The Myrmidon (WIP) (Minor update 03/10/2017)

Sounds ambitious.

By which I mean, it sounds like a lot to code for.

If you can do it without giving up in the end, then with this nifty little feature you shall have our eternal respect.

Right now, you only have our admiration. :grin:

Anyway, it sound like this could come in handy if you play the game, life gets busy, and then you resume but forget what you did entirely.

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Why do I do this to myself? Well it could be because my Father never hugged me…

That will have to sustain me for now…

Sure, that too. Plus I can encourage a 'gotta catch ‘em all’ mentality that will subtly encourage you to play again…

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If only Battlestar Galactica had consistently lived by that maxim and not, “It’s all about the mystery (Plan/ Final Five/ what have you).” The characters were some of the best ever in sci fi TV – the mysteries were shockingly poor…


It was less and less space opera and more and more soap opera as time went on, and the holes in the final season plot were large enough to float American Aircraft Carriers through them. For a show with such a brilliant start to end so poorly was a travesty.

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I feel like there should be a codex of the number of references that this forum has…


I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I always die, at least once, every game, usually further in and when I have to go back to the beginning it creates an empty void of defeat. Thank you @Moreau for being merciful to poor players like me who make horrible decisions every single play through.

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Which Battlstar series are you talking about?

I actually found the second series characters (the female Starbuck) to be better than the first with a few exceptions. The Loren Greene character in the first one was very deep (or maybe that is cuz I always liked him as an actor)

Edit - sorry. So far I’ve found the characters here in this WiP to be well developed from the beginning. The exception to this was already fixed so now I am just lurking.

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The second one – the one written/masterminded by the fellow Moreau referred to.


[quote=“Zolataya, post:809, topic:15992, full:true”]

Which Battlstar series are you talking about? [/quote]

@Havenstone already answered this one. And yep, we were talking about the second.

Edward James Olmos is a good actor with significant gravitas, but Lorne Greene had great screen presence along with a similar level of gravitas, which made him the superior Admiral. When he spoke, his voice just effortlessly reached out and grabbed your attention. I totally agree with you there. As for the Starbucks, I didn’t like either. They both seemed a bit over the top to me, but I’m very picky. I do think the second series had much better dialogue, much better cinematics and special effects, and better storytelling overall. Like the original series, the second series kind of started to fall apart at the end however. The hidden cylon plot that culminated in the final episode of the second series didn’t make much sense to many of us. I wouldn’t have cared so much if the first few seasons hadn’t been so amazingly good.


*set many_of_us "anybody"

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The power of a single throwaway comment… Awesome to behold…

Now I’m curious as all get-out. Which character did you not like? And how did they get fixed?

The captive, in the very beginning. Your first edits made it clearer that the MC was not the captive.

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Yeah, for a character who was originally a couple of throwaway lines and some literal wheelchair exposition, people have really taken a liking to poor minced Flash now…

I’m bracing for future fan-fics and retcons as we speak.


I am actually content in trusting your direction and your arcs so far. No retcons needed so far that I see… Blizzard you are not. lol.

back to lurking

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Until you are needed once again…


Just let me know but this month is impacted - especially if I am ever to get my update out too. lol

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Greetings. I would just like to say that you are a monster for causing me to gather my feelings like so many shiny stones in a felt bag and casting them through every one of your stained glass windows. That opening, that hopeful moment dashed, that neglected teardrop…in short, please never stop writing.

P.S. I suggest we all concentrate on creating our very own tulpa de Radjack. What could possibly go wrong?


I love meeting new people.

My windows!


HBO’s latest and most engaging sitcom yet? Tentatively titled Ghost Boyfriend?

Ghost Radventures
And our very first date shall be at Notre Dame Cathedral…


Ha! Now I’m actually picturing him wandering round the Cathedral, eating chips and being politely shushed for chewing too loudly.

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Okay, so I’m going to start this post as I start every conversation: with an apology.

The apology is for not making any changes to this game for damn near two weeks, and that’s just plum unacceptable. I could try and court your pity with stories of work deadlines, personal crises and crippling four-day migraines, but that wouldn’t undo the damage, now would it?

No, the simple fact is that whatever happened, you didn’t get your promised chapter end.

…And you’re not getting it today either.

Okay so maybe my apologies need a little work, but my point is that I’ve been drawn away from this work and I can’t guarantee any kind of consistent schedule, but I do have another question about tone, characterization and gender identity all rolled into one piece.

It concerns this guy:

Oh no, wait… That’s David Bowie.

Who serves as the physical inspiration for an as-yet un-introduced character by the name of Engel Constan, a member of the Yeomen and great personal friend of Radjack et al.

See how flawless that segue was?

Anyway, young Engel didn’t have too much of a backstory in my original notes, I didn’t know where his heart was in the story, so his character has undergone a number of revisions over time.

In his current iteration, he is also the first in-depth supporting character to be an Androgyne. Due to a variety of lore-science factors, this society essentially has a third gender that occupies a broad line between male and female. These androgynes have all the sexual equipment necessary to either impregnate or be impregnated, and can vary wildly in appearance and gender signifiers. This obviously gives them a fairly complex and nuanced grasp of gender and sexual identity, something that Engel will embody but not necessarily explore in great depth. The qualities and flaws of sexual dimorphism are not the key themes of this game, so the tone will simply be that Engel exists, and nobody has any strong opinions about the contents of his underpants.

His current occupation is as a chef and brewmaster at the Stone and Hewer, Momo’s pub and Yeomen HQ, but his passion is for art, specifically sculpture. He is an artist who works with marble and brass to unwittingly evoke the works of Donatello and Michelangelo. He mostly does this an abandoned warehouse two doors down from the Stone and Hewer that his statues are ‘squatting’ in.

My question is irritatingly simple in theory yet needlessly complex in practice:

What do you think of Engel? Is he a character you want to get to know? Does his sexual identity detract from his narrative identity? Do you think he will be a sensitively depicted character or a focus-grouped Frankenstein seemingly designed to appeal to marginalized groups?

Oh, and once I select the correct set of pronouns, ‘he’ will be retired. It doesn’t quite do the job.