down to work on this? It’s just not working, it hangs over me as I work on new things and while I have been writing other things, I just haven’t been posting because quite honestly I’ve been running from the reality that I can’t handle working on this right now and typing this feels like admitting defeat. I haven’t mentioned anything about it because that felt too final and so I ghosted you all for a hot minute there and that’s no good either and I do apologize for that. Acknowledging this has to be done or I feel like I’ll just continue be standing still and trying to get back to something that I simply cannot manage. I am truly sorry for anyone who was invested in this and understand if people are upset.
As of right now, I am working on a book. I have been working in it for a little while, but I’ve realized that releasing my writing as I work is not too good for me, it gets me too in my own head and makes me nitpick which leads to me finishing -you guessed it - nothing! And getting overwhelmed.
So yes I am still writing, what I am working on now is something that I plan to submit to a publisher because I don’t know myself without writing and I think I want to be serious about it at this point in my life. I will start posting again on other forms of media for those who have liked my writing style. I just have to accept where I am in my life right now and what I can manage and what sharing my work and my life with others looks like for me right now. Again I’m so sorry for those who were invested in this story, but I am one person with a lot on my plate and I hope that even if you are as disappointed in this reality as I am that you can find it in you to be understanding and if you want to stick around to see what I do next I do truly appreciate you. Thank you all so very much, because at the end of the day, seeing how invested people were to this silly little thing I wrote really made me feel like maybe I am maybe actually a decent writer, it gave me a boost of confidence that I needed and even if this is not how I’m sure any of us would like this story to go right now, I just didn’t want to leave you all hanging because that’s not right. Thanks again for reading and all of your support and I do hope that all of you are well and thriving~